4 Messages

Thursday, September 14th, 2023 12:09 AM


Unable to connect to 2.4 network

I'm currently trying to set up a Ring 2 doorbell, which only connects to a 2.4 ghz frequency. When going through the setup, it couldn't see my network. I have an xfinity gateway (not a pod), and so I went and split the wifi signal to try and see if it could see it that way. I named the two networks different things just to make sure. The device still can't find it. For that matter, my phone, nor could two other devices see the 2.4ghz network, so I've come to the conclusion that the 2.4ghz isn't broadcasting properly.

I've restarted the gateway, and I've tried to disable the 5ghz frequency to see if either of those could force the 2.4 signal to show up, but this isn't the case.

How can I get the 2.4 ghz frequency to show up?

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4 Messages

1 year ago

To follow up on this, the end result I've had to go with was to purchase a compatible dual band router (I got a wavlink) to hook up to the modem and have that broadcast the wifi instead. This is due to the fact that the xfi gateway has specific features that prevents me/people from fully editing settings, and something about that is interfering with its ability to properly split the 2.4 and 5ghz networks. Not the most ideal solution, I know, but it's the only way I was able to get access to the 2.4 frequency.

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1.2K Messages

@bladekuroda Thank you for sharing with the community what has worked for you in resolving the issues. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help out. Have a great weekend, and stay safe out there!

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1 year ago

Hello @bladekuroda, thanks for reaching out for help with you Wi-Fi set up. 

To make sure we are on the same page, can you please go here: https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/change-wifi-mode-admin-tool-xfinity-xfi, and let us know what method you used to rename and separate your Wi-Fi bands? You mentioned you do not have an xFi Pod, so you should be able to split the bands using one of the methods in the link provided. 

Please let us know what methods you have tried, our team is here to help however we can. 

4 Messages

I used the Xfinity App. The model of the gateway I have is the TG3482G, so I think that's the XFI ADVANCED GATEWAY (XB6). I can see the split when accessing admin tools, but I can't make any changes through the browser aside from disabling one of the wifi channels.. First screenshot is from the app. Second is from the admin tool. 


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1.1K Messages

Thanks for the clarification on that, and the screenshot, it definitely helps. 

It looks like everything is set up correctly, so it's a bit strange no devices can see your 2.4 GHz network. Let's move to a private message so we can collect your account details and take a close look at things. To get started, please use the chat icon in the upper right to enter Direct Messaging and send us a message with your full name and full address.


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Please let me know if you have any questions or run into any problems. 

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3 Messages

I am having connecting issues with all 2.4 ghz WiFi. I am not able to split 2.4 and 5mhz on my Xfinity XB6 gateway. Very upsetting to purchase $100's of dollars in smart devices( lights, speakers etc) and I can't use any of them. Please help this new Xfinity user get my SMART on. Thanks

4 Messages

I'm going to buy a modem and return the Xfinity gateway. Disallowing me the ability to manage my router settings is ridiculous. It's cheaper in the long run, too! I'll save that monthly $14.99 for a gateway that I'm not allowed to manage. 



105.9K Messages

1 year ago

@bladekuroda @XfinityRyanE 

Please circle back here and post any possible solutions for the issue here in these open forums so that all readers here may benefit from the exchange / info. This is in keeping with the spirit for which these public help forums were originally intended. Thank you.

3 Messages

I had a similar issue to the one first described and I would love to see a resolution on this. I have not been able to connect certain smart devices due to this issue. 



2 Messages

I also have the same issue.  I would also like to see xfinity provide a real solution for this issue. 

1 Message

10 months ago

Waiting on a solution to this issue as well! I have some Arduino/ESP8266 IOT devices that I NEED to connect to my Wifi and there seems to be no solution thus far...

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1.6K Messages

Welcome to our Community Forum, @user_21lbd3! I want to make sure you're able to connect all your devices to the internet. Are you able to temporarily disable the 5Ghz network from advanced Wi-Fi settings? Once you have your IOT device connected to the 2.4 Ghz network, you should be able to enable the 5Ghz network and everything will run smoothly. If you don't see this option, please reach out privately and I can help from here.

Please send a direct message by clicking the chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on the pen and paper icon, then enter “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section. Please include your name and address to get started. 

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4 Messages

@XfinityEmilyB​ I am unable to do anything except change the SSID and password. I cannot split the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz networks to allow device setup. So I'm going to stop paying for a device that I cannot use and buy one that works for my family.

1 Message

10 months ago

Same. Suddenly none of my smart home devices were working and would not reconnect. I was able to split the two channels in the app for my XB7 gateway,  but the 2.4 channel is not detected by my phone or any devices. Wondering if this is all just to get people to switch to Xfinity’s smart home devices conveniently advertised in the app, which would be an anticompetitive tactic that should raise eyebrows at the FTC. Hope they sue. 


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2.3K Messages

@user_feraap are you still having issues with your smart devices connected? 

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2 Messages

@user_feraap​ Been having the same exact issues and same concerns as well about how convenient it is that Xfinity smart home devices are being advertised on the app while my own devices can't connect to the network. This needs more attention!

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1.1K Messages

Hello @bladekuroda, thanks for reaching out for help with your 2.4 GHz network. 

By chance have you tried any of the steps listed in this thread to see if you are able to see your 2.4 network? In some cases, after you separate the Wi-Fi bands, you have to disable the 5.0 network, connect the devices you need to the 2.4, then re-enable the 5.0 network. 

If you have tired this, and it is still not working, please send us a private message so we can look at your equipment in more detail. 

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3 Messages

I've tried this multiple times wasted my whole day off. Xfinity scam. They want you to buy their stuff.

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2.2K Messages

Hey there, @user_37zw10 thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums. Are you still having the same issues? Have you tried any other troubleshooting? 

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2 Messages

9 months ago

Having the same exact issue these past several months. It feels super fishy to me that non-Xfinity smart-home devices are no longer compatible but coincidentally Xfinity is advertising smart-home devices on their app.

1 Message

9 months ago

Did anyone find a solution to this? Having the same problem. 

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1.6K Messages

Welcome to our Community Forum, @user_0d3u9w! I can temporarily disable your 5 Ghz network so you can set up your device then enable it so the rest of your devices can still use it. Please send a direct message by clicking the chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on the pen and paper icon, then enter “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section. Please include your name and address and I'll be happy to help :). 

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3 Messages

9 months ago

I'm having the same problem. I can't connect my Arlo doorbell, my Rainbird watering system and now my Wyze camera. Each time, I thought maybe it was the device, but clearly, it was a wifi problem. I would LOVE to be able to use these devices. Any advice would be much appreciated.

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331 Messages

@MavenMaude So sorry to hear that. Have you already split your networks to see if that works? If a device needs a 2.4ghz network you need to split it first.



3 Messages

@XfinityJoshuaG​  Yes, it's been split for quite a while.

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1.2K Messages

Thanks for confirming that, @MavenMaude! To clarify, you do have some devices connected to both the 5 GHz band and the 2.4 GHz band at this time, then? There are just a few that are unable to connect at all right now?

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3 Messages

9 months ago

I’m now having the same issue ring doorbell and smart plugs won’t re connect to 2.4

3 Messages

9 months ago

I am having the same issue my smart plugs and cameras have lost connection to the network (2.4) and can’t reconnect. I’ve restarted and tried troubleshooting but nothing 

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1.3K Messages

Thanks for reaching out, user_nvmuap. Have you already tried bladekuroda's method?


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9 months ago

So here's the thing.  After reading the threads.  It sounds like these are the steps:

1) Split the 5 and 2.4 networks

2) disable the 5 GHz network via logging into the router (, (I don't see another option available through in the app)

3) connect all your 2.4 only tech - which usually involves a person's cell phone, so the cell phone needs to be connected to the 2.4 network

4) enable the 5GHz again

The issue I'm having is multifold. 

1) When I split the network, items such as my laptop and cell phone cannot connect to the 2.4 (it appears on the network list but is locked out)

2) So logged into the router and disabled the 5GHz - this did allow my cell phone to access and log into the 2.4 network

3) But something happened while setting up my 2.4 tech (cameras, flume etc) where suddenly the 2.4 dropped and disappeared from the Network list. Once it came back my cell couldn't access it again 

4) My laptop also couldn't access the 2.4 network..... which means I cannot log back into the router ( to enable the 5GHz network, so essentially I'm locked out of the router (aka paper weight at this point) with no internet 

for more info I have the XB3 Gateway (just received it from Xfinity today) 

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4K Messages

Hey, @user_9967ce! Thanks for reaching out to us on the forums! I apologize to hear that you are having issues with the 2.4 GHz network and trying to get connected to it. This makes me wonder if the wireless module needs to be reset on the modem since you have an XB3. If you log into the modem you should be able to find this option from the left-hand panel under the reset link which should provide you with a few things to reset. Please let us know if you continue to have issues after you reset the wireless module.

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Thanks for replying, but as I stated I cannot log into the modem since I disabled the 5 GHz network and for some reason my laptop and iphone cannot connect to the 2.4 GHz network, I receive the error message and it appears that network is locked.

I do have two questions for you.

1) My service is internet only, with 200Mbps download, for the best service should I have the XB3 or the XB6 modem/router?

2) I had an arris G36 which I split the networks (2.4 and 5 GHz) but my signal would drop off completely or go down to .01 Mbps download speed.  When I first connected the XB3 (the 2.4 and 5 GHz NOT split) no signal drop or degradation.  BUT when I split the networks on the XB3 I was back to my signal dropping (needing a modem reboot) or a massive degradation in speed.  Why?

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1.5K Messages

@user_9967ce The Xb3 gateway works great for your 200 Mbps download speed. If you set both your networks up with the same username and password then your devices would use the one network that gives the best connection. The 5Ghz connection is a much faster signal, but is weaker and will not travel very far. The 2.4Ghz connection is not as fast, but is much stronger and will travel through walls and floors much better. Are you able to combine the two networks again to see if that helps?

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Thanks for that info.  But as mentioned in my original post, due to cameras and other devices that ONLY work on the 2.4Ghz network I need them split, correct?  I have to place those devices that only run on the 2.4Ghz network on the 2.4 and then everything else on the 5Ghz.  Once I do that, my signal is a roller coaster for both networks, where, at times, during a speed test I see the modem connecting to the external server provider but has a download of .01Mbps or the signal all together drops where I have to reboot the modem by unplugging it.

I doubt it, but is there a way to connect item to the 2.4Ghz network and have them stay on that network while keeping the 2.4 and the 5 Ghz networks together?  

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1.5K Messages

No, there is not. Did you move your modem to a new location? 

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1 Message

8 months ago

Same issue. Smart devices have had no issues for two years, suddenly nothing works and can not reconnect. (Ring doorbell, chime, Feit smart bulbs, nest).  Issue began on January 3rd. I’ve spent the last 48 hours following every piece of advice with no solution. At this point reaching out to other service providers in the area as this seems to be an Xfinity issue (something changed on there end) and they have not been able to help me. 

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1.5K Messages

Good evening @user_38x3yu, and thank you for reaching out on our Community Forums, we're sorry to hear that you are having issues with your smart devices connecting. May I ask what troubleshooting steps you have tried so far? Rest assured, our team will do everything we can to help get this fixed. 


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3 Messages

8 months ago

I think I figured it out the order day. I opened up the  then logged in and was messing with the frequency 2.4 Turing off and on then restarted and reseted router via the admin login. Then it started working. I am not sure exactly how but it did. Hopefully you can get yours back up. I did have Cox internet that uses the same all in one router and modem and one day did the same 

5 Messages

Thank you so much!  I too suddenly had the same issue today, and after I disabled and enabled the 2.4 wifi via, my 2.4 devices started working again!  Hopefully others can see if this will work for them.

3 Messages

8 months ago

I am having the same issue, called Xif support and was told we would get a call back the next day. It's now 5 days later and no call back. Very poor customer service - sure makes looking into the new fiber company an easy choice! I have other smart devices hooked up to the 2.4 Wifi, but can not get Feit smart lights hooked up. Have wasted HOURS trying to get this fixed! Should NOT have to disable the 5.0 frequency to get my phone to connect to the 2.4 frequency! 

3 Messages

Also extremely frustrated being told 'I will do my best to help you resolve this'. All promises and nothing is ever fixed

3 Messages

Husband was told by the Xfi technician that WPA3 needs to be turned off on the router - Xfi has to toggle it off so we can use both frequencies. He was told this has to be done by Xfi and someone was going to call back. Never got a call back.


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8 months ago

Looks like I’m not the only one! Going on 2 days of no connection for devices that require the 2.4 ghz signal. Have tried many of the suggested solutions with no luck. Very frustrating. 

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