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Monday, July 26th, 2021 4:34 PM


Samsung TV not recognizing Xfinity box

I have a Samsung Smart TV bought beginning of 2020.  I had hooked it up to Xfinity wireless box Xi6A, and it worked fine.  

However, now all of the sudden I can not get the TV to play cable channels.  I have no problem playing Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc…BUT, it does not recognize the cable box in the HDMI 1.  I tried to move to HDMI 2 and still same problem. 

I have done a hard reset, unplugged everything and then the cable worked…. But as soon as we turned it off and tried again, same problem….not recognizing the HDMI 1 and allowing us to watch cable.

Any thoughts/suggestions?  Thank you!!

Problem Solver


571 Messages

4 years ago

Hello, @user_39f6f1 Thank you for reaching out to our Xfinity Forums support team! I am sorry to hear that your wireless box is having difficulties recognizing your TV! Have you tried to swap out the HDMI Cable for a new one? Or have you tried moving the cable box to a different TV to see if another TV is able to recognize the cable box? 



2 Messages

4 years ago

I am having this same issue! I used the Samsung remote to get to my Netflix but when I was done watching and pressed the Home icon the Xfinity icon was no longer there to switch to. I reset my Xfinity box and still no luck. I had to get to the settings on the Samsung remote and arrow over to HDMI 1 to get it back. But it said “not recognized” where the Xfinity box should be showing. Has there been a solution to this? Not sure why all of a sudden I’m having this issue. 



2 Messages

My tv is also only 7 months old so I know the cable cord is not the issue. It’s worked perfectly fine until today. 

New Problem Solver


617 Messages

Hi @Kandle1055

Thank you for sharing this cable concern with us. I hate to know the box is not being recognized. You've come to the right place and I am happy to help. Have you tried the above suggestion with moving the box to a different TV by chance? 

I no longer work for Comcast.



1 Message

I place another Tv in the same box same result but actually my wireless box in the other tvs. can recognized the infinity box.  Is the HDMI cable damage, but why the wireless boxes recognized the  box? any help appreciated. 

Official Employee


1.1K Messages

Hey @user_163f5d, thank you for letting us know you're experiencing the problem as well. The wireless boxes would still see the Xfinity box because it is still working just not connecting to the TV. The issue is the HDMI Handoff/Handshake to the TV. Generally that can be caused by a HDMI cable going out, issues with the TV box, communication between the two equipment, or software updates.


Xfinity released an update to the handoff so that the TV boxes will shut off when the TV is off for a certain amount of time to save power. I'd recommend checking if that is the issue by turning it off to see if it stops. To do that go to Settings, Device Settings, Power Preferences, and shut off HDMI Device Control. If it is still happening, replacing the HDMI cord would be the next step and you can pick one up for free from a local Xfinity Store. You can find the nearest one here.

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How do I get to device settings? 



1 Message

4 years ago

I have the same problem!!!

I bought a new samsung HD smart TV a few weeks ago

Only way to get it connected to the xfinity box is to restart the xfinity box.

Then when the TV has been turned off for awhile......like overnight........it is no longer connected.

It has to be like a signal thing?

Why would it only lose connection when turned off?

Official Employee


2.1K Messages

Hi, @user_6e0578. We appreciate you for reaching out to XFINITY over our Forums page. Thank you for that great question. Just like my amazing colleague mentioned in a previous message, TV boxes will shut off when the TV is off for a certain amount of time to save power so when it turns off, there would be no connection. Are you still experiencing the same issue at this time?

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2 Messages

Mine does the same thing. I unhooked the HDMI for a while to play a game when I come back there is no Xfinity icon no the box is unrecognized. 



2 Messages

3 years ago

I have the same problem. I have a Samsung smart TV I unplug the HDMI to play a game at the Xfinity was plugged into then when I came back there was no Xfinity icon and the box was not recognized. I see all these answers from Xfinity personnel but there is no direction other than plug it in to see if it works somewhere else that’s not a solution.

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

Thanks for reaching out @user_a1f37e! Have you tried to swap the HDMI cable yet. It sounds like the HDMI cable or port on the TV or box has gone bad. 

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1 Message

3 years ago

Was anyone able to get this resolved? We are having the same issue after hooking up an Xbox for about two hours. 

Official Employee


923 Messages

Hi, @user_3519db. Are you still having the same issue? 

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1 Message

Same issue. New Samsung top of the line TV. Happened 4 times so far. Just bought the TV. The xfinity disappeared after going into Hulu. It won't recognize hdmi 1. I unplug the hdmi and plug it back in and it works again. I shouldn't have to do that everytime...... 

Official Employee


4K Messages

Hello @Powerlock1, I am sorry to hear you're also experiencing issues with your new Samsung TV and the cable box. I agree, you definitely should not have to unplug and plug back in the HDMI cable multiple times just to regain your cable connection. We definitely want to get to the bottom of this issue. Can you please confirm the model of your Samsung TV? 


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3 years ago

Our xfinity box is not connected by hdmi, it is connected by cable and we do not have the xfinity icon, it is not a source, it is just a frustrating waste of money at this point.  I do not understand why Samsung definitely has a problem with xfinity as there are many people writing here with no real solution.



14 Messages

@robsabobs​ Your Xfinity box is connected via a cable to the source which is on the street but the only way you can get video and audio is by way of a HDMI cable to your TV. 



1 Message

Hi Arturo;

I've been having issues identical to those mentioned by others with many different TVs, including a dumb old plasma TV that miraculously still works. Why I've had those issues with many TVs over almost 20 years with Comcast/Xfinity is a lengthy story which I'll explain in a new post here when I have time. I'll just say that the problem isn't with people's TVs, HDMI cables, being told by support to reset cable boxes a billion times, or anything else Xfinity/Comcast customer's own or are responsible for.

The solution that worked for the old, dumb plasma TV I mention above was by using the cable output on the box to the cable input on the TV, avoiding HDMI completely. Video and audio are fine on it without using HDMI at all. In fact, using the old-fashioned cable method has resulted in a more stable signal from the box than when I had it connected via HDMI.




53 Messages

3 years ago

Interesting issue. I don't have this problem now, but I had a very similar problem several years ago.

I had a Toshiba HD television. We upgraded our Xfinity service and they sent the new Xfinity box. When we hooked it up like the old box, it didn't work. I tried everything...and it never worked. Here are the things that Xfinity told me to do:

  1. I was told to verify that the HDMI connections were all working. In fact, everything else worked in each HDMI connection and with each HDMI cable that I had. The Xbox, Blu-ray player and a Roku worked fine. I even used one of the HDMI cables to connect my computer to the TV. It worked flawlessly. So, the HDMI connections and the HDMI cables were fine.
  2. I was told to get a new HDMI cable as the one sent by Xfinity might have been defective. So, I bought one from Amazon and then Costco (the ones rated for the highest speeds/data flow. Still, the only thing that didn't work was the Xfinity box. 
  3. Several technicians visited the house. They never could get it working. They hooked up an older box and it worked fine. However, we were paying for the Xfinity HD, DVR, etc., so I didn't want to just revert back to older tech.
  4. I searched online and finally found people who had a similar problem. At the time, it was an issue for a few specific models of Toshiba and Sony. They just had software incompatibility with the Xfinity signal (or vice versa). I called the escalated Xfinity tech support and explained this. They passed the responsibility to Toshiba. So, I called Toshiba. They were puzzled and said that it isn't their responsibility to figure out Xfinity issues (and said that there was no problem with the TV). 
  5. Ultimately, I found a work-around. During a scheduled tech visit, I told them what I found. The two tech workers tried it....and it worked flawlessly.

Obviously, the component cable was not supposed to be a solution but a temporary fix. However, I periodically attempted to try the HDMI. For about two years, it never worked. I simply gave up. Eventually, I bought a new Samsung 4K TV. Just before unhooking the old TV, I tried the HDMI cable on the Toshiba. It worked. Apparently, Xfinity finally fixed it...more than two years later. 

Thankfully, the new Samsung 4KTV worked with the same HDMI cable in the same box. In fact, my subsequent 4KTV worked flawlessly too. 

I wonder if the issue is a software issue (as I was led to believe with my Toshiba). If so, you might have issues. Xfinity was very slow to admit that this was an Xfinity issue -- thinking that it was due to a defective TV or HDMI cable. And, of course, there is no component work-around because the new X1 boxes do not support component cables. 

Good luck!



1 Message

3 years ago

Having the same problem as everybody else.  Xfinity box stops being recognized by new, top-of-the line Samsung TV (Q90T).  Already replaced the Xfinity box after extensive troubleshooting.  New box worked for 1 day (!!!).  

Frustrating to see that the Xfinity folks have no insight into the cause of the problem for how to fix it.  

Problem Solver


909 Messages

Hello, @user_985525. I am sorry to hear the new box is experiencing the same issues after a day. Have you turned off the HDMI control option within the box settings? This is done by going to Settings, Device Settings, Power Preferences, and shutting off HDMI Device Control. 

I no longer work for Comcast.



2 Messages

Would be nice if you actually posted potential solves as opposed to telling people to DM you. 



1 Message

3 years ago

I just got a brand new Samsung TV. I cannot pair the Samsung TV remote to recognize the Comcast set top box. It recognizes it in setup mode but cannot complete setup even after searching fir the model number of the cable box.  

Cable works fine when using the Xfinity remote.

Problem Solver


874 Messages

Hi @user_c9159d it sure is exciting to get a new TV. I am sorry to hear you have had trouble with the remote. In order to help troubleshoot, I have a few questions. Are you attempting to use your Samsung remote to control the Xfinity cable box (like a universal remote). Are you able to program the Samsung TV to our remote (volume and power)? Are you able watch Xfinity cable on the new TV? 



I no longer work for Comcast.



2 Messages

3 years ago

New Samsung tv. New Xfinity box.  New HDMI cables but HDMi / cable box not recognized?  How do we fix this???

Problem Solver


672 Messages

@user_9f34b0 No matter what HDMI cable/port you try, you are not able to see your cable box screen, is that correct? 

I no longer work for Comcast.



1 Message

3 years ago

Having the exact same problem with our brand new Samsung TV. When we first set up and connected the tv to Xfinity, the Xfinity icon appeared and it seemed things were working well.  A few minutes later, the icon was gone.  We've tried changing HDMI ports (using port 1 or 3) and swapping cables to see if the cable is the problem.  Nothing solves the problem.  When tv is on, we can see one cable channel but have no way to use the Samsung remote to change channels or see tv guide. The icon that was previously there, that allowed us to access the guide and channels using the Samsung remote, has disappeared.  We've also tried all troubleshooting we can find on the tv itself. We have unplugged the router and cable box and tv -- and rebooted everything -- multiple times.


New Problem Solver


617 Messages

Hi @user_f1617b


I'm sorry to hear you have been having so many issues with your cable service. I appreciate all that you have done to attempt a resolution. We do want to be sure we can get this resolved. I'd like to look into the equipment and see what we can figure out. Please send me a Peer to Peer message so that I can gather some account details. 

Here's the detailed steps to direct message us: 
 • Click "Sign In" if necessary
 • Click the "Peer to peer chat" icon (upper right corner of this page)
 • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
 • Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
 • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
 • Press Enter to send your message

I no longer work for Comcast.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

@user_0a94be Thank you for reaching out on the Xfinity Forum. We understand your frustrations with getting your services working correctly. We are happy to submit the feedback for the particular issue you are having with your Samsung Smart Tv and the equipment. We appreciate you reaching out and bringing this to our attention.

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2 Messages

3 years ago

I am having this issue as well. I tried different ports and different cables but this is still not working. 



2 Messages

Additional information, I had been using this without issue for about two years now. Then I disconnected the TV and everything on it(probably for the first time since I first installed) since we were painting, when we went to plug things back in I noticed issues. It detects that something is plugged in but it wont recognize it as comcast and sometimes wont even display any channels. More often then not itll say that it cant be configured and asks me to do it manually but when I cancel I I can watch TV fine. but its an ongoing thing. Once I turn it off and back in I have to do the same thing all over again. 

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

@user_0a8b81 I am sorry to hear you are having issues with getting your TV cable box recognized by your TV. I am happy to look into this for you. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue. To send a "Peer to peer" ("Private") message:

Click "Sign In" if necessary

  • Click the "Peer to peer chat" icon
  • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
  • Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
  • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
  • Press Enter to send it
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Is there any help xfinity has given to solve this issue?

Problem Solver


874 Messages

Thank you for reaching out over Xfinity Forums @user_563551. We would be happy to help with your specific problem and concern. The best communities have most conversations happening in the public boards. When interacting with an employee we will always try to keep as much of the conversation in that public thread. We may ask you for a private message if we need to discuss your account specific details. Can you please start a new post with your concerns, so that we can determine the best way to help in your unique situation? Please see Xfinity Forum guidelines for  https://comca.st/3u9G80C;

I no longer work for Comcast.



2 Messages

This is not a unique situation!? Xfinity, please post the fix. It’s not the cord, TV, box- resets all have been done. No icon, no cable, and no the remote doesnt work either. 



2 Messages

3 years ago

I am having VERY similar issues.  I just received the new X1 box and I am having quite a few issues post set up.  Please note, none of these issues occurred when using the old Xfinity box.

1. The X1 box is not recognized when plugged into ANY HDMI port on the new Samsung TV. (brand new HDMI cable used)

2. Each night, as the box updates, the box loses communication to the TV.  Requiring me to unpair the remote and start the set up process, from scratch every day.

3. I have a small square Xfinity box in the bedroom, attached to an older Samsung TV.  My thought was to put the X1 box in the bedroom, to see if an older model Samsung will keep from having to start the set up process every day, and that is still TBD as this is the first day I'm trying that.

4. However, after hooking up the small square Xfinity box to the new Samsung TV, the box is still not recognized when plugged into ANY HDMI port.

Is there any way to resolve?  I'm starting to wish I kept my old Xfinity cable box and just dealt with not having Peacock for free. 

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hello! Thank you so much for contacting our Xfinity Support team on our Forums. I am sorry to hear about the issues with your TV and our equipment. You came to the right place for help and we are happy to work together towards a resolution. To get started please select the "peer to peer chat" icon (upper right corner of this page), click the "new message" icon, type/select "Xfinity Support", and then type/send your name with your address.


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2 Messages

Same issues as stated above. This is so disappointing! Why can’t xfinity post an answer for all of us? Tv, cables, set top box all new. Xfinity send a fix to us.



2 Messages

@XfinityJorge​ Just sent a message w name and address. Thanks for your help!



1 Message

3 years ago

It's the crappy old Xfinity boxes they give you.  SmartTV doesn't mean smart Xfinity box.  

Got to go to YouTubeTV and drop the cord.  

I find it funny Xfinity tells these people to do the same thing.  Stop blaming the cable, that's not the issue.  

Problem Solver


701 Messages

3 years ago

Having problems with your Samsung TV and losing connection to your cable box? Are you using the Samsung remote to power on your TV? That is likely the issue. For some reason, the TV is not "waking" the cable box when it turns on. I had this issue with an XG1v4. When I used the TV remote to power the tv on, sometimes it worked, sometimes not. When not, it would display the screensaver from the cable box. I had to press a button on the Xfinity remote to wake it. Then viola!

What could solve is to run "Setup TV." First, all of your HDMI devices should be connected and powered on. The Xfinity remote should be paired to control your TV. Launch the Samsung Hub, select Source, highlight TV, press up and enter to Set Up TV. Follow the prompts and add/confirm all your devices. (NOTE: Running Setup TV does NOT perform a Factory Reset. It only resets the way your TV interacts with HDMI devices. Will not affect your installed Apps or other TV settings.)

You will likely need to use your Xfinity remote to power on your TV from now on. Otherwise, the TV remote might work sometimes. I finally gave in and use the Xfinity remote to power on the TV.


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