5 Messages
Port forwarding stopped working
I've had port 8123 forwarded and working fine for the past few years. Something changed two days ago. The service is still active and online on the internal IP, and I have set up port forwarding for port 8123 for my router, but I simply cannot reach it when visiting the external IP and the port number. Nothing has changed on my end.
I spent 45 minutes on the phone with an Xfinity support agent who obviously didnt even understand the problem I was explaining, and was not helpful in escalating me to an actual engineer.
I have found several related issues here with no helpful responses:
I just set up a separate Raspberry Pi server on port 8000 to test. I created a new port forward for port 8000 linked to that device in the Xfinity app. No luck, even with a brand new server and brand new port forward.
Has anyone encountered this and been able to resolve it themselves? It doesnt seem like Xfinity knows whats up.
Official Employee
2.9K Messages
1 year ago
Hey there, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums regarding your Port Forwarding. We would be happy to take a look at your account to help with getting to the bottom of the issues you are having with Port Forwarding.
Please send us a direct message with your name and service address, so we can assist you further. To send us a Direct Message, you will need to sign in to the Forums if you are not. Then you will need to locate and click on the "Direct Message" icon located in the upper right corner of this page. Next, click the "New Message" (paper & pencil) icon and type "Xfinity Support" in the to line, and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list. You can proceed to type your message in the text area near the bottom, and press enter to send the message. Please let me know if you have any questions.
109.2K Messages
1 year ago
@user_c54ff2 @XfinityJeniece
Please circle back here and post any possible solutions for the issue here in these open forums so that all readers here may benefit from the exchange / info. This is in keeping with the spirit for which these public help forums were originally intended. Thank you.
109.2K Messages
1 year ago
Thank you !
5 Messages
1 year ago
It's been a few days, so maybe @XfinityJeniece can give us an update? My ticket number is: [Edited: Personal Information]
5 Messages
1 year ago
Apparently I was lied to again. I guess she never created the ticket!?!?! Someone please assist ASAP.
4 Messages
1 year ago
FYI: in the past week or so randomly xfinity stopped port forwarding from the router's IP to the same IP. But it does work from another IP. You can test from a phone with wifi off, using mobile data (or http://anonymouse.org). You can use your internal IP address when home and the external when away. Seems to come and go. Makes it aggravating just to test whether their port forwarding is actually working.