coles1's profile

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12 Messages

Monday, September 30th, 2019 11:00 AM


Unusually high data usage megathread

Jessie helpfully locked the thread pertaining to this for being "off topic" after merging all relevant threads into the irrelevant terabyte thread.

I thought we should still have a place to discuss this ongoing problem. I took 20 pages of documentation into a store today and was told all they could do was charge me 70 dollars to send out a tech. Out of desperation I conceded.

Any thoughts? Anyone had any resolution yet? Some folks on Twitter seem to have made slight headway and had their accounts credited but aren't sure how to help since they seem to think they just got lucky.

This conversation is no longer open for comments or replies and is no longer visible to community members.

Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

5 years ago

@midtenner wrote:

As of this morning, December 2, 2019 at 10:33 am  we talked with Comcast Security...yet again. The representatives of Comcast continue to read from the same dialog. They don't have any idea how this is happening. Our WIFI is secure. Even being on vacation for 5 days during Thanksgiving, the usage is ridiculous. They fail to offer refund, intelligent explanations, or even the least bit of assistance. And yet, they content what customers experience in new to them. Meanwhile, you only have to read the comments in this forum to see it's an issue....and it continues to go unaddressed.


As much as I would like to champion an effort to have Comcast investgated, we are signing off...and going with another service.

Apologies. To be clear, your account has been credited. As mentioned earlier, that credit will appear on your next printed statement and/or you can view it via My Account.  


We have been working directly with all individuals that have posted in this thread. 

There can be many reasons for large amounts of data use.  

As posted by a customer on the previous page - our teams see more than a few instances where applications like online drives (iCloud is just one example) syncing constantly and/or "getting stuck" can cause significant data usage.

For all - the link below has some general information on how to avoid overage charges and tips to conserve data usage:




28 Messages

5 years ago

Thank you. Just saw your private message and note about credit. Someone from Comcast also reached out to us by email in response to the BBB contacting them.



Frequent Visitor


6 Messages

5 years ago

Yes, he did reach out.  As mentioned, I called him back and left a voice mail over a week ago and he never returned my call.

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

I have the same issue. This is a huge ripoff, everytime you call customer service they say the same lines and could never help. there solution is always pay $50 more for unlimited and rent there modem (extorsion). As if i want to give them more of my money when i know they are ripping people off. I have never exceeded my data cap until november/last month. previous months i averaged around 500-600 GB. so there is no way I could have used 1079 GB in 1 month. I also know there meter is not accurate since i disconnected all devices form wifi before December 1st, and when i decided to check midday on the 1st i had already used 4GB, may i add nothing was connected. What would be helpful would be for xfinity to reimburse my 1 courtesy overage it used up last month since i know i didnt pass 1 terabyte of data.  

Frequent Visitor


13 Messages

5 years ago

Maybe a class action lawsuit if they are unwilling to fix this issue

Frequent Visitor


13 Messages

5 years ago

Add me as well
My data usage has skyrocketed despite no changes in data use in my home. And to show data used at night when everything is either offline or paused is outrageous. There is no way I suddenly jumped to over a terabyte being used with just one tv on and nothing else. I don’t even turn on the ps4 anymore due to this issue. Fix it!

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issue. According to the data meter, my data usage in December is already up to 135 GB (!) in less than 48 hours. How is this possible, the month has just started and I wasn't even home most of the time? There is clearly something wrong here! 

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I am glad that I was able to find this thread because I thought I was the only one experiencing this issue. A couple of days ago, I logged in to check my data usage and I was surprised to find out that I supposedly, out of nowhere, went way over my limit for August and September. I tend to check my data usage every couple of weeks and I know for a fact that I did not use the amount of data that it shows for those two months. On average I tend to use anywhere between 650-850GBs and I make sure to avoid going over the limit. My data usage can be rather high some months but I am always on top of every single thing that goes on within my network. The last time I went over the limit was back in March of this year and even my notifications say so. If I truly passed the limit on August and September, wouldn't it let me know that I was getting close to the limit? I have notfications turned on. This is why I am 100% sure that I did go over the data limit for those two months. I know I also had one courtesy month left on my account and now it says I have none left, simply because of this issue. I called service and they said that they would open a dispute about this issue and that they would give me a call back in 24-72 hours. This was last Thursday and so far, I have not been called back. I want to know how I can resolve this issue.



28 Messages

5 years ago

The only way that we were able to get action was to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. As soon as Comcast was notified by BBB about the complaint we received a call from Comcast security, credit was given and case closed.

Frequent Visitor


6 Messages

5 years ago



As has been the case with many in this forum, there are promises of action, but nothing is done.   I waited until 12:42 AM before responding to you, but yet again, no contact from the resource(s) who you indicated would be contacting me on Monday. No phone calls, emails, or texts.


As others are reporitng the same problems, with the same shaped graphs showing severe spikes in November usage, it certainly appears to be more than just a case of a number of people suddenly using more data than they did previously.


I am anxiously awaiting Comcast to reach out to me as previously promised to discuss and explore this situation.

Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

5 years ago

@tabamccoy wrote:

Yes, he did reach out.  As mentioned, I called him back and left a voice mail over a week ago and he never returned my call.

Got it - I misunderstood that part in your post.

Some of our team members were out part of last week due to the holiday.  I have reached out to the team and you should expect contact this week. Also, I sent you the direct contact information for the person who is working your case,  should you wish to reach out to them again at your convenience. 

Thanks for your patience and understanding.    

Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

5 years ago

@kjquiro wrote:

I have the same issue. This is a huge ripoff, everytime you call customer service they say the same lines and could never help. there solution is always pay $50 more for unlimited and rent there modem (extorsion). As if i want to give them more of my money when i know they are ripping people off. I have never exceeded my data cap until november/last month. previous months i averaged around 500-600 GB. so there is no way I could have used 1079 GB in 1 month. I also know there meter is not accurate since i disconnected all devices form wifi before December 1st, and when i decided to check midday on the 1st i had already used 4GB, may i add nothing was connected. What would be helpful would be for xfinity to reimburse my 1 courtesy overage it used up last month since i know i didnt pass 1 terabyte of data.  

Apologies. As per the response in your other post/thread, your account was recently credited.  Also as per that thread, a colleague is already researching and will reach out to resolve any outstanding issues.


Apologies again and thanks for your patience. 


As posted by a customer on an earlier page in this thread  - our teams see more than a few instances where applications like online drives (iCloud is just one example) syncing constantly and/or "getting stuck" can cause significant data usage.

For all - the link below has some general information on how to avoid overage charges and tips to conserve data usage:


Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

5 years ago

@Rturner22131 wrote:
Add me as well
My data usage has skyrocketed despite no changes in data use in my home. And to show data used at night when everything is either offline or paused is outrageous. There is no way I suddenly jumped to over a terabyte being used with just one tv on and nothing else. I don’t even turn on the ps4 anymore due to this issue. Fix it!

Apologies for the issue and the experience that you described above.

A cursory review of your account shows data usage from June through November in a range of 678 to 1017 Gb per month, an average monthly usage of 889 Gb. That shows growing data usage but certainly not an inconsistent pattern based on earlier usage. 

There is a ticket opened on your account for this issue with the right teams based on your call to us last night.  That team will review and contact you. 

In the interest of the customer experience, I have applied a credit to your account while our team researches your account further.  The credit will appear on your next printed statement and you can view the credit online via My Account.

Thanks for your patience.


For all - the link below has some general information on how to avoid overage charges and tips to conserve data usage:

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Same situation here.  500-800 GB per month, every month, until November 2019.  Then 1,180 GB.  Now, December has had 2 full days go by and our usage is at 121 GB, already.    At this rate, my current month of data usage for December will total 1,800+ GB.  I fell like Neo plugged into the Matrix...

Somewhere Comcast has changed their method of calculating data usage.  Or ->


Upper Management Question: How do we make more profit?

Answer: Provide data intense content, but limit the total usage to generate overages.

   (Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, YouTube = Data usage, not TV usage)

Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

5 years ago

@gthassell wrote:



As has been the case with many in this forum, there are promises of action, but nothing is done.   I waited until 12:42 AM before responding to you, but yet again, no contact from the resource(s) who you indicated would be contacting me on Monday. No phone calls, emails, or texts.


As others are reporitng the same problems, with the same shaped graphs showing severe spikes in November usage, it certainly appears to be more than just a case of a number of people suddenly using more data than they did previously.


I am anxiously awaiting Comcast to reach out to me as previously promised to discuss and explore this situation.

Apologies. Many (most?) in this forum have had their accounts directly and promptly credited (including your own account) and most all have had someone on our team reach out to them directly to go over their specific concerns.


Apologies that it has taken longer for someone on our team to get back to you. This may be due to the Thanksgiving holiday last week when a lot of the team was out of the office for all or part  of the week. I have asked again about the status of your case.  Thanks for your continued patience. 


As mentioned earlier in this thread, there was a known issue that impacted a very small percentage of our customers in the Fall. The referenced Fall 2019 issue impacted about 2,000 customers. To put that in perspective, that's about .008% of our high speed data customers. While unfortunate and certainly not intended, we identified that issue, addressed it and worked to make that right with the customers that were affected.

Outside of this referenced issue, there does not currently appear to be a common thread here based on the examples so far. 

If it helps, the majority of the data usage on your account in November was November 17th through the 20th. 

11/17 - about 100 gb
11/18 - about 200 gb
11/19 - about 350 gb
11/20 - about 150 gb 

The rest of the month is well under 50 gb per day and mirrors October's usage. 


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