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ANSWERED: How to fix the Xfinity voicemail messages indicator always on
Question Our voicemail indicator on our home phone is perpetually on even with no messages. Needs to be reset or resolved please Answer ***Created by our Community*** 1. Go Here:
ANSWERED: How to Download Your Xfinity Home National Alarm Certificate?
The Xfinity Home Certificate of Alarm System is proof of home security ownership and activation that you can provide to your insurance company. We provide the certificate when your Xfinity Home system is installed, but you can download or print a copy anytime. What You'll Need Xfinity Home Access
Home Security & Control
ANSWERED: Can I buy my own DVR or cable box?
Question Can I buy my own DVR or cable box? Answer Off-Market TV Boxes Cable operators purchase TV Boxes from TV Box manufacturers that they then rent to their customers. While these boxes are generally not intended for retail sale to consum
ANSWERED: Xfinity On Demand Error Codes and Troubleshooting Steps
When there's a problem while you're watching Xfinity On Demand, you may get an error code and a brief message describing the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please see the list below for the most common On Demand error codes and possible troubleshooting steps you can take for resolving t
ANSWERED: Amazon Prime Video on Xfinity X1
Watch your favorite Amazon original content, includingThe Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,The Man in the High CastleandThe Grand Tour, along with the full Prime Video library — directly on your X1 or Flex streaming TV Box with Amazon Prime Video. To access the Prime Video app on these devices, you&rsqu
ANSWERED: Got an Xfinity orange cable in your yard?
***Created by our Community Experts*** Don't panic! A crazed Comcast technician hasn't lost his/her marbles. The line is known as a drop. Temporary drops are typically orange. Techs will sometime run temporary drops so c
My Account
ANSWERED: How to pair an Xfinity Camera from the Touchscreen
What you'll need Xfinity Home The complete kit for the camera you want to install Access to your security router or gateway device Access to your touchscreen Your Master Keypad Code DifficultyMedium Pair a camera The Xfinity Home touchscreen provides guided steps to help you pair and install a
Home Security & Control
ANSWERED: What is the Xfinity Regional Sports Fee?
Regional Sports Network Fee The Regional Sports Network Fee is an itemized charge that you'll see on your bill. This charge is not a government-mandated fee and will increase from time to time. It's based on our costs of providing the regional sports networks that we carry on our cable systems in e
My Account
ANSWERED: How to Program Your Xfinity X1 Remote for TV and Audio Control
How To Pair and Program Your Xfinity Voice Remote You can program your Xfinity Voice Remote to work with your TV and audio/video (AV) receiver, like a sound bar and other pieces of audio equipment. If you have Xfinity X1, Xumo Stream Box from Xfinity, or Xfinity Flex, follow these steps t
ANSWERED: How to view and change your Xfinity Wifi network name and password?
Sometimes it can be hard to remember your WiFi network name (aka SSID) and password, so we made it easy to see and change them from a few places. Before you begin, remember that: These instructions are specifically for rented Xfinity Gateways only. Xfinity Gateways broadcast two or three wireless s
ANSWERED: How to manage users and permissions on Xfinity accounts?
As an Xfinity customer, you can give others the ability to access your account and take certain actions. Account owners or primary users can decide who has access to an account and what they can do, including things like paying your bill, adding or canceling Xfinity services and accessing Xfinity ap
ANSWERED: Port Forwarding Primer
***Created by our Community Users*** We see many questions in the forums regarding port forwarding, so I have put together a primer to try to help those who are new to the concept. WARNING: Port Forwarding exposes devices on your LAN to the Internet. If you DO NOT N
ANSWERED: What is Xfinity Home?
Xfinity Home is a total home security solution that includes professional monitoring and advanced technology, all installed by experts and powered by WiFi from Xfinity. Named the Best Professionally Installed Pro Protection System by CNET. "A robust, well-thought-out system that plays nicely
Home Security & Control
ANSWERED: What is the Xfinity Accessibility Assistance Large Button Remote?
The XRA Large Button Voice Remote is the next generation, voice-controlled Xfinity accessibility remote that features a flat, stable back with descriptive button labels, vibration feedback and backlit buttons. It’s easy to grip and has premium metal directional keys. For customers who have di
ANSWERED: How to use Xfinity X1
X1 Overview and User Guide Xfinity X1 is simply extraordinary! What is X1? X1 delivers the simplest, fastest, and most complete way to access all your entertainment on all your screens.Not a customer yet? Order Xfinity X1 and watch more of what you love in one place! With X1, you experie
ANSWERED: Comcast's Terabyte Internet Data Usage Plan
Question How does the Xfinity Internet Data Usage Plan work? Answer Plan overview Xfinity Internet comes with 1.2 TB of internet data per month. If you use more than 1.2 TB in a month, your account may become subject to overage charges. To learn more, see what happens if
ANSWERED: What to Do If You Can't Make Calls with Your Xfinity Voice Service
What to do if you can't receive calls with your Xfinity Voice service Here are a few solutions to try when it appears your phone service isn’t working. Troubleshooting tips If you're having trouble receiving phone calls with your Xfinity Voice service, try whichever of the following st
ANSWERED: What is Xfinity Mobile?
Xfinity Mobile offers the most affordable 5G unlimited data plan with unlimited pricing. Customers only pay for the cellular data they need – By the Gig or unlimited and they can mix and match data options and switch them anytime. No line access fees, nationwide unlimited talk and text inclu
ANSWERED: Xfinity Blocked Internet Ports List and How to Block Ports
Find out which ports are blocked by Xfinity and Comcast services, and why. Ports on the internet are like virtual passageways where data can travel. All information on the internet passes through ports to get to and from computers and servers. When a certain port is known to cause vulnerability to
ANSWERED: Troubleshooting Gigabit Internet Speeds
***Created by our Community Experts*** 1) Directly connect to your modem via ethernet. Restart your modem everytime you plug in a new device. It's a good time to replace your Ethernet cables; Cat6 preferred. If your speeds are good, concentrate on router/networ