5 Messages
Outages being reported CONSTANTLY…
For the last month, my Xfinity internet service has REPEATEDLY been dropping, and outages of over 100 people have been getting reported on Xfinity’s website.
It was every day for 10-14 days, then stopped for about a week, and now it’s back to every other day. I contact tech support, and they do the “reset your modem” dance, but inevitably reach the end of their binder of answers. I’ve had two techs out, one told me I needed a new modem, didn’t fix the problem.
But inevitably, a little while after I notice problems, I check Status Center and see there is an outage in my area due to “Network Damage”, affecting 100-500 people. It gets fixed…then in a day or two, it’s dropping me again,and another “Network Damage” outage affecting 100s of people.
Is there a local or regional rep I can speak to who can explain to me why this service I pay for is suddenly the victim of repeated outages every day/every other day due to “network damage”?? I haven’t had issues in years with service, and now I don’t know if this is a coordinated terrorist attacking on the network, the squirrels have declared war on the wires, or what is causing repeated failures. I had more than one person at Xfinity tell me that their techs are just unplugging people in the middle of the day to do network upgrades. My wife and I both use the Internet for work, we are losing money when this happens.
Can anyone recommend next steps for obtaining more information on why Comcast can’t go more than 48 hours without an area outage for the last month??
28 Messages
11 months ago
Recommended next step?… [Edited: "Solicitation"] Internet is inexpensive and extremely reliable.
4 Messages
11 months ago
Same here man. Ever since may first when they came to install the 10gb internet upgrades. This needs fixed right now I can’t keep losing money with this [Edited: "Language"]. I play nba 2k for money and keep lagging out spiking and full on internet dropping multiple times a day and night. Please fix this Xfinity. @Xfinity Support
5 Messages
11 months ago
Happening again today. Over 100 people out. "Network Damage !"
Same thing happened yesterday. "Network Damage !"
And on Tuesday. (that I saw)
Who keeps "damaging" the network?? This happened like ten days in a row back in late March! Is it really "damage", or are they just saying "damage" because it's forgivable? After the 15th-20th time in the last 30-45 days, I'm getting suspicious. Especially when I had at least TWO Xfinity employees casually suggest that the outages were because "they're upgrading the network".
I work in I.T. - and if I unplugged paying customers in the middle of the day without notice to do a "network upgrade", it would be the LAST network I ever upgraded.
I want to know why Xfinity can't go more than 60% of the last 30 days without an "Outage" due to "Network Damage !". I pay enough...I deserve to know.
5 Messages
11 months ago
Things do happen...I certainly understand that. I just drove by some downed lines a few moments ago. I live in the woods, trees fall. But THIS many days in a short stretch having "network damage"...never seen that one.
I would call customer support, but that gets me one of two things:
* The "customer service rep", who is in a call-center in another state (possibly another country), who checks my modem, sends a signal to my modem, resets my modem, and schedules the "other guy"
* The other guy, the "service tech", who comes in my house, replaces all of my coax terminations, and tells me he put in an up-line ticket, but he has no idea if the line techs ever see or do anything with it.
If Xfinity just contacted me and explained, "Hey, we have issue abc, we're fixing it, it's gonna be xxx days until your service is reliable again"...I could work with that. Even if they ARE pulling cable out mid-day to "upgrade"...just hear my concerns and give me an ETA...2 weeks, 3 weeks, a month?? Give me a heads-up that it's coming and I'll cuss some, and then work around it until you're done.
I just would like to talk to someone who actually works in this STATE, who MIGHT have enough of an idea of what's going on to tell me something other than,"we're sending the magic signal to your modem, here's a $nn credit", only to have this happen again tomorow.
My biggest complaint about Xfinity customer service is that, best I can see, they still demonstrate a "cable mentality" when it comes to these services.
Service is down? Go do something outside, come back later. Still down? Oh well, we'll have someone out there...Tuesday?? Not good enough? Here's some free HBO.
Even their marketing of Internet seems oriented around things like "streaming" and "gaming", like the idea that Internet is critical communications and not entertainment is a foreign concept to them. Since COVID a lot of people's livelihoods rely on these broadband services. When you add in the VOIP and cell services, people's LIVES could depend on them.
5 Messages
10 months ago
At risk of jinxing it...so far this week, our Internet service APPEARS to be stable. We did experience a disconnect from a critical service yesterday, but I suspect that was not an Xfinity issue.
It's worth noting that I mentioned my situation to two of my colleagues who live in the same county, and both of them immediately chimed in with similar issues...so whatever it was, wasn't just localized "squirrel chew"...it was pervasive in this area. I suspect AndyBars is right about it being SOMEHOW related to the 10G upgrades.
I suppose we won't know exactly what went wrong or what was fixed...but I'm cautiously optimistic that this issue at least has been dealt with for now.
1 Message
10 months ago
Live in Chicago our service has been terrible the entire month. Just got off the phone with Xfinity and they said I have to call back once the outage is fixed. I also work from home and am losing money every time this happens. We just want reliable service. The technician said the infrastructure is being repaired. We need it to just be fixed or don’t promise to provide a service that you can’t fulfill.
New Poster
4 Messages
10 months ago
Wanted to bump this thread with my own complaints. These outages have been going on where I live (Miami) for the past three or so months.
Last week it happened twice.
Once late at night when I was working. The person I communicated with told me that they were probably performing "system maintenance" at that time because there's less internet usage, yet the same thing happened the next day in the morning going into the afternoon.
They won't tell me what is really going on, except for these canned answers. Why is that?!
1 Message
10 months ago
This has been happening to me too. I live in MA & my Internet goes out about 3 times a week at least for "system maintenance" or "damage" or some other lame excuse. Then when I request to get a text notification, I don't even receive that until about 6-7 hours after my service is back on so that's useless. I am currently disabled due to having Stage 4 Lung Cancer so I am home all the time and rely on my streaming services to get me through the day. Also I need the wifi for my phone to work correctly. So when I lose service I am completely out of touch with everything & just literally sitting here doing absolutely nothing for hours on end multiple times per week and have no clue why? This has been going on for months now. My town has no other option for Internet service or I would've switched already. We don't need the measly little credit, we want the reliable service we pay for!!! SMH
3 Messages
10 months ago
It would appear that this is an internet pandemic. It's happening all over. I'm in Michigan and starting about a month ago I've got the worst stability / latency.
Everything stated here echoes my thoughts and feelings. I really do hope this is figured out.
New Poster
2 Messages
10 months ago
Sporadically over the last week, my Internet drops. I either have to wait about 15 minutes and it may come back or I have to reset everything. The useless virtual assistant runs checks and tells me there are no service area issues. Really? Obviously I can only use the assistant when I do have connectivity. I looked for a phone number to support for this issue and none can be found.
8 Messages
10 months ago
Same problems in the Alpharetta, GA area where I live. I get a drop of service for 3-5 minutes about every 3-6 hours. Been going on now for 3-4 weeks.
2 Messages
10 months ago
Getting a drop in service every hour or 2 for about 10-15 minutes receiving same song and dance of "reset your modem" like I don't know how to unplug it
I can't imagine dropping what I do for work but when there's no other choice. Terrible service
2 Messages
10 months ago
Similar problem in Vancouver, WA since 6/5/24 internet drops completely in the middle of the day and is out for several hours. The outage map so far has shown no outages in my area when I check, but about half of the time after I report it I do get a text "We fixed the issue impacting Xfinity Internet in your area." a couple of hours after it is restored
The other half of the time I get this text, "We didn't find an outage associated with your Xfinity service. Still having trouble? Chat with Xfinity:
1 - Chat with Xfinity", but the chat rep doesn't find anything and recommends making a service appointment and/or replacing my modem. I've canceled 3 service appoints so far, because the internet has always been up a couple hours before the appointed time.
1 Message
10 months ago
I'm having the same issue here in Sonoma county in Northern California. Myself and my neighbors have had several outages for several hours a day over the past 3 to 4 months. It impacts my ability to work my remote job. I called into Xfinity and talked to a representative to see #1 why this is happening and #2 when they can expect that it will stop happening. That I have been patient for several months and yet it keeps happening. Service was fine prior to that and now all of a sudden these constant outages. Of course all of the rep could do was tell me that they are doing repairs and that it will be fixed and I said well that's a given but I'm trying to find out what the issue is and when will this be resolved for good because these constant outages are not working for me. Could not give me an answer to that and just gave the canned response. So my only option is to look for another service and complain on here and get some release from my pent up frustration. I tried out Starlink for a month and it was reliable with very fast speeds but gosh the cost. But I may have to do it. Frustrating that Comcast won't be honest about what is happening. I guess they feel they will lose customers but they're going to lose them anyway. Better to be honest. Probably the higher ups are not telling the customer service people and I'm sure it must be frustrating for them too. Oy vey.
1 Message
10 months ago
I am in SLC, Utah and started experiencing this issue from yesterday. I downgraded my plan from 800mbps to 300mbps last month. I started experiencing outage yesterday only and said it will be restored by 11PM MST, then I recieved another text by today morning 6AM that service is restored. But again at 10AM service dropped and when contacted customer service, the automated voice said there still an outage and it will be restored by 11:45AM. No way to connect to anyone from Xfinity. Now it shows there is an outage but doesn't show when it will be fixed.
Seeing these comments, it feels like this is more of a frequent thing. I should rather switch to Google Fiber so that I don't have such issues and constant back and forth with Xfinity!