37 Messages
X1 dvr recording limit changes/problems?
I’m so confused about what is going on with my x1 this morning. I have 2 x1 dvr boxes, percentage full has consistently stayed around 22-25% full the last several months with around 130 recordings give or take. All of a sudden this morning, my system says 91% full. There is a new notice in my menu saying you are limited to 150 hours of recordings and do I want to upgrade for another $10 a month?
What is going on? Did this pop up out of nowhere for anyone? I don’t recall seeing any notices of major changes or anything. I already have 2 x1 dvrs, the official Comcast site says I should then already have the “300 hour limit” due to that. I’m so confused what is happening, why my system changed so drastically overnight, and why it is trying to get me to “upgrade” to something I should already be getting. Does anyone have any advice what I should do? Just thought I’d try posting here first as I am dreading having to call in for this if it’s a new issue that isn’t even known much yet or not.
What is going on? Did this pop up out of nowhere for anyone? I don’t recall seeing any notices of major changes or anything. I already have 2 x1 dvrs, the official Comcast site says I should then already have the “300 hour limit” due to that. I’m so confused what is happening, why my system changed so drastically overnight, and why it is trying to get me to “upgrade” to something I should already be getting. Does anyone have any advice what I should do? Just thought I’d try posting here first as I am dreading having to call in for this if it’s a new issue that isn’t even known much yet or not.
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Retired Employee
5.9K Messages
4 years ago
Thank you to the Community members who jumped in to help each other on this thread – we appreciate your collaboration and technical savvy. Let us provide an explanation of what some of you are experiencing:
We recently updated the way we calculate DVR storage for some of our X1 DVR customers – but rest assured that none of your existing DVR recordings were deleted and no DVR storage limits were changed. For impacted customers, the DVR storage meter reading was previously based on physical storage on your DVR device (in which case resolution matters). With the recent update, your DVR storage meter reading is now based on your allotted hours of cloud storage. Depending on the resolution of what you record, you may have more storage available on your DVR device than your storage meter reading indicates.
We apologize for any confusion.
As a reminder, you can always use our save For 1 Year option to protect your recordings. For details on how to do this, please reference the Keep Your Recordings section of this X1 DVR Overview.
@binaural2000 , @Brocktoon @andyross @mao82 @coopdewluc @Tek @BikemanI7 @ryanshmyan @Jct777 @kjakubowsk @amybth @photo_girl3 @char2014 @toddkay @Shirli11 @filip620 @Rustyben @aefiorito @THTH @Cauthement1 @SadieTN @dcfox @Madame509 @BelleLJ1 @ethor @Franqr @tjhnson @jblues @CCAndrew
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
4 years ago
I have an XG1v4 also. It replaced an old DCX3400 last year. I already pay a $10 DVR fee. I don't see anything different on my box today.
Official Employee
923 Messages
4 years ago
Hi, @Brocktoon! We'd be happy to take a look into this for you. I know we did make some recent updates if our customers were looking to get additional DVR storage. I can definitely look into your account though. Can you please send us a private message with your name and address? Go ahead and click on my name "ComcastStarr" then click on send a message and we can continue there.
16 Messages
4 years ago
I just got the upgrade dvr plan messeage and was wondering how much it cost to upgrade.
Problem Solver
1.4K Messages
4 years ago
@binaural2000 Thank you for reaching out with your concerns! You would have 150 hours of available space on your X1 DVR. You can get more information here:
That being said, I know we recently made changes to our storage options in some areas, and I can check to see if your area recently made a change.
Please send me a private message and include your first and last so I can assist you. To send me a Private Message, please click my name “ComcastAbbie” and click “Send a message”
142 Messages
4 years ago
Same thing happened to me overnight and I've heard from a few others this morning who have seen the the same (overnight as well). I have an XG1V4 with a physical hard drive and I have not changed any services on account.
This morning I have the 'upgrade DVR service' option with 150 hours listed under 'delete recordings' and noticed my % space used jumped up a bit. My current recordings are still on my DVR (not cloud based), but I set a few test recordings today to see if they record on my DVR or get pushed to the cloud.
I know of a few people who have already seen this overnight, so there will probably be more posts about this. I don't think it's a specific account issue but something new Comcast is pushing out ... it may be a glitch, but we'll probably have to wait for Comcast to chime in on what's going on
Official Employee
7K Messages
4 years ago
Hi coopdewluc. Thank you for exploring our Forums and for creating a post. We can assist with reviewing your account and the DVR hours available. So that I can assist you, please send me a private message and include your full name and service address. Send me a private message by clicking my profile name (ComcastJoeTru), then click "Send a message".
Regular Visitor
4 Messages
4 years ago
Yes - I had the same issue this morning. Last night it was around 40 % full and this morning with nothing else recorded overnight, it is now 74 % full. And an option to upgrade from 150 hours to 300 hours. I already had 300 hours, so I don't know what happened overnight. I don't see anything on any bills stating any changes were happening to the DVR storage or when I searched the internet, no results came up. It doesn't even say how much it is for the upgrade. I tried to chat all morning keep getting disconnected twice after finally getting a live agent twice.
Problem Solver
1.3K Messages
4 years ago
@mao82 Hey there! We can look into the account and see what kind upgrades are available for the DVR service. Please select my profile name and then click on the "send us a message" button. We'll be here to help.
Official Employee
3.1K Messages
4 years ago
@binaural2000 Each physical X1 box does have the capacity for 150 hours of storage. We do have the option to upgrade and increase the Cloud storage for DVR recordings in the Cloud. I can also understand wanting the new boxes! I've upgraded and love the freedom of wireless boxes in my home. I can absolutely help you with getting new equipment if you can send me a private message by clicking on my handle "ComcastBillie" and send us a private message with your full name and address to get started.
37 Messages
4 years ago
I have XG1v3 boxes, I’ve tried to get XG1v4 boxes for a long time as a loyal customer, with no success. I know of friends nearby that were given v4 boxes as new customers and canceled after 2 years, makes no sense to me as a 15 year subscriber why they wouldn’t give to me, but that’s a whole different issue for another time I guess.
My confusion on the current issue is stemming from this line on the official xfinity cloud dvr faq page:
“You have 150 hours of X1 Cloud DVR storage for each X1 DVR TV Box on your account”.
I have 2 full dvr boxes on my account. I pay extra for this already, in part because I want extra storage capacity. I’ve always had extra capacity because of this, and according to that line on the official site, I take that as I should still have 150 hours EACH, for a total of 300 hours if there is some new process where they’re trying to get everyone to pay to “upgrade” storage. Am I understanding this correctly, or missing something?
37 Messages
4 years ago
Why do both of my boxes say 91% full this morning, when they were at 24% full 10 hours ago? And telling me I’m on a “150 hour limit” and asking me to pay more to upgrade to 300?
Thanks for replying, I’d like to get this issue all straightened out first before deciding whether to change boxes now/lose tons of recordings by doing that etc, or wait awhile.
37 Messages
4 years ago
350 Messages
4 years ago
Hi there! I'd be glad to ensure that this gets looked into further. Please click on my handle (ComcastRob) and send a private message with your name, the complete service address (including city, state, ZIP, suite number, etc), and the phone or account number, and any pertinent details-- like the ticket number(s)-- so we can help.
48 Messages
4 years ago
No Changes noticed here yet with DVR Menu or Recordings, But Will this eventually affect Southeast Michigan Customers that have a XG1V4 4K DVR and Xi5 wireless tv box? I don't necessairly mind changes, just hope no future billing changes for DVR usage or over say a Cloud DVR storage limit if that were to happen