

2 Messages

Friday, October 8th, 2021 1:07 AM


Terrible quality xfinity stream

I watching live tv in the xfinity stream web browser, it has always been decent hd quality but the last 3 weeks or so its been terrible non hd quality. The issue is not on my end, I've tried all possible fixes, are other experiencing this?


Official Solution

Problem Solver


735 Messages

3 years ago

Thank you for bringing these concerns with your experience with the Xfinity Stream app to our attention. Our goal is to always provide the best service and experience possible. We will continue to work hard towards a resolution and truly apologize for the inconvenience. We ask that in the meantime, if you have trouble with picture quality to work with us to troubleshoot here on this platform. We may ask for a direct message at times to dive deeper into your account to offer additional troubleshooting or to submit a ticket through your account with your specific concerns. Thank you for your understanding and for working with us through our Xfintiy Community!



8 Messages

I reported this Oct. 17th and still no solution. Can we get some official communication from comcast that isn't on this forum? Something that legit says: "Yes we know about it, yes it's our infrastructure/systems, Yes there's no solution, No we won't automatically adjust your bills for services not rendered."

You wouldn't let me pay 90% of my bill every month, why is this service acceptable? 



39 Messages

@XfinityDevinC Why is this marked as the "Official Solution" when it's not a solution at all and nothing has been solved?

@user_6e8615 I'm in the same boat as you, if you couldnt tell by my 25+ posts on this forum regarding this issue. It's been over 2 months with no change and nothing but the run around from every employee on this forum. 

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hey! We are not showing any known service issues with the Xfinity Stream application video quality. If you would like assistance troubleshooting, please do not hesitate to send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.


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39 Messages

@XfinityDemitrius You are literally responding to a post where the previous employee says theres a known issue that they are continuing to work on. You people are absolutely clueless. 

Official Employee


2K Messages

3 years ago

Hi, @user_2c9408. Thank you for reaching out. I understand the quality of the live streams on your end has not been great. I see you stated this was over the web browser. Have you tried another browser as a test? If so, did you get the same issues there? Do you see the same quality issues if streaming from the Xfinity Stream App as well? 



39 Messages

@XfinityVianney How many people replying with the same issue does it take to get an actual response?



4 Messages


Vianeey, can we get a response please?  Obviously a technical issue.  Give us an update on what fix needs to occur. 

Official Employee


923 Messages

Hello, @user_783914 and others on this thread seeking assistance. Can you please provide a bit more on the situation? Is this happening on all streaming platforms with our service, stream app, stream website on a computer, or on the Roku service? Currently there are no known issues, but we want to investigate this and find all of you a resolution ASAP. 

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39 Messages

@XfinityChristina You have to be kidding me. I have spent over 2 hours passed around to different tech support agents that ALL told me it was a known issue. Even with an elevated support technician who yet again ran me the through the scripted "solutions" only to again tell me it is a known issue with no timetable for resolution.

It is an issue limited to in-browser Xfinity Stream across any web browser I have tried on both PC and Mac. The quality never reaches a level above 240p when live streaming, and has been doing this for almost 2 weeks on my end. The mobile app works fine, as does the app on my Roku, but the in-browser version does not reach a watchable resolution.

I have reset cache, cookies, modem, router, been sent a refresh signal, and used 4 different browsers on 3 different computers just to play along with the agents and their scripts, but it's painfully obvious by the number of people responding here that it is a HOST end issue.

The disconnect in your customer service and technical support teams is shocking. Nobody is on the same page. The amount of time that it took for someone to respond to this thread is absolutely pathetic for a company your size. The small number of posts in this forum on a daily basis could easily be addressed within a prompt time frame.

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

I appreciate you working with us on this and I know you want an answer on the resolution. I have checked all my resources and don't see an official known issue for this specific issue for video quality. Some agents will call it a known issue if they have multiple customers reach out with the same problem, but in the end, we can only go by what is official. I have put in a ticket connected to your account to see if we can get some progress on this and I will keep checking on any known issues and follow up. 

I no longer work for Comcast.

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
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39 Messages

3 years ago

Xfinity staff, please stop acting like this is a user end issue. I was told by your tech support staff that it is a back end issue on Comcast's end. It has been happening for several days, and I went through 45 minutes of "tech support" only for the agent to tell me it was an issue on your end. 



39 Messages

3 years ago

Any response? Didn't think so. They pick and choose what to repsond to on this forum, and they constantly deflect the issue to the user, when they 100% know that the issue is on the host end. If you look through this forum, Xfinity Stream has been having issues for weeks. I use the browser version of Xfinity Stream on a daily basis, and since earlier this week, it is so pixelated, its unwatchable. I went through every scripted tech support solution you have only to have your agent report that it is a backend issue that they are "working on", yet they deflect the issue to the user to tie you up in an endless loop




4 Messages

3 years ago

Same  here, terrible quality.  Trying to watch Vikings football and the video is like 360p.



1 Message

3 years ago

Same issue here in all browsers over the last 3 weeks or so.  Video resolution is very low and there are video artifacts all over the video when watching a live sporting event.  I've submitted a report through the streaming apps "Submit Feedback" feature and it would be great to hear some info on the cause of this problem and when a fix may be available.



1 Message

Hi everyone, same issue is here at San Jose, CA  - the quality of all streaming channels at my Chrome dropped dramatically about week ago. I tried everything - restarted my router, cleared cache , another browser. I connect as usual by ethernet cable. Xfinity support team - please pay attention to all our posts above and do something to fix the streaming quality issue !!! Thanks    

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hello @Andrei20, thank you for taking the time to reach out to us on our community forums. I really appreciate you for already attempting to resolve this issue with those steps. Could you please send our team a private message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

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• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send it

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39 Messages

@XfinityAldrik Why are you just replying to random posts here? Do you not read the entire thread? Why is this specific post enough to warrant a response from you, but all the others saying the EXACT SAME THING are ignored? The level of customer service exhibited in this forum is appalling.


Official Employee


1.4K Messages

@ttudrums. They are not being ignored by any individual agent on purpose. We have a system in place to let notify us of posts to reply to and there are many posts throughout the day and we try to get to everybody. I get what you mean and we are always working on a more efficient system based on how users post on forums. Our incident team is aware of the Stream issue and this thread and is looking into the issue. I will continue to monitor and post again when I have more information. 

I no longer work for Comcast.

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
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3 Messages

It has been almost three weeks since you posted this reply. What is happening?



1 Message

3 years ago

Same issue here, this is ridiculous. 

Gold Problem Solver


7.2K Messages

Hi Orias! Are you still experiencing the same issue? If so send us a private message with your full name and street address. 

I no longer work for Comcast.



70 Messages

3 years ago

I just noticed this in the Northeast Philadelphia area. Seems it's not buffering properly.



1 Message

3 years ago

Yea the quality is atrocious tonight. Fix it, xfinity. 



4 Messages

Video has been terrible here in Minnesota for several weeks. 



1 Message

3 years ago

+1 on the quality being atrocious. I signed up for TV service in anticipation of the hockey season starting, but I can't watch any sports like this.



12 Messages

3 years ago

I noticed the Web Stream quality dropped sometime last week and yes it seems worse the SD now! I have tried different browsers, reset modem, router etc. I don't see any issues with other steaming services, and in fact Xfinity Steam on Roku is fine too. Odd thing my X1 box was having issues with some SD channels last week around the time I started noticed Web Stream quality dropped. 



1 Message

3 years ago

I was watching Monday Night Football HD live and it looked terrible. Had to go do so something at halftime so I recorded the second half, watching it now an hour later and it looks great. Same game live was like SD, watching the recording looks great, like HD. 



3 Messages

3 years ago

Terrible picture quality. My television is broken so I must stream via a browser and the picture is so disappointing.



1 Message

3 years ago

I am also having the same issue of poor quality when streaming to my PC.  And as others have said, this has been happening for at least several days.  I've tried 3 different browsers - all the same.  My bandwidth is fine and my machine works fine in all other respects.   This is definitely on the Comcast/xFinity side.  



11 Messages

3 years ago

I have been having the exact same issue here in Houston. Concrete examples are with the HD NBC and CNN feeds that the quality is horrible. This happens both on my desktop in the Chrome browser and through the stream app on my samsung phone casting to my TV with chromecast. The only thing that helps is to use the "TVGO" channel in my live TV guide. For example, my NBC HD Feed is channel 612 and instead I use NBC TVGO (it's at the very bottom of the channel guide list) then the quality is very good, but not very reliable. As you all have experienced no one at tech support has any idea what I'm talking about. I have even opened two browser windows on my two side by side monitors on my desktop, one playing the TVGO channel and one playing the regular NBC (625) channel. The difference is very noticeable. Try the TVGO channel and see what you think! I've given up on looking to Comcast for a solution.



1 Message

Using the TVGO channels resulted in a HUGE improvement in video quality, especially for live sports!  Under the "Live TV" menu on the Xfinity Stream homepage, you can select "TV Go Channels" to display only the TVGO channels.  Thanks @EastyT !



3 Messages

This has worked for me so far. Thanks. Dont know why it works but here we are.



19 Messages

Same here.  TVGO streams decently.  



1 Message

Having a terrible steam too. 



2 Messages

The answer above worked for me…switch to the TV GO channels when using Xfinity stream….NIGHT AND DAY. No ore glitching or buffering. 

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