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Thursday, May 16th, 2019 3:00 PM


ANSWERED: How to change your Comcast billing date



How do I change my Comcast billing date?






How to move your bill's monthly due date

Are you an Xfinity Home, Xfinity Internet, Xfinity TV, and/or Xfinity Voice customer and need to change the monthly due date for your bill? You can do so online from your account. Read below to get started.

At this time, Xfinity Mobile customers are unable to change their monthly due date.

Note: To be eligible for moving your bill’s due date, you must have completed at least one billing cycle, and your bill must not be currently past due. Once you change your bill’s due date, you will need to stay in that cycle for at least six months.

Before you get started changing your due date, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • You can choose a new bill due date online on
    • You may be asked to sign in using your Xfinity ID and password.
  • Your account must be up to date, with no overdue balances.
  • Changing your due date won't cause late fees.
  • After you make the request to change your due date, you can check its progress on
  • Your next bill may come sooner or later than normal.
    • This is a "transition" bill and may be higher or lower than a normal bill.
  • Your new due date takes effect on the second bill after your request is completed.
  • If you have automatic payments set up, they'll automatically update to match your new due date.
  • The change needs to be made by the person in the home with the "primary" username Xfinity ID (usually who your account is under).
  • If you are an existing customer who recently moved, you will get a new account and will need to go through at least one billing cycle before changing your bill’s due date.

If you don’t need instructions, go right to choosing a new due date for your bill on

Change your monthly bill due date online

  1. Sign in to
    Screenshot of the homepage.

  2. Click the Account icon Account icon and then click Billing.
    Screenshot. The Account icon opens a menu of several options, with Billing at the top.

  3. On the Billing page, scroll down to Bill Settings. Then, click Bill Due Date.
    Screenshot with Bill Due Date as the last option in a list when you open Bill Settings.

  4. Choose the new date by clicking the drop-down menu next to New bill due date. Then, click Continue.
    Screenshot of the Choose a New Bill Date screen including drop down menu to select a new date and with buttons to Cancel or Continue.

    • Note: If you use automatic payments, the 29th, 30th, and 31st will not be selectable in the menu (some months don't have these dates).
  5. On the next page, you'll see your current bill due date and the new date you’ve chosen. Click the Submit button to make the change.
    Screenshot of the Review and Submit Changes screen with Current bill due date, New bill due date, and Changes to expect section including Current bill, One-time transitional bill, and First bill with new due date and with buttons to go Back or Submit changes.

    • You’ll also see a breakdown of the amounts of your bill until the change is officially made.
      • This is because it takes two billing cycles for the new date to take effect.
  6. The next page will confirm your due date has been changed. Click Thanks, I’m Done to finish.
  7. You'll receive a confirmation email with your new due date.
    Xfinity screen showing that the monthly bill due date has been updated

    Monthly bill due date update screen with an option to enroll in automatic payments along the bottom.

    • Notes:
      • If you’re enrolled in automatic payments, the email will tell you when the automatic payments will be deducted from your account.
      • If you’re not signed up for automatic payments, you’ll get an email listing your new bill due date along with other billing details.

Change your monthly bill due date in the Xfinity My Account app for mobile devices

Note: The Xfinity My Account app is going away soon.

  1. Sign in to the Xfinity My Account app for mobile.
  2. Tap Manage billing preferences on the Overview page.
    Image of the Overview page including Account Information and Auto Pay Schedule.

  3. TapAutomatic payments.
    A list of billing preferences including automatic payments, saved payment methods and scheduled payments.

  4. You’ll see a banner: Want to change when your bill is due each month?
  5. Tap Get Started.
    A banner will help you get started changing your bill due date.

  6. Select your new bill due date and tap Continue.
    The Choose a New Bill Due Date screen is displayed.

  7. Review and confirm the changes, then tap Submit to accept them.
    The Review and Submit Changes screen is displayed.

  8. If you’re all set with your changes, tap Thanks I’m Done.
    The confirmation screen with new due date and with Thanks, I'm Done button is displayed.

Change or cancel your request

Once you've requested the change, will display a banner notification that lets you know the request is pending. While the request is pending, you can change or cancel this request by the date specified in the banner.

  1. Click the Account icon Account icon and then click Billing.
  2. ClickBill details.
  3. Scroll down to Bill Settings and then click Autopay.
  4. Click View Status in the banner at the top of the page.
    Screenshot of the banner to view the status of your request.

  5. The next page will show the details of your request.
    Details of your request will be displayed.

    • To cancel the request entirely, click Cancel Request next to Change Status.
    • You'll be asked to confirm the cancellation and notified that you will keep your current due date.
      Confirm Cancellation button is blue and on the right.

    • To change the due date, click Edit next to Current bill due date and start the process over for choosing a new date.
      Screenshot with field to edit your desired date.

Note: Once the status changes from Request pending to Request in progress, you'll need to wait six months to make further changes to your due date.


Can I change my due date if I'm a new customer? What if I'm on a Seasonal Convenience Plan?
As long as you've already received your first full bill cycle statement, yes, you can change your bill due date. If your first bill was a partial bill cycle statement, you are not eligible to change your due date at this time.

How do I change my due date with the My Account app?
From the Overview page, tap Manage billing preferences, then Automatic payments. You’ll see a banner that asks if you Want to change when your bill is due each month? Tap Get Started.

How do I find out what my due date is now?

Go to your account and you'll see it on the Overview tab.

How will I know if my "transition" bill will be more or less than my regular bill?
You'll see an estimate of your next bill while making your changes.

What if I sign out of my account before I'm done making the change?
No worries! Your due date won't change. Sign back in to make the change.

Will changing my bill due date affect my future scheduled payments?
No, it won't affect any previously scheduled payments.

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