121 Messages
Smart Resume not working correctly
For the last week or so on my X1, the Smart Resume feature has started to resume too soon. That is, when a commercial starts and I hit fast forward, the fast forwarding stops somewhere between 30 seconds and 90 seconds before the program starts playing again. So I'm forced to watch at least one commercial before the program starts, unless I manually skip or fast-forward through them.
When I look at the blue and yellow bar indicating where the smart resume window is in the programming stream, it actually looks like the whole smart resume window is skewed about 30-90 seconds early. That is, the yellow part starts before the commercials start, and the yellow part ends before the commercials end.
Anyone else notice this problem? I haven't actually reported this to Xfinity Support, but I hope someone might be monitoring this and could address this if it is a general problem.
3 Messages
3 years ago
I’m in Lake Stevens, WA and having the same issue as the original poster stated for about two weeks. But I’ve also noticed that programs are starting early and getting cut off at the end by about a minute….this never used to happen. I know you can end a recording up to three minutes late but on most of my shows I’ve never needed to do that. It’s like the whole recording is off by about a minute from the start which throws off the smart resume. It happens on all channels that allow smart resume and it happens whether I’m recording a show before or after another show on the same station. I’ve turned smart resume off because it’s basically useless now but I also have to go back and pad all of my recordings at the end as well. Xfinity really needs to figure this out.
121 Messages
3 years ago
I had an Xfinity tech over at the house today because one of the Xfinity support people monitoring this thread looked at my system and said my "levels" were off and maybe that was the cause of the problem. Turns out my levels were off because of a bad splitter, which was replaced. I haven't had a chance to play with anything yet or record new programs, so I don't know whether the tech visit caused any improvement in the performance of my system. However, the tech said that what he did wouldn't fix the smart resume problem, that it was a back end problem, and that they were working on it.
Regular Visitor
3 Messages
3 years ago
I am so glad I looked this up, I’ve been having the problem for about a month or so now. It happens with every recording. Xfinity must know this is happening by now. Please fix!!
New Poster
3 Messages
3 years ago
Same issue here, how many people need to write it in here before you acknowledge the issue and find a solution???
1 Message
3 years ago
We're also having the exact same problem (in Seattle)
1 Message
3 years ago
Same issues. Smart resume ends 1-2 commercials early. Tried to fast forward again. Takes me back to the same location
still 2 commercials early Live in Olympia WA
1 Message
3 years ago
Same problem in the greater Portland, Oregon area with Smart Resume returning too early and showing a portion of the commercials before returning to the program. It used to work great but now it's badly broken and quite an annoyance...
2 Messages
3 years ago
Same issue here in Everett. The smart resume is out of sync with the commercials. Some of the recordings are cut of before the end of the program. We are still seeing 1 to 2 minutes of commercials when smart resume ends.
1 Message
3 years ago
Same issue in Beaverton Oregon. Tried unplugging X1, resetting X1 from remote and nothing helped. I have not tried toggling the Smart Resume feature, and will give it a try. We've been missing the end of recordings and Smart Resume is having brain farts..... not so Smart anymore. It resumes too early like everyone else in this thread has stated.
1 Message
3 years ago
I am in Federal Way, Washington and have the same issue. I have tried toggling the smart resume activity, restarted gateway without any benefit and it affects all recordings with smart resume feature.
2 Messages
3 years ago
I'm having the same problem in Spokane, WA
1 Message
3 years ago
Same issue, last few weeks, also in WA state. Sounds like they know it's an issue, and nothing troubleshooting is going to fix.
Regular Visitor
11 Messages
3 years ago
I am from Portland Oregon and have had the same problems others are having. I have gone through 3 new DVR's. The 1st one worked but we couldn't use Disney with it so returned it for a new one, then that one had the same problems. So then they sent me a brand new model with no clock in the front it is littler but I didn't care but.... Still the same problem, commercials are not synced with programs and they stop the program before it has ended!!!! I need to call again but am so tired of dealing with this.
New Poster
2 Messages
3 years ago
To all of the "Official Xfinity Employees" that are asking for users to contact them, please do not waste our time. The problem exists across the company, and no user is getting the answer or resolution they are asking for. Personally, I have changed out all the equipment in my home and the issue still exists. There is an approximate 30-37 second shortage in the commercial skip programming every commercial break. As has been reported by your technicians, this is a backend problem and the answer would most likely be best solved by adjusting the programming of the smart resume program itself. This problem will not be corrected until action is taken by the company as it does not appear to be the equipment since the function worked correctly one day, and not the next, and new equipment does not solve the issue. It is very frustrating and as you can see from all the comments, we, your customers, are very tired of it and fed up with nothing being done to correct it.
1 Message
3 years ago
Same problem in Spokane Valley, WA