53 Messages
pausing, pixelating, freezing, sound drops for several seconds
2nd attempt
MODERATORS - please don't move/delete this again as "unhelpful" , I am still having this issue and hoping for advice of resolution form the Comcast employees on the board
Several channels on all TVs in the house have pausing, pixelating, freezing, sound drops for several seconds. CNN (817) and the music channels (429, 427, 428) for sure
This happens several times an hour and is really annoying an interruptive.
We had this once before a few years ago, it took like 9 months to close the ticket, Several tech visits, lots of resets, all splitters and cable ends replaced, all boxes replaced. A service manager with a fancy meter tested our house, let us know it was NOT in our home but somewhere in the Comcast network, probably locally to our area, He called a few weeks later and said that equipment/cabling locally was replaced or repaired and it fixed several long running issues.
So my questions:
Is anyone else having this?
Is there any way to request the ’local area’ to be checked or whatever like the manager did without going through the months of site visits and phone support first? We are in Elkton MD
Thanks in advance!
Accepted Solution
Gold Problem Solver
3.3K Messages
4 years ago
Hi everyone. Thanks for visiting us here in the Community. We certainly understand your frustration with the pixelation and audio/video feed quality you're experiencing. We do handle these on a case by case basis and then based on that, we have a department that has the ability of identifying any trends that may be happening locally and determining the cause and/or next steps accordingly. Sometimes the issues can be grouped together and fixed remotely, other times they cannot. Typically for pixelation and issues of that nature, we would need to visit the premise and identify/confirm the source in order to make adjustments and carry out a fix. If anyone would like assistance with scheduling a technician appointment, I would be glad to help.
53 Messages
4 years ago
@ComcastTeds @ComcastNick @ComcastMorgan
Also - is it possible to get the box in front of th ehouse / amplifier / filter or whatever checked without doing an in-home visit? (Covid social distancing and all that)
Gold Problem Solver
18.9K Messages
4 years ago
Apologies for the issue and the experience that you described above.
Pixelation and audio-video dropout issues are almost always related to local or individual signal or connection issues. The issue can occur on a single channel or multiple channels due to the frequency or frequency range that the channel is delivered on. Changes in temperatures can also aggravate the issue.
Box swaps, box refreshes and multiple box refreshes may not resolve this issue if there is an underlying local signal issue.
I have asked that someone on our Maryland team review your account so that we can start the troubleshooting process and get this resolved.
A technician visit may be required so that the signal levels can be reviewed and adjusted if necessary. There is no charge if the issue is determined to be with our equipment or originating outside your home.
Thanks for your patience.
53 Messages
4 years ago
Once again @ComcastTeds is the hero 🙂
Thanks for picking this up! Let me know if you need anything from me
Frequent Visitor
6 Messages
4 years ago
This has been happening to me for sometime now also. I have also had a tech come to my house and redo everything on Comcast end. I already had swapped out my dvr box and have a new tv. The pixelating had stopped but the freezing and sound stopping keeps going on.
On a recent visit to my friends house in another city, I noticed her tv does this also. She mentioned this is also VERY annoying and said she needs to contact Comcast also.
So this issure cannot be just a regional thing, can it??
I wish I knew how to resolve this issure because it IS very frustrating and have tried to get to technical support to find answers but the robot lady will not let me through.
PLEASE Comcast, fix this issure!
Gold Problem Solver
18.9K Messages
4 years ago
Apologies for the issue and the experience that you described above.
Pixelation and audio-video dropout issues are almost always related to local or individual signal or connection issues. The issue can occur on a single channel or multiple channels due to the frequency or frequency range that the channel is delivered on. Changes in temperatures can also aggravate the issue.
Box swaps, box refreshes and multiple box refreshes may not resolve this issue if there is an underlying local signal issue.
I have asked that someone on our Oregon team review your account so that we can start the troubleshooting process and get this resolved.
A technician visit may be required so that the signal levels can be reviewed and adjusted if necessary. There is no charge if the issue is determined to be with our equipment or originating outside your home.
Thanks for your patience.
New Poster
6 Messages
4 years ago
New Poster
1 Message
4 years ago
Yes having these issues on and off for sometime now. It's on a handful of channels, the problem seems to go away on non HD channels. We're in the Detroit viewing area
24.6K Messages
4 years ago
the last two replies need to contact (800-Comcast) technical support to arrange for a premise entrance tech test to ensure the signal is good coming to your home. What you both describe is bad signal on multiple channel frequencies.
Gold Problem Solver
18.9K Messages
4 years ago
Apologies for the issue and the experience that you described above.
Pixelation and audio-video dropout issues are almost always related to local or individual signal or connection issues. The issue can occur on a single channel or multiple channels due to the frequency or frequency range that the channel is delivered on. Changes in temperatures can also aggravate the issue.
Box swaps, box refreshes and multiple box refreshes may not resolve this issue if there is an underlying local signal issue.
I have asked that someone on our Connecticut team review your account so that we can start the troubleshooting process and get this resolved.
A technician visit may be required so that the signal levels can be reviewed and adjusted if necessary. There is no charge if the issue is determined to be with our equipment or originating outside your home.
Thanks for your patience.
Gold Problem Solver
18.9K Messages
4 years ago
Apologies for the issue and the experience that you described above.
Pixelation and audio-video dropout issues are almost always related to local or individual signal or connection issues. The issue can occur on a single channel or multiple channels due to the frequency or frequency range that the channel is delivered on. Changes in temperatures can also aggravate the issue.
Box swaps, box refreshes and multiple box refreshes may not resolve this issue if there is an underlying local signal issue.
I have asked that someone on our Michigan team review your account so that we can start the troubleshooting process and get this resolved.
A technician visit may be required so that the signal levels can be reviewed and adjusted if necessary. There is no charge if the issue is determined to be with our equipment or originating outside your home.
Thanks for your patience.
142 Messages
4 years ago
This may be related to a potential issue on Comcast's end that I've been troubleshooting over the past week or so. This may not be unique to the X1 platform but something going on with the downstream linear TV signal from Comcast.
I noticed a week or so ago that CNN's audio/video was freezing a few times an hour ... not pixelating, but the audio and video were freezing every 10 to 20 minutes. This was happening on both my XG1v4 box and my non X1 HD-DTA. I eventually noticed that this was happening on a few other channels such as Comedy Central and AMC.
I know how to check the diagnostics and signal levels on my equipment and noticed they were all occuring on the same frequency. Comcast compresses groups of channels onto single frequencies. In my area just north of Philly, Frequency 309 MHz contains ...
MTV Live
Comedy Central
All of the channels seeing the freezing audio/video are in this block. I've checked the signal strength on my various equipment and the levels look fine on my end ... downstream power around -1 to +1, and SNR >40.
My neighbors are seeing the same thing with various equipment, AND I checked with a friend in NJ (next state over) and they are also seeing the same thing.
I'm not sure if everyone across the country are running these channels on 309 MHz, but I think this may be related to the feed coming from Comcast and possibly the equipment/software they are using to compress this specific block of channels?
I'm hearing of enough people in various areas of the country that may be seeing this ... if it's possibly isolated to the block of channels I listed, then this may not be a singal/noise issue in the 'plant' but some sort of engineering issue.
24.6K Messages
4 years ago
please check the post just before your post here by @ComcastTeds
Gold Problem Solver
18.9K Messages
4 years ago
Apologies for the issue and the experience that you described above.
Pixelation and audio-video dropout issues (freezing) are almost always related to local or individual signal or connection issues. The issue can occur on a single channel or multiple channels due to the frequency or frequency range that the channel is delivered on. Changes in temperatures can also aggravate the issue.
Box swaps, box refreshes and multiple box refreshes may not resolve this issue if there is an underlying local signal issue.
I have asked that someone on our Pennsylvania team review your account so that we can start the troubleshooting process and get this resolved. I've also alerted our national engineering and operations team on this experience for that team's additional monitoring.
A technician visit may be required so that the signal levels can be reviewed and adjusted if necessary. There is no charge if the issue is determined to be with our equipment or originating outside your home.
Thanks for your patience.
Gold Problem Solver
18.9K Messages
4 years ago
Apologies for the issue and the experience that you described above.
Pixelation and audio-video dropout issues (freezing) are almost always related to local or individual signal or connection issues. The issue can occur on a single channel or multiple channels due to the frequency or frequency range that the channel is delivered on. Changes in temperatures can also aggravate the issue.
Box swaps, box refreshes and multiple box refreshes may not resolve this issue if there is an underlying local signal issue.
I have asked that someone on our Florida team review your account so that we can start the troubleshooting process and get this resolved.
Based on a cursory review of your account, there are some definite signal level issues impacting your service.
A technician visit may be required so that the signal levels can be reviewed and adjusted if necessary. There is no charge if the issue is determined to be with our equipment or originating outside your home.
Thanks for your patience.