


October 14th, 2021

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followed 's post

3 years ago

I watching live tv in the xfinity stream web browser, it has always been decent hd quality but the last 3 weeks or so its been terrible non hd quality. The issue is not on my end, I've tried all possible fixes, are other experiencing this? Thanks

replied to a comment on 's post

3 years ago

I watching live tv in the xfinity stream web browser, it has always been decent hd quality but the last 3 weeks or so its been terrible non hd quality. The issue is not on my end, I've tried all possible fixes, are other experiencing this? Thanks


Using the TVGO channels resulted in a HUGE improvement in video quality, especially for live sports! Under the "Live TV" menu on the Xfinity Stream homepage, you can select "TV Go Channels" to display only the TVGO channels.  Thanks @EastyT !

liked 's comment

3 years ago

I have been having the exact same issue here in Houston. Concrete examples are with the HD NBC and CNN feeds that the quality is horrible. This happens both on my desktop in the Chrome browser and through the stream app on my samsung phone casting to


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October 14, 2021

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