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6 Messages
Cablecard not authorized after service transfer to new address
I moved and transferred my Xfinity TV and Internet service to a new address last week. We're using all of the same equipment from the original address, which worked perfectly there. However the Cablecard (in a Tivo) is no longer able to get channel authorizations. Internet modem and two DTAs are all working fine. Tivo reports it is able to tune to channels (90%+ signal strength on all tuners), but reports no authorization from the Cablecard.
I have followed the steps on without success. The website correctly shows the serial number is already paired with the Tivo's Host and Data IDs. Attempting to repair results in this error, "We're sorry - an error has occurred. Your CableCARD was not paired with your device."
A tech was out today and basically suggested that the Cablecard technology is too old to work, and left. However, it was working fine last week until the transfer happened.
When I look at the devices section in my account ( the Cablecard is listed a "TV Box" rather than a "Cablecard". I'm suspicious that this miscategorization may be causing the authorization issue.
Any help that anyone here can provide would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Frequent Visitor
6 Messages
5 years ago
Interesting! How would I know whether my area uses Motorola or Scientific Atlanta equipment? I moved from one town in Southern NJ to another (about 60 miles).
Yeah the "TV Box" device shows up with the serial # matching the Tivo's Host ID, so I guess that's probably not the issue.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
5 years ago
Like it says on :
You may need to call multiple times and endure long holds. Despite the "tech's" "Cablecard technology is too old to work" claim, CableCards are still very much alive -- for instance, most of Comcast's full X1 boxes have them.
I doubt that makes any difference. See
ETA: If you moved from a "Motorola" service area to a "Scientific Atlanta" area or vice versa, you'll probably need to swap out the card.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
5 years ago
Asking Comcast is the only way I can think of. If it was me I'd call the CableCard number and start by asking if the type of card I have is correct for the area.
ETA: Just noticed includes this note:
("Cisco" = "Scientific Atlanta" = "Technicolor")
Frequent Visitor
6 Messages
5 years ago
Unfortunately, that Cablecard hotline number just seems to redirect to the regular Comcast/Xfinity customer service line now. I just got done talking with a CSR who had no luck in reactivating it. I asked about the Motorola/Cisco distinction but they had no idea. Someone more knowledgeable about Cablecards is supposed to call me tomorrow.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
5 years ago
Ouch! Unbelievable. I've put in a call for help, but it will likely not arrive for a few days, and maybe not at all. Hang tight!
Frequent Visitor
6 Messages
5 years ago
Well, no one called me back today. Thank you for trying to escalate it, I'm running out of ideas at this point.
Frequent Visitor
6 Messages
5 years ago
Thank you. I just got off the phone with Paul from Comcast who walked us through a number of steps, verified the pairing status in the database, and ultimately shipped out a replacement Cablecard to try. Basically, the Tivo is receiving OOB messages, but shows no CANH and a V58 pairing error. Pings to reset the device from his end do not seem to make it through. We are going to try to eliminate as much of the indoor wiring as possible while we wait for the replacement card to arrive.
Gold Problem Solver
18.9K Messages
5 years ago
@themrbob Apologies for the issue and experience that you described above. I believe @BruceW's assertion is correct (that you may have moved to/from a Scientific-Atlanta/Cisco area to a Motorola/Arris area ).
If that is true, we need to get a new card shipped to you.
I have asked one of our cable card experts to review your account and reach out to you directly so that we can get this issue identified and resolved.
Apologies again and thanks for your patience.
Gold Problem Solver
18.9K Messages
5 years ago
@themrbob Looks like Brianna was able to get you set up! Thanks for your patience.
Frequent Visitor
6 Messages
5 years ago
Yes, she sorted out an issue with how the Cablecard was entered into our account and it's working now! Thank you again for the assistance.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
5 years ago
@ComcastTeds: Since 877-405-2298 seems to now connect to the main customer service reps rather than a dedicated CableCARD group, could you advise the best way for customers who need assistance with a CableCARD problem to proceed?
Gold Problem Solver
18.9K Messages
5 years ago
@BruceW Our team is looking inrto the phone routing now for that number.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
5 years ago
Ted, do you have any updates on this, or on the best way for customers to get help with CableCard issues?
70 Messages
4 years ago
Is there a new working number?
New Poster
1 Message
4 years ago
@ComcastTeds. I was shipped two cable cards. 877-405-2298 is still routing to the general customer service.
I worked with an agent last night. He had to remove the old cards from my old account and then add the new cards to my new account. The new ones seemed to pair but I only receive about 15 channels. They agent told me it could take 5 mins to 1 hour for the 400+ channels to populate. and that I could check the progress by seeing more channels opulate at about 15 at a time.
It's been 12 hours and I still have the same 15 channels. Just a guess here but does the package have to be "loaded" or assigned to the cable card?