2 Messages
Sudden Spike in Data Usage
There are dozens upon dozens of closed topics with this same subject line with hundreds of people all reporting very similar experiences and no fixes, just upselling. My data usage is typically 400-500gb. In March (6 months ago) I had to upgrade my modem to the new Gateway package with faster download speeds - from 200GB/s to 400GB/s. I was still consistently using 400-500gb of data every month. Then suddenly in July, it ballooned to 1000gb with zero change in habits or devices. Then August it was 900+gb and two weeks into September, we've used 95% of our data. We've never come close to going over and now suddenly, these huge spikes that many customers are experiencing. I reached out to friends and family and those with Xfinity have or are experiencing this too. From the comments, customer service can't provide detailed usage per month and they typically just try to upsell you to unlimited speeds. Our habits and devices have not changed but I have a little less than two weeks left and only 3% of my data remaining. We're definitely going over this month. I'm not looking forward to trying to resolve this issue as contacting Xfinity is worse than getting a root canal.
2 Messages
1 year ago
I have the exact same experience. Averaging 400GBs a month all year, then in Aug. and Sept., I am at the limit in the first 10 days. No change in my habits. In fact, my daughter moved out, taking her game consoles with her. In theory, that would mean less data usage, not twice the usual amount. When is Comcast going to call me back?
11 Messages
1 year ago
These are my opinions/views and not the opinons/views of Comcast/Xfinity:
I recommend creating a profile for each person in the home in the Xfinity app. Assign each persons devices to their profile. Create a profile for the home for things that are smart home related and not personal devices such as lights, thermostats, etc. Once this is done, you will be able to view data usage on a daily and monthly view and this will help identify which group of devices is using the most data and at what times. Any devices connected to the network that you don't recognize as being in the home, I would pause.
Official Employee
1.6K Messages
1 year ago
@user_0af3a2 Good morning! Thank you for taking the time to reach out to our Community Forums Team for assistance with your data usage concerns. I can see how having this variance would be alarming. While we are not able to see the usage by device, I can assist you in narrowing down where the issue could be, along with issuing a ticket if needed. To begin, can you please send a Direct Message with your name and service address?
Click "Sign In" if necessary
Click the "Direct Messaging" icon at the top of the page (looks like a text bubble)
Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
Press Enter to send it
1 Message
1 year ago
Seeing the same issue. No change in habits, and data has ballooned. As a precaution, I reset the password, and updated all devices. In addition to the additional data, the xfinity assistant on the app seems to be broken in reporting data usage. It now is showing DOUBLE what is actually used. I called customer care, they told me I've used about 300 for the month so far. The Xfinity assistant app shows over 600 and it is showing double for previous months as well. [Edited: "Inflammatory"].
139 Messages
1 year ago
Data meter counting double is known and being addressed by the engineers.
12 Messages
1 year ago
As stated - this is happening to a lot many folks. Daily habits haven't changes, and we use around 700-800GB while suddenly since Sep, a sudden spike is see in our data usage and gone beyond the 1.2TB limit resulting in me being billed for that . I've spoken to a rep yesterday on this number 1-888-565-4329 and that person was not aware of this data usage meter issue.
I had to state to this rep that this is a known issue at the backend application as stated by Xfinity employees and that for some customers it's been resolved but other other customers, like me, I am still being shown a sudden spike and being over the data limit, and secondly, how my billing is going to be handled?
What he did they assure me that he is going to escalate this and they are going to call me back. That's it.
So, in the meantime, I have power cycled the modem multiple times, and the usage meter is still showing incorrectly as doubled and my account is shown as being billed for that overage. Being a longtime and very unfussy Comcast customer, this is very upsetting! I'm now going to look at AT&T and Sail Internet.
1 Message
1 year ago
I am experiencing this issue as well. I've talked to the data escalation team, and the support person I spoke with didn't seem to know anything about Xfinity's problem in engineering. She couldn't give me any more info or instruction than "it's probably your modem, call the manufacturer." I asked if she had ever come upon this problem before, and if so, what was the culprit. She said she would create another ticket for me. While I was waiting I found this thread in the community forum and started reading. Relaying the information to her, the call was disappointingly unhelpful and they may have given me misnformation as well.
When I mentioned the overage charges incurred for June, July, Aug, and now September, (I do not have unlimited data plan) and how I might be compensated for those charges, she told me the modem manufacturer will handle it with Xfinity, and to call them to verify the problem is with the device. Clearly it's' not the device's issue, and even if that were the case, I do not see Arris and Xfinity getting on the phone together to chat about how they'll cover by internet bill for the upcoming 4 months.
Has anyone run into this block with the CSA team due to their modem being self-owned? What should I do? It seems most other people are raising concern, then the concern goes away when their usage returns to normal, the problem resolves itself once concern is raised by customer to xfinity staff. I have done that, and I was denied the same reassurance. Thanks so much.
1 Message
1 year ago
After reading the complaints of people that are experiencing the same bump in usage that my wife and I are experiencing, it seems to be very clear [Edited: "Inflammatory"]. As in some areas of the country we don’t really have a choice for internet service, [Edited: "Solicitation"]
1 Message
1 year ago
I am experiencing this issue as well. In the past year, we have only be over in useage 1 time and that was my sons downloading a game. However, without changing useage. We are steadily climbing. Where do I go for help to get this problem resovled. On saturday we were not able to connect to the internet but we are now at 95%.
3 Messages
1 year ago
Exactly the same. I went form 707 June, 798 July, 745 Aug, and 672 Sept to 1218 Oct and 1229 Nov. I talked to CS and they can't tell me why or how. No new devices or usage out the norm but way over my normal usage the last 2 months.
1 Message
1 year ago
We just received a message from xfinity saying we have used 96% of our 1200gb in 3 days! How is that even possible?!!! When I called, they just tried to upsell me on some kind of prevention thing. They couldn’t tell me what device was using this much data. It’s suppose to be unlimited data, but apparently there’s a limit to unlimited?! I’m fuming! At this rate, we will have projected 718% over usage. Basically that’s a bill that will be over $7000!
8 Messages
1 year ago
You have a MoCA problem! I assume you live in an apartment building? You need to install an MoCA filter between your gateway and the coaxial cable to prevent your router of talking to other newtworks and vice versa. I had the same problem and solved it that way. See my highlighted posting! It’s a simple $8.00 fix!
46 Messages
1 year ago
I've had xfinity mobile since its inception. I've always had a 1G plan. I'm retired and don't really use my phone when I'm not home. I've gone over my data maybe three times in all those years. In the last 4-5 months, I've either gone over or just eeked by. I'm in wifi 99.9% of the time. My habits haven't changed. A friend with xfinity is having the same issue. I contacted xfinity through reddit. According to them, they've escalated my issue and they've tried to contact me numerous times, by email and phone with no response. I never got an email or phone call. Problem is, Verizon and at&t are still more expensive for a single user plan.
1 Message
1 year ago
1 Message
1 year ago
I just typed a response and it kicked me out before I finished. To sum things up, we are 8 days into January 2024, and I've already received a message stating I've exceeded 100% of my data usage and am now being charged $10 per 50gb. I work from home as I have been doing since 2020, and my household has not done anything different. How is it possible that I've supposedly used over 1500gbs of data within 8 days??? Now that has me looking at previous data usage amounts, and I noticed the total amount used has been suspiciously increasing every month. According to the most recent summary, the app alleges my household data usage amounts was 924gb in October 2023, then 1029gb in November, 1407gb in December, and just 8 days into January it says I've already used 1500gbs. That is not possible. I have a case open with their Customer Security Assurance team and am waiting on a call back. This has to be resolved. In doing some research, it appears this has been happening to customers for several years with no logical resolution. I wonder if there's a class action lawsuit? Because XFinity should not be allowed to get away with this.