

5 Messages

Saturday, November 27th, 2021 6:26 PM


Sudden huge increase in internet data usage

I have been a Comcast/Xfinity customer for over 20 years. I got an alert this month that I’m exceeding my 1225GB plan. I’ve historically used 125-200GB. I haven’t been home much this month. What is happening?



1 Message

3 years ago

Add me to the list of this issue!!!started I. January. Now today the first day in February I am tracking usage and it is increasing all day,,, even when everything is off or I am out of the house. 



22 Messages

3 years ago

I have done everything Comcast has suggested, and I removed every device that was connected to wi-fi except my Roku TV. I changed the password on the modem.  I turned wifi off on my phone and am just using data.  I watched 2 hours of Netflix last night and went to bed.  Because it was the first day of the month, I was anxious to wake up THIS morning and see what that did to my daily total.  Imagine my shock when it said I had used 40 GIGS OF DATA!!!!!!  The ONLY thing on the internet was my TV for 2 hours.  That cannot POSSIBLY be accurate!  I can't even imagine what my usage will be at the end of this month with this blatant scam!




3 Messages

@user_a99937​ I may have to go a day without the internet to see if we see the same results. I know longer use the comcast modem and routers as they are too expensive and not quite as good as others. The netgear orbi system i use has a traffic meter in which i can see daily how much data were using. I am now monitoring numbers daily.



22 Messages

Another dose of WTF..... With everything disconnected from the internet except the tv, we watched ONE hour of Discovery Plus, just to see what ONE hour would result to.  Imagine our surprise when xfinity updates our usage ..... and it was 22 gigs!!!  There is NOTHING connected to the internet but that one tv for that ONE hour.  Try and tell me this isn't a complete scam!!!



38 Messages


same here, I had to pay more money for unlimited data which is very obviously the end game for Xfinity



5 Messages

3 years ago

I hate to admit this but I think our data usage may be correct after all.  I'm not saying this will be the case for everyone but it took me 2 days of researching to figure it out.  Does anyone else stream Apple TV+?  If so, did you know almost all their content streams in 4K?  We just picked it up late December for 3 free months after my husband upgraded his iPhone and have been watching a lot of content.  I started digging into our data usage and found our laptops and phones didn't even get in the ballpark of our January data usage so it came down to streaming.  Almost all apps allow for you to lower the quality of the streaming, if you want to and most are only HD, offering some movies or shows in 4K if you specifically choose but not Apple TV+.  When I totaled the hours of content we've watched times 8 gigs per hour streaming 4K and that put us in the ballpark of our January usage.  I'm shocked - first, I had no idea we even had a data limit on our Xfinity Internet account because we've never even come close to it and second, had no idea that 4K used so much more data than regular HD.  It's OK if it's just a show or movie here or there, may not even move your needle that much but a couple of seasons of 2 or 3 different shows that are an hour long and yup, that will do it.  I wish Apple would give you the choice to NOT watch 4K but I have yet to find a solution for that.  You can go into your iTunes account and instead of best quality playback, you can choose Good but that's about it.  We're going to try that and see if it makes any difference.  Also, since we have unlimited data on our phones, we turned off the WiFi on both them but honestly, rarely use them when we're home anyway - we're mostly on our tablets or TV.  I hope this helps someone else who may be tracking down their increase and for those with no known source, keep hunting it down!  




7 Messages

@user_05ae28​ I was watching AppleTv before my data jumped up but not after at all.

Problem Solver


1.5K Messages

@user_05ae28​  The codec the streaming service uses comes into play too, so when they say "hours of streaming", it's not the whole story.  Netflix uses H264 for example.  This would be the bare minimum bandwidth you would use to avoid buffering.**

                                  H264        H265
1280×720(HD)      3Mbps    1.5Mbps
1920X1080(FHD) 6Mbps    3Mbps
3840×2160 (UHD)25Mbps 12Mbps
4096×2160 (4K)    32Mbps 15Mbps

In terms of GB/hour:

1280×720(HD)       1.35     .68
1920X1080(FHD)  2.7       1.35
3840×2160 (UHD) 11.25   5.4
4096×2160 (4K)     14.4     6.75

This also doesn't account for spliced in commercials that will hit at a different rate, and usually at a higher rate.  It's a big reason why I throttle streaming devices.  Find a rate that is visually acceptable to you, on the TV you watch, and set a max Mbps limit.  You'll get a lower quality stream, and can't up-shift that way.

Big data save.

**Added:  It's not the whole story either.  Streaming is very complex.  The stream you are watching may be up to 12 different streams, adjusted on the fly.  This is simply a ballpark mathematical guide.




6 Messages

We do not game. We have no things connected besides a 2 tablets, sometimes 3 when my husband gets home from work. No TV streaming. Our data doubled or tripled last month. Doing the same things. I cannot purchase unlimited data even if I wanted to as it is not in my area. How do I stop this data consumption? I contacted the link in the other Xfinity employees post and have heard nothing. I cannot afford overages. 




22 Messages

What's aggravating is that Xfinity can't tell me, even though I have their modem in use, what I'm doing that is causing this continued increase, month after month.  I'm doing NOTHING different then I have been for well over a year.  Same tv, same laptops, same phones.  If anything, not working from home and my daughter no longer in school, we are using LESS internet.  She is out of the house working, as am I.  So nobody is home for the majority of the day, yet somehow my data is being used.  THEY CANNOT TELL ME WHAT IS EATING UP THE DATA!!!!  This weekend we will be out of town.  2 days of nobody using anything whatsoever.  I'm even going to unplug the modem.  If there is even ONE gig used, I am dropping xfinity that moment and contacting the FCC and BBB.

Problem Solver


1.5K Messages

@user_a99937​ Incredibly frustrating isn't it?  The whole data lag thing for tracking your data.  That had me going for a while too.  There's a big lag in reporting.

I can tell you what you can expect.  Day 1, your data will increase when you aren't there.  Day two, it won't. Day 3 it won't either if you got it unplugged.

So, another unexplained thing I've had for over a year now.  I've actually used 652.79 GB last month.  How do I know this?  I'm down in the mud on the hardware interface level on a BSD box, and know exactly how many packets, logging everything, and the size of the packets that left my firewall then got slammed to the gateway.  That's the TCP/IP stack.  Something I'm working on.  Assuming they made it past that, and the error count said almost all did, you'd think it would be a 1 for 1 without a bunch of errors and re-transmits, right?  I mean, I'd really assume some overhead would happen.  The gateway doing stuff just for connecting and fixing its constant ranging error problem -- which, I don't care about.  It chatters about a lot of stuff.  Works well enough.  A bit of fail and just some arping and some broadcast traffic with their gear?

Nope.  I end up with 625GB for the month on the website.  They're short.  They're short a lot.  This is not a communication problem on hardware interfaces.

Why?  I can only assume they're rounding a bit -- there is an awful lot of us, and I really don't know what timezone they're in that makes the cutoff.  Not sure how I'd implement it, so short I'd understand.  Over would tick me off.




2 Messages

3 years ago

Xfinity has said my usage has jumped up more than triple over this past month
and I already got an notification on FEB 3rd! that I used 75% This is impossible . I have not added any devices or changed routines. I do not want to be charged but no one is giving any answers. 
We have uplugged our modem etc. There would be no reason. 
Has anyone actually had any success with this being fixed?
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Usage Tripiling?



22 Messages

@user_662bb3​ They can't explain it to ANYONE who has inquired.  I have unplugged every device except my tv.  There is currently nobody home and for some reason data is being used.  It's NOT.  But they are saying that it is.  This is a blatant scam.  We can't ALL be wrong here.

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

Due to newer security there is limited insight into usage. That is why requesting a ticket or create a case is important. Can you tell me what days you unplugged?

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4 Messages

Why are you making us jump through 50 hoops to get an answer? It is obvious you have changed something that is causing everyone’s usage to spike. I have made 2 calls on the matter and gotten NOWHERE. But they were quick to sell me on an unlimited plan that jacked my bill up (lied about the price too). 

this is a scam

Official Employee


746 Messages

Hi, thank you for reaching out to us on Xfinity Forums. I understand you have concerns with your usage.  To send a Private Message, please click on the link  https://comca.st/3gpn2xW to initiate a live chat.

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Problem Solver


785 Messages

@user_2f4b08 I am truly sorry you have not had any luck getting this issue resolved. You can contact our Customer Security Assurance Team and they will be able to review the usage and see if there are any issues. You can reach them through their website, https://comca.st/3utIU3m or

6:00am - 2:00am EST, 7 days a week

Contact: 1-888-565-4329

I no longer work for Comcast.



4 Messages

3 years ago

After months of stable monthly usage (400-700GB), we are all of a sudden surpassing our monthly usage allotment. 

We have changed anything during this time. In fact, I haven’t even done online gaming this month and our usage somehow doubled. 

Reading through these forums it’s apparent this is becoming a pattern. I suspect it’s a scam to get people upgraded to unlimited internet plan. 

Why can we not get an answer on what is using up our data? It’s awfully convenient that you’re the arbiter and sole owner of the usage data, tell us it’s increasing, charge us for it, but can’t tell us why. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Usage increase

Official Employee


2.3K Messages

Hey there, @user_a85409, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums! I completely understand how shocking it can be to see an increase in your data usage that you were not expecting and we never want you to feel scammed. We are here to help. I would recommend reaching out to our Customer Security Assurance regarding any data disputes and they would be happy to take a look at your usage and provide you with more information.


You can reach them through their website, https://comca.st/3utIU3m or

    • 6:00am - 2:00am EST, 7 days a week
    • Contact: 1-888-565-4329

Please let us know if you have any additional questions as we are here to help!

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38 Messages

It can’t be every customer issue and nothing Xfinity is doing to cause problems!

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hello @user_e5794d! Have you contacted our CSA team about the large jump in data you have described in your comments on other post? We would be happy to help in any way we can with your concern. Can you send us a private message with your full name, name of account holder (if different) and service address? To send a private message, please click the chat icon next to the bell in the upper right corner. Click the “notepad and pen” button. Send the full message to our shared support handle “Xfinity Support”. We look forward to hearing from you!

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2 Messages

3 years ago

I do see many posts on spiked internet usage, family of 2 who are at home very little, using between 250 to 400 gigabytes each month until January 2022, Our usage spiked over 15 times above normal to over 6000. Called support , claiming we were possibly hacked, someone using Wi-Fi? Changed all passwords, started monitoring all traffic, and again this month using same amount. After reading all the posts about the same issue, I am guessing this is an infinity problem or scam. I guess we all have not choice but to cancel services and wait for the lawyers to pursue. Years down the line we may get a few cents back. Very disappointed!!

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Internet Usage



1 Message

3 years ago

Posting on my family's experience.  We were traveling away from our home and internet for all of January.  Mid-month we received a notice from Xfinity that we were about to exceed our allocated data usage cap (1225GB plan).  I contacted Xfinity Support twice, was reassured we wouldn't be charged but unhelpfully I think the support reps were referring to the free first month overage only, and otherwise provided no assistance whatsoever in diagnosing the problem  Clearly it was a problem as no one was home and suddenly there was a 9x-10x exponential increase in internet data usage.  

Last week I looked at our mesh WiFi system data and realized most of the data consumption had occurred and continued to occur from one device - the Toshiba Amazon Fire IP TV in our den.  I factory reset the TV, and I also changed the password to our cable modem (that we own).  All of this appears to have worked because we are back to using less than 10GB per day of internet data.  My wife found some content online suggesting an app on the TV updated and was causing the data hemorrhage.   Hope this helps although YMMV.  

Regular Visitor


3 Messages

3 years ago

Hello’ do anyone know how I can change or add a different account

Official Employee


292 Messages

Hello, @4439384711A, thanks for reaching out to us! We would be glad to assist. To clarify, how are you looking to change your account? 

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4 Messages

3 years ago

I have recieved texts/emails that I have used over 1229 G of data. It's only the 7th day in February, who is this possible? Nothing has changed with my usage. No additional users, no 4k streaming, no gaming. Nothing. I have NEVER gone over my usage in the past few years and no all of a sudden I've used it all in 7 days? Something is wrong. I have restarted my Modem, didn't change anything. How is this happening all of a sudden with no change in my equipment or usage? I've contacted customer service and they told me to wait, until the month is over. But if I do that, I will double or triple my usage! If this does not get fixed will have to change carriers. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled High data usage



4 Messages

3 years ago

My first post was removed. Isn't that odd... so, my issue is I have recieved texts/emails stating that I have used all of my data up for the month. This is the 7th of February and I have managed to use up all my data. How is this possible? Nothing has changed! I have not gone over any data in over a year (+) and all of sudden I've used it all. I am afraid my the end of the month my usage will triple! I have restarted my Modem, and haven't seen any changes. I know I am not the only one, so their has to be an explanation as to why all of sudden this is occurring. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled High data usage



22 Messages

@kfunk307​ Actually it looks like they merged your comment to the BIG thread on the same topic.  And you really are NOT alone here.  We are all being hit with these huge usage increases that make no sense!

Official Employee


974 Messages

Hi there, @kfunk307, thank you for taking the time to post on our Xfinity Forums. Going from not exceeding your usage to having it all be used within the first 7 days can be extremely concerns and I would certainly feel the same way you are! I would like to direct you to contact our Customer Assurance team they generally handle data escalations. You can find more information, here.


They can also be reached at 1-888-565-4329 and are available 7 days a week from 06:00 AM - 02:00 Am EST. Please let us know if you have additional questions. 

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2 Messages

@XfinityValerie​ it’s obvious Xfinity is doing shady stuff having hundreds of people data randomly surge to 2 or 3 x the normal usage just so we go over the cap and can be sold on unlimited data this is ridiculous



2 Messages

3 years ago

Seems this is a longstanding issue that comes and goes if you dig deep enough..


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Data Usage Glitch Happening Again?



2 Messages

3 years ago

So after multiple calls to tech support without  resolution, posting on this board, and filing a complaint, I have out of the blue received a $50 gift card from Xfinity for “customer appreciation “…..anyone else receive anything like this before? It’s by far the strangest attempt at customer retention without actually addressing the problem from a company I have ever seen. 



5 Messages

3 years ago

Had a few of these alerts in 2021. Never went over until December when we allegedly went over by the 20th. We do stream a bit and I work from home so I didn't question it too hard until the December issue. We were barely home the first three weeks and there was no way we exceeded the cap in that time. So I now have a Pfsense firewall and ntopng runnin between the cable modem and my router, logging all traffic and bandwidth utilization. Next time, I will be prepared.

Has anyone ever been charged for exceeding the cap? I believe they state that they give up to 3 "grace" months before charging and while I've come close a few times, last December is the only time I allegedly went over so they've never charged me. However, my top bandwidth speeds did mysteriously drop to 50Mbs (paying for 300) sometime in December and on Sunday, a tech replaced everything between the box in the neighbor's yard and the modem, including the modem and still running at 50Mbps down. So it is clearly something on Comcast's side. While they swear that they don't throttle, I pretty much have proof of it.




7 Messages

3 years ago

Hi - I've been trying to get answer to why my data usage has suddently gone up. Over the last 6 years that I've been with Xfinity usage has been between 300 - 500 GB average. Suddenly starting November of 2021 the usage has gone past the 1200+ limit and keep getting warnings as soon as 10 -14 days into cycle that you are 90% of usage

I've called a number of times to no avail and this is frustrating. Just this month on 6th my usage showed around 80GB and suddenly last night it went up to 611 GB which is ridiculous. Can someone look into this and help me

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled extremely high data usage



7 Messages

3 years ago

I’m just now having same issues. No changes to routines (average 500/mo) for last 12 months. Now hitting 500 in 10 days with less people in my home and NO gaming this month.

Problem Solver


743 Messages

Hello @user_fb189a! Thank you for reaching out to our community forum. I can definitely understand how concerning it is to see an unexpected increase in your data usage.

Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? I'm happy to help!

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