1 Message
Voice guidance loop
I am trying to connect the new cable box that was sent to my grandparents, and it just keeps asking if I would like to use voice guidance. No matter how many times I select an option, that screen just keeps popping up. I cannot do anything with their TV now except for watch DVDs.
Official Employee
1K Messages
9 months ago
Hi there! Are you still having trouble with the setup? I would love to help.
To get started, please use the chat icon in the upper right to enter Direct Messaging and send us a message with your full name and full address.
Here are the detailed steps to direct message us:
• Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "direct messaging" icon (upper right corner of this page)
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send your message
Please let me know if you have any questions or run into any problems.
1 Message
9 months ago
I have the same problem. I’ve been on the phone with two different technicians spending several hours on this. I can’t get the box to stop asking about voice guidance. I’m stuck in a loop and now it won’t work.
1 Message
8 months ago
Just had a technician here for this exact issue. He held the remote directly on top of the box and finally it accepted the remote’s response! I was trying from about 3 feet away with no success and nobody on the help lines told me to get immediately by the box….but that’s what solved the issue! So get super super close to box and try again. Hope you have luck with this!
2 Messages
5 months ago
I have same problem. Trying to activate new box and when it gets to “ do you want to keep using voice guidance.” I press no and it takes me back to same screen. I also tried to refresh the box and I get a message stating my box is offline, yet it is lit and I only have 1 box.
1 Message
5 months ago
Having this exact same issue. I received a new cable box from the Xfinity store and tried to set it up only to run into this voice guidance loop… multiple technicians unable to resolve issue… I drove over today to the Xfinity store again, which took 2 hours out of my day just to swap a box that should have worked the first time…. I went home with all new equipment from the store and I go to set it up and I am getting the exact same F’n voice guidance looping issue…. Sometimes it makes it to the next screen of naming the box and optimizing for sound and video and then next thing it’s back at the voice guidance screen again. WTF please help @@Xfinity
3 Messages
4 months ago
I am having the same voice guidance loop set up issue on oct 24 2024. None of these posts helped. I went to the xfinity ap and ran a test on the box which resulted in a tech appointment.
1 Message
3 months ago
Same issue. New X1 box delivered today and stuck on this voice guidance loop to no avail. I’ve wasted time on the phone because nobody knows how to fix this.
1 Message
3 months ago
I’ve tried two entirely different types of boxes and have the same issue. Maybe Xfinity should do some quality control if multiple people are all having issues with their boxes….
1 Message
3 months ago
I'm trying to set up a new box with an unpaired remote. The message "Do you want to keep using Voice Guidance" comes up and no matter what I hit or button I try, nothing happens to answer "No". I have went through uncaring the remote again. And I have tried to repair the remote with the box but nothing is working. No codes come up to pair the remote. No buttons work to click on "no" to move past the message.
1 Message
3 months ago
In the same boat as the rest of you. New X1 box arrived, installed and stuck in the voice guidance loop. I have tried some of the tips on this site including multiple remote unpairing with box resets. I've changed out cable/HDMI. I tried the tip moving the remote closer. Nothing works. Sad to have no football for thanksgiving as it is a family tradition, will have to rotate around TVs and boxes and figure out something that could work. That chat guy was clueless about this issue which is surprising given the high volume of customers with same recurring issue. Bummers.
2 Messages
3 months ago
Just get a new box. I had no cable for 4 days before a technician came by and provided a new box. Talking to comcast reps and “tech experts” via phone is useless. Comcast is a terrible company.