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8 Messages
New IOS Xfinity App does not show data usage
For years, I have used the Xfinity My Account App to view the current and past three months Data usage for my Internet service. Now, when opening the App, it says it's going away soon and to use the new Xfinity App.

Unfortunately, trying to get data usage with this new App is totally broken. The option to get data usage should be on the main screen, but you have to tap up on the top left for the Account screen (this is a minor nit). When you do get to the Account screen, you have to scroll down a bit to see the Data Usage option.

However, when you select Data Usage, it opens up the Xfinity Assistant, which itself is broken and doesn't do anything.

Doesn't anyone at Comcast test this stuff before releasing it? Right now this App is garbage and should not ever replace the old Apps that work just fine
Please DO NOT deprecate the My Account App. One App to do it all is never a good idea because it never does anything well.
8 Messages
2 years ago
Agreed! So frustrating
234 Messages
2 years ago
@user_pppa27 Hi there, thank you for taking the time to reach out and express your concerns. My apologies you are having some issues managing your services with the new app, and it would be my pleasure to help in any way I can. I understand the MyAccount app going away will take some getting used to for all of us, but I am confident the new one will be amazing once we get the hang of how to use it. The data usage tab should be providing you with the data information, but instead is sending you to the Xfinity Assistant. Am I understanding that correctly? Is this the only concern you have with the new app or are you experiencing other issues as well?
8 Messages
2 years ago
It sends us to the Xfinity Assistant, which is what it always did before. But the assistant would always tell us our data usage. Now it just goes in a circle as shown in the photo below. Every time I hit “Try again” I keep getting the same message.
7 Messages
2 years ago
I too am receiving the same massage when trying to access my data usage using the Xfinity app. The My Accounts app has no issue displaying this information.
Problem Solver
705 Messages
2 years ago
Add me to the list as well. Same exact problem. Stuck in a loop. This app SUX big time! I can't believe they are forcing it on us now. I always avoided this app like the plague. It's extremely hard to find where to access what you want to do. Then they force you into their stupid Xfinity Assistant.
2 Messages
2 years ago
Same here! Please fix it before shutting down the old app.
Problem Solver
705 Messages
2 years ago
Seems to be fixed now. I just checked and it's displaying my usage data.
1 Message
2 years ago
I am still having the same problem. The app directed me to xfinity assistant and it just stuck in a loop and not able to provide me with my data usage.
1 Message
2 years ago
This problem has existed for at least 2 months. I started trying to use the new app once I was getting the pop-up message that the other app was going away. After multiple app updates, this data usage problems still frustratingly exists. Please stop sending everyone to Xfinity support and fix the problem.
7 Messages
2 years ago
Support has told me that data usage in the new app WILL NOT display for customers that supply their own modem. Not sure why I’m being forced to use an app that provides me less of an experience than the current FUNCTIONAL app.
8 Messages
2 years ago
That’s stupid if true, because I was able to view it for for at least a year with my own modem. So they’re actively taking away features and punishing people who prefer not to rent their equipment? Gosh I wish I had another option for internet.
2 Messages
2 years ago
Will you at least be able to access data usage through a web browser if you have your own modem?
47 Messages
2 years ago
The app is terrible. I posted a comment and had to go through the never ending loop of logging in although I was logged in to post my comment. And my original comment disappeared. The old app is great. This one isn’t. It does not matter if a million people complained about it. It isn’t about the customer. A customer has to ask, cajole, explain and talk to 50 different people. A customer has to go the hoops. And deal with reps who are often rude snd uncaring. It is most likely because they have to try and “fix” inferior products that should not be rolled out before all the glitches are addressed. It’s beyond frustrating and I feel badly for the people who work at Comcast. Forget about calling support. They read from a script that a customer can find online. The typical solution is always reboot or uninstall then reinstall. Then you jump through more hoops and talk to more people. The hope is that the customer finally gives up. It’s unfortunate because it does not matter if you a customer who just joined or one who has been a customer for years, it. Never. Changes. But you get a lot of pretty emails telling you all the cool things you can do. And then you can’t.