1 Message
Very slow X1 box response
Since installation, using Xfinity via the X1 box is excruciatingly slow. Loading Disney+, Netflix, or Paramount+ takes 60+ seconds just to get to the "home" screen. Then, trying to select anything forces you to wait a few seconds for a button click on the remote before it actually happens on the screen. Even just pulling up the Guide and browsing through it is slow. Button response during live or recorded shows is also very slow. (2) wireless boxes and (1) other hard wired box work acceptably well... just the main X1 box has this problem. It has been replaced twice with no change. (2) techs have come out and both said that my signal is "tanked" (to use their language). They say that the recently installed cable running down our road should have had "boosters", or "amplifiers" installed, but that they do not. They said that the cable installation is under review for re-engineering, and they have no time frame for when this will happen.
Has anyone else experienced this type of problem?
In addition, 1200 Gbps speed is actually consistently 300 to 340 Mbps. This in itself is acceptable to me since I was getting 10 Mbps from my previous wifi supplier. But this, too, may be a result of data "garbage" in the main cable line.
Official Employee
2.9K Messages
3 years ago
Hey there, @FastEddy1793, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums! I am so sorry to hear you are having issues with your X1 box! We definitely want to get this resolved for you so you can enjoy all of your favorite programs! I would love to take a look at any work orders or jobs in your area.
Please send us a private message with your name and service address to "Xfinity Support" by clicking on the chat icon at the top right of the page.
Problem Solver
694 Messages
3 years ago
This happened to me the other day. Never had issues like this before and have been using Xfinity for years. I did a System Refresh and the problem was solved. You could give it a try.
2 Messages
3 years ago
Having the exact same symptoms. Trying a system refresh to see if it helps, like another user suggested.
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
3 years ago
You shouldn't need a full refresh. Try using Restart instead. You can also just pull the power plug for a few seconds.
I have had signal issues due to Comcast updating some of the ancient wiring here. A few times after service came back, my XG1v4 was very slow. A Restart fixed it.
3 Messages
3 years ago
Same issue: Periodic long delay between clicking a selection and the response. I have completed a disconnect overnight fix and a within system restart fix. Both helped, however the problem recurred. I, and a Comcast real person assistant agreed I should swap out the box. Then another tv in my home acted similarly. I pay too much to have poor service. Old wiring in the street makes sense. I am located in West Seattle - (edited personal information). Does Comcast reveal where updating is happening?
1 Message
3 years ago
I have had this same issue for months. All of my boxes are extremely laggy. I have tried system refreshes, restarting the boxes, everything. Nothing will fix it. Its extremely frustrating given how much I pay for cable. I called in awhile back because our internet would sporadically go out several times per day. They resent a signal and that fixed the internet. They said it would fix the cable box and it did for about 12 hours. Now back to waiting 30 seconds for shows to pause after i press the button.
1 Message
3 years ago
Same issue, not sure if old wiring is the problem or what. Seems to come and go, some days worse than others. Sometimes the remote is borderline unusable.
1 Message
3 years ago
I have the same issue. When my old box died after 4 years, the new style box I received was laggy right out of the box. The guide is slow and I have to press the voice control button 4-5 times before it stops making the error sound and starts to listen. If the box has been on for a while and I press any button on the remote, even the volume buttons, the screen goes blank for a couple seconds before it comes back (almost like the box was just turned on). The thing is, I have a second box that I received with the original one 4+ years ago and it works perfectly. I feel like that rules out a wiring issue and points to a hardware issue. After a few months of the new box, I reached out to customer service and got a replacement box but it has been just as bad. It's frustrating, seeing how much service costs.
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
3 years ago
What model boxes do you have? You can find it on the bottom. Which one works fast and which one is slow?
41 Messages
3 years ago
I have the same problem with 3rd party apps. the sad part is even on peacock which comcast owns does the same thing. I wish I could tell you that they fixed the problem that I have been complaining about for over 2 years but it's not. I solved the problem myself. to watch 3rd party apps, I went and got a Roku ultra-box.
p.s. the picture Quilty is 100x better than the comcast box.
1 Message
3 years ago
I am having the same problem with my new box...and I took a new one back a few weeks ago because of the same problem. It didn't help. Some days it is fine, but some days (like today) it is bad. If I try to change a channel, try to go to a saved recording or any other commands. It takes forever. It takes a full minute before the screen darkens and attempt do do something and then it just reverts back or says "please wait a moment we are having problems" and then reverts back. It is very frustrating as we are football fans and have friends over to watch the games. The next day, or evening after it will be fine. This is very frustrating. Can you please at least list the things that could be happening on your end? I have been through support (why I got the new box) and that did not help. Should we expect this issue to happen intermittently? Even an answer on that would help. Thanks
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
3 years ago
Most likely it is a weak signal issue. Could be up or downstream. That can prevent it from accessing the servers. It may be marginal and sometimes works and sometimes not. You can Google "X1 diagnostics screen" to see how to check the DOCSIS signal levels.
1 Message
3 years ago
I am having the exact same issues. Refresh doesn’t work. Has anyone had resolution to the glitching and slowness? This is a brand new box.
2 Messages
3 years ago
I am having the same issue. All 3 of my boxes are so slow it takes almost 1 minute for the guide to load. Is there a way this can be addressed? My wifi is fine and going at normal speed.
1 Message
3 years ago
We are having the same issue at our house. Xfinity seems to be deferring to “it’s on your end not ours” guess that South Park episode is pretty accurate.