4 Messages
Xumo stream box issues
It seems the Flex box, now replaced by the XUMO Steam box, are prone to a multitude of issues.
I was using a Roku until June 2023 when Hulu stopped being supported on that model, so I thought I would switch to the Flex box since it's free and gives Peacock as a free benefit. All was well with the box until early December, when it started having issues with the Dolby digital stream via the HDMI; it would not send the signal, requiring multiple reboots to get it to comply, and often with a ten minute delay, in which the signal would go in and out for several minutes, often with jarring loud noises sent to the speakers. Tech support said go get a new box, which we did the other day, now the XUMO STREAM box. It worked well for ONE DAY, and now does exactly the same thing, IN ADDITION TO OFTEN FREEZING UP WHILE IN ACTIVE USE (the remote stops responding, so to end a show I must unplug power to the unit). Is there anything to be done other than getting ANOTHER box? Is there some reason Comcast/Xfinity struggles so much with having quality hardware?
2 Messages
1 year ago
After one day, I'm literally about to toss the remote and box at the wall from frustration!! Remote doesn't work and in the middle of my kid's YouTube show, some murder crime episode of Dateline NBC starts playing and I have NO idea why! Haven't watched it, no idea what app to even close since I don't know which app is playing it, and it just switches back and forth from 5 little ducks to a bloody crime scene!! And no matter what I press, it's as if I'm using YouTube, but the whole time, Dateline NBC is playing on the screen! I absolutely hate Xfinity!
Official Employee
1.1K Messages
1 year ago
@user_cq5fqo Hello, I am happy to be of assistance. Can you please send us a DM. You can start by clicking the chat icon located in the top right corner of your forums' page when signed in. Once there, you can direct your messages to "Xfinity Support." Please add your full name and service address to help us locate your account. Let me know if you have any questions.
1 Message
1 year ago
This is happening to us, too! What is the solution? We've tried restarting everything multiple times--even disconnecting and reconnecting cables, etc. How do we fix this??
3 Messages
1 year ago
2 days of non stop Dateline audio. Please help!
2 Messages
1 year ago
I am having the same issue. Everything was great until they gave me this Xumo box. The game show keeps interrupting my show. I’ve called and can’t get a person or the proper questions to respond to.
3 Messages
1 year ago
The XUMO Steam Box is horrible. I've gone into the store and have replaced it and the new one is even worse. When I turn it on, it automatically has a murder show running. When I select Discovery+ and try to watch a cooking show, it will take me back to the murder show. I complained and they said that Discovery+ must not be formatted properly for the XUMO Box. Well, last night, same thing however, we turned on music videos and for 5 minutes, the TV went back and forth between the two shows without us touching anything. I finally gave up and just watched the murder show. It's horrible.
5 Messages
1 year ago
Trying to watch YouTube and keeps switching to Dateline. About to cancel honestly this is trash
4 Messages
1 year ago
I have the same Dateline NBC interruption problem. That is the default program for Xfinity Stream, and it somehow hijacks the apps. Dateline is louder than the apps so it seems to overpower them. Anyhow, this Xumo box is a total piece of garbage that should never have been released. I tried a replacement Xumo box and have the same problem. I don't want to cancel the Xfinity internet. Is there a different box I can use? I have and older Apple TV stream box, and it does work but doesn't have all the apps.
3 Messages
1 year ago
I reached out to Xfininty and below are the instructions to try regarding the Dateline issue and trying to watch Discovery+. I'll try tonight and then post an update.
To resolve the issue of automatically switching back to Dateline when trying to watch Discovery+, you can follow these steps:
The Xumo box have an "auto switch" option. However, there are several settings that can be adjusted within the X1 settings menu. These settings include preferences for the On-Screen Guide, device settings, parental controls, and access to help. Within the "General" preferences option, users can turn on or off features such as "Prefer Best Available Resolution," "Display Mini Guide Over Video," "Next Episode Suggestions," and "Autoplay Next Episode." Additionally, users can adjust settings for scrolling text, daily update time, Kids Zone, enhanced text readability, smart resume, display recordings on specific devices, and auto pad recordings.
4 Messages
1 year ago
Can someone from Xfinity comment on my original post? Trying to get "help" from either Xfinity Chat or Phone is terrible... They keep wanting to say the audio going in and out is because it isn't "registered" on my account, even though the "advanced engineer" told me of course it was and that wasn't the issue (plus it tells you in the activation screen that it's linked to your account), but they keep pushing that I have to pay an activation fee, even though NO, it is free to Xfinity Internet customers and of course the store says that and don't charge, but then the phone employees badmouth the store employees and say they are "just trying to make their metrics." ??? They won't admit the box is garbage, either the hardware and/or the software. The "advanced engineer" said they were boosting the audio stream and they would monitor it and text me if there was a problem?! Of course I didn't believe that and of course they didn't contact me when it stopped working 24 hours later. THE ONLY REASON I am keeping it (for now) is because Peacock Premium is free with it, but as soon as I find a good deal on a Roku or similar device, I'm ditching it, it is the most frustrating piece of technology I have ever used! Before it, the Flex box worked for 6 months. Before that, the Roku worked for 6 years, the only reason I ditched that is because they stopped supporting Hulu on that older Roku box.
1 Message
1 year ago
Been having this identical issue since signing on with xfinity. have tried every reset / restart imaginable. only happens on 1 out of 3 boxes (currently).
I would invite any @xfinity team member to provide streamlined box-replacement for the hundreds or more customers suffering with this awful system performance.
Warning: dont tell me to reset / restart.
3 Messages
1 year ago
On my second new Xumo box in two weeks, keeps cutting to Dateline.
New Poster
1 Message
1 year ago
I am having the similar issues! Dateline cut's into my program every morning when I first turn everything on. I'll hit the Hulu app which starts and less than i minute later nightline cut's into my program. I've found that if I shut everything off and turn it back on it will sometimes fix it, but not always. I've complained about this at the Xfinity and store and I was told, back before the new year, it was a Hulu issue, which I never believed! Now after reading some of these other threads I'm certain it isn't the Hulu app. When I had the original Xfinity flex box I never had this issue! I've switched boxes twice with the suggestion from the Xfinity store employee. Couldn't even get those to go through the setup process and had go back to the one that was somewhat working! Xfinity should be ashamed of itself for putting it's customers through this bull. The Xumo stream box was never ready Prime Time and it seems like they just pushed it out to customers to be the guinea pigs. I have spent hours of my time trying to figure this out! Seems like things are actually getting worse. I have the Vudo app that was working until recently. I get into the app and when I try to play movies that I've purchased, all I get is a white screen! If I run the app through my Blu Ray player, it works fine, so I know it's not my TV! I woke up today thinking about getting rid of my service!
1 Message
1 year ago
Brutally bad software -- From the Xumo home screen, open the "Xfinity Stream App" (which can't be deleted, of course) then navigate to Settings>Playback Preferences and TURN EVERYTHING OFF. Somehow one of those autoplay/smart resume functions are being triggered through other streaming apps, opening this Xfinity Stream App in the background and auto-playing over what the user actually wants to playback, it seems.
1 Message
1 year ago
I had the Xfinity FLEX box, that started to have problems . But Nothing Like Xfinit's XUMO box that is ALL JUNK !!!
I am having a PROBLEMS with Xfinity XUMO box when I try to watch a movie on Peacock maybe 10-15 SECONDS, then it goes to NBC news . I had Xfinity bring me OUT another XUMO box, with the remote delivered Today Sun/17/2024 . I connected it to the Living room TV . Then I get the same PROBLEM with the NEW ONE, when I am watching something and it's getting GOOD, AND THAT NBC News JUNK PoPs Up on the TV SCREEN !!! STOP IT, PLEASE Xfinity for US ALL .
I am going BACK to MY Amazon FIRE STICK (That has NEVER FAILED Me), that I used when I was waiting on the New XUMO Box/Remote to be delivered .
I have Smart TV'S in the Master bedroom, Workout room .
I have 3 FIRE STICKS that I use in My home now,
A Fire Stick in 2 Guest Bedroom TV'S, and 1 for a SPARE to use when needed . AND I NEED IT NOW, That I will use the SPARE FIRE STICK for the Living room TV till this PROBLEM is Fixed .
I say if you have a FIRE STICK/STREAMING Device Use It, so you can ENJOY your STREAMING . Till this XUMO box of JUNK for STREAMING from Xfinity is FIXED . Remember to SMILE, Hugs and Love .