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Saturday, July 24th, 2021 7:41 PM


XUMO - closed captioning?

 Is there a way to get closed captioning on XUMO channels?  With normal channels, I can press the B button on my remote and get a popup to turn it on or off, but neither that nor voice commands work with XUMO channels.  Is there some way I haven't found?



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4 years ago

 Interesting; I've found that I can get Newsy with closed captioning via Samsung TV Plus.  What's most interesting is that two separate phone calls to Comcast's TV support, I was told "that channel doesn't support closed captioning".  No way have I been able to get Newsy with closed captioning on XUMO.  ☹😓

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Hello, @Hula_Baloo! Thank you for participating here on our Communities platform. We appreciate you contacting our customer service to get answers and sharing them here so someone else may benefit from your findings. I'm sorry closed captioning is not supported for XUMO. We hope that changes in the future. 

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 XfinityLinda, why is it that  can get Newsy with closed captioning via Samsung TV Plus, but am told Newsy doesn't support closed captioning on Comcast? 

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That's a question only Newsy could answer for sure. It's all about what they broadcast to us. They may have closed captions summited with their broadcast for Samsung TV Plus and not to us or Samsung TV Plus may auto-generate CCs all content submitted to them. All we can do is speculate on our end. 

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I received an email asking me to mark this thread satisfactorily closed.  I can't do that because it seems to me that XUMO is being treated like an illegitimate stepchild by Comcast.  First, the two people I talked to in TV support didn't know that XUMO was owned by Comcast.  The first one asked me to call back & ask for her the next day.  When I did that, I was connected to a different person who was totally unaware of the previous call I'd made, and she suggested I call XUMO support!  When I informed her that XUMO was a Comcast company, she had me go through an unproductive trouble shooting process, and then told me what I wanted was unsupported by Comcast.  Next, most of the buttons on the Comcast remote don't work when I go to XUMO; it seems that that Comcast should fix this.  Finally it seems that if Samsung can provide closed captioning, Comcast should be able to as well, and not just give a cop-out excuse.  I don't imagine Comcast wants to admit that their employees aren't as smart as Samsung's.

 That's OK, I'll just go with Samsung, but because of the above, don't look for me to mark this thread satisfactorily closed. :(

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I appreciate your feedback as it helps improve how we help customers and provide a better experience. I wanted to let you know Xumo on X1 does support closed captioning, but only where it is available on a certain program. To enable closed captions on XUMO, select the "gear" (or settings) menu item in the XUMO app, and toggle the captions settings until it's blue. If nothing you watch has closed captioning there may be an issue and we can look more into it. 

I no longer work for Comcast.

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4 years ago

@XfinityLinda wrote: "... closed captioning is not supported for XUMO ...", but 

@XfinityEthan wrote: "... Xumo on X1 does support closed captioning ..."

Which is correct???

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