2 Messages
Sudden spike in data usage
I just got off the phone with an agent after disputing my current data usage trends and I'm fuming. I have been with Comcast/Xfinity for YEARS. I have never gotten close to reaching my data limit. I've never gone over 700GB in a month, ever. Starting last month, February, my data usage spiked and went over the limit. We're now 13 days into March and I received the 90% usage notification. There is absolutely no way. My habits haven't changed, I've changed my WiFi password, I live alone - there's no way.
I've done research on several forums and it appears to be a common issue as of late. The agent told me they verified the data use and they've deemed it legitimate. Meaning, I'm responsible for paying whatever overage charges I receive. But wait! "You could upgrade to our unlimited data plan to avoid overage charges!"
I refuse. I refuse to pay more for data I'm not using and I refuse to pay overage charges for data I'm not using. Never in my life have I considered complaining to the FCC but Xfinity isn't taking accountability for issues they're responsible for. The evidence is damning so I think it might be worth it.
Either that, or I'm changing services immediately.
Problem Solver
606 Messages
3 years ago
I'm sorry to hear about your recent experience when you reached out to look into what is going on with the spike in your data usage on your account. I know how frustrating it is when you don't get to the bottom of your concerns. I do want to see you get the answers you are seeking.
We have our Customer Security Assurance team for this exact purpose. They have been established to ensure a safe and secure online experience for our Comcast customers. This team is a dedicated group of security professionals who respond to issues pertaining to phishing, spam, infected computers (commonly referred to as bots), online fraud and other security issues. I do recommend contacting our Customer Security Assurance team between 6:00am - 2:00am EST, 7 days a week by dialling 1-888-565-4329. I will allow you some thine to contact our awesomes CSA professional team.
1 Message
3 years ago
I'm having the same issue this month. I've never exceeding, then BOOM huge overage! This is absolute horrible! How is this even legal???
10 Messages
3 years ago
We got hit with the same problem. Xfinity says we used more data in one day than we usually use in a month.
So far we have had no luck getting any explanation. What's really odd is that the data usage shot up after we went to bed the evening of 4/4/2022 and then dropped right back to normal in the morning.
The data usage spiked to between 160 - 190 Mbps for eight hours. That's about 100x our average usage over the past year. And it's 10x the previous highest usage... which was when our daughter was working remotely on video projects from our house for a few weeks last summer. (She has since moved away, so that's not a possible explanation.)
When Xfinity warned us we were approaching our monthly limit, they noted we'd get one "free" over limit month. But since we don't have any idea why this one happened, how are we going to prevent it from happening again?
I spent about an hour on chats and phone calls with Xfinity agents. They couldn't explain the spike. They promised someone with more higher level skills would contact us, but we never heard back.
We feel completely helpless.
4 Messages
3 years ago
Same exact thing is happening to me for March and April. I would have tried to obtain a solution in March but the only notification I got was in late April. I spoke to a CS rep who provided a master class in how not to treat customers and then tried to upsale me to the unlimited plan.
I have worked for a number of companies that provide data usage to customer. Errors and leakage do occur. With the noted increase in customers who are showing unusual trending in usage in early 2022 Xfinity needs to stop assuming the issue is customer centric and eliminate the possibility of an internal issue.
I am detaching my modem from the cable outlet tomorrow. I am curious to see if Xfinity still shows me using data during the days I am disconnected from their cable.
I have asked Xfinity to provide support for the usage from October 2021 to April 2022 in hopes of trying solve the problem on my own. Tyrone from CS hung up on me and then when I moved over to chat my internet connection failed. I am going to a Xfinity store near me this week. They can't hang up on a customer when the inquiries are face to face. T-Mobile Is on my way home. No harm in stopping in to discuss their home internet plans.
Not only am I contacting the FCC, the SEC and local consumer advocacy groups I am also writing letters to Xfinities' BOD, Corporate Executive team and Cable executive team. Tyrone's behavior warrants a whole separate letter.
3 Messages
3 years ago
Same is happening to me right now. And I don't see any hopeful words about Xfinity helping with a solution. AND no one is answering at the 800 number. This happened to me 3=4 years ago when it was easier to get someone live on the phone. When I kept demanding an answer the employee suddenly came up with "oh! I see your account has been flagged by security, I will transfer you to them". Security said bluntly "I will fix it" and wouldn't elaborate. That was a "fix" if ever I saw one!
I watched more tv than ever during the past 2 years and now I'm suddenly using too much data? hmmm
3 Messages
3 years ago
I’m experiencing this exact same problem right now. It started in April. Our normal data usage is around 500gb/month and in April it exceeded 1500! Now, 2 days into May and we’re already showing 800gb. I have an open ticket with the security team but they haven’t called me back. No one can tell me what IP addresses or devices are using the data. I feel completely hopeless.
1 Message
3 years ago
Same issue for me. Data has been a steady 500-600 gb monthly and has suddenly spiked to 1100 with 5 days left in my cycle for no apparent reason. Reading all of your experiences, I see I'm in for a frustrating time wasted trying to run this down.
Regular Visitor
11 Messages
3 years ago
Same issue - Upgraded internet to higher download speed around end of March/beginning of April 2022, and suddenly my data usage spiked from averaging less than 200 GB/mo to over 800 GB in April and now over 900 GB as of May 27. We have not changed our internet usage nor number of devices. We have security software and have our network secured. No devices are using our network other than our own. Seems like yet another money grab by Xfinity. We are not happy and looking for another internet provider.
1 Message
3 years ago
Same thing has happened to me, and after one hour on the phone trying to ask support why this has happened. My usage has tripled in one month with similar usage as in the past. And, they tried to upsell a new service. Not happy!
1 Message
3 years ago
Same problem here with overages since late March.
1 Message
3 years ago
This is happening to me as well. 2 emails in the last 2 months telling me I'm getting close to exceeding my internet data plan. I have not changed anything. Could it be someone has hacked in and using my internet as well?
1 Message
3 years ago
Same thing here. We went from using 554GB in March to 940GB in April to 1647GB in May. WHAT? We have not added any new devices and have changed passwords, etc. My son's gaming system has been off and no one is working from home. CRAZY! Trying to get a 3rd party to drill down into our data usage per device.
2 Messages
3 years ago
OMG! I’m CURRENTLY dealing with the SAME issue. 750 GB over out of nowhere! Received the 90% data usage on the 13th of the month. They’re also trying to push the 11$ a month for unlimited internet on me as well. CRAZY THE SAME EXACT THING IS HAPPENING TO MULTIPLE PEOPLE.
1 Message
3 years ago
I am having the same problem. Sudden spikes in June and July. No other changes in viewing here. Ready to drop Comcast once and for all!!!!!!!!
2 Messages
3 years ago
This is happening to us as well! Spiking started in May. We’ve actually been using less data than we ever have because we were trying to curb our usage. Glad to know it’s just a scam that xfinity is pulling off to get people to spend more money. It is hard when you don’t have any other choice but then. UGH.