

37 Messages

Saturday, December 23rd, 2023 6:25 PM


Sports in 4K. Why no progress?

Have seen all the complaints of the lack of 4K Sports, even the ones like the English Premier League that Comcast companies (Sky Sports) are producing in native 4K for England and other countries but are not being ported to America by Xfinity. It’s been almost 10 years now since the first 4K TVs were available and now virtually every set is 4K or better. Why is Xfinity dragging its feet on this? NBC Sports 4K (another Comcast company) should be on Xfinity, no need to negotiate anything there. If Xfinity doesn’t get up to speed in the next year, I’ll make it a point to get on the homeowners board and get the contract with Xfinity terminated. I suggest that all of the people out there that are tired of getting the run around do the same. If Xfinity won’t provide what people want then perhaps it time for them to go the way of the dodo. 

3 Messages

9 months ago

It's even worse than that. A lot of the prime-time NFL games are produced in 1080p and distributed on ESPN+/Peacock at that resolution only to be distributed at 720p or 1080i on Xfinity. It's eye-opening switching between the cable feed and the apps.  



37 Messages

@user_krudze​ Though 1080p is better than 720, once you've seen properly broadcasted native 4K, you'll never want to watch a pro sports game in anything else. The people in the crowds suddenly become more than little fuzzy blips on the screen, they become people. Names on the players jerseys become visible so you can actually tell who they are instead of a number that you may not know or remember. The technology not only has existed for some time now, it is readily available in Europe, South Korea, (Japan is even testing out an 8K system now), and various other places in the world. We are a third world country in that respect. Time for this to change. It might help is Samsung, Sony, Toshiba and all the other manufacturers phase out 720/1080 equipment and only start producing 4 and 8K cameras/production equipment for the professional market. Until then we should really boycott the purchase of their 4/8K TV's (and tell them why, because of the lack of cooperation from broadcasters), and why they should pull all their advertising from the providers that don't keep up with today's technology.


Problem Solver


359 Messages

9 months ago

Xfinity could do better,  but the real issue is the lack of much 4K broadcast content at all.  It's just a handful of NFL and NCAA football/ basketball games, plus events like the World Series, Olympics, and the World Cup.  We still don't know if the Super Bowl will be 4K this year. 



37 Messages

@BIslander​ Virtually EVERY English Premier League soccer game is produced in NATIVE 4K by Sky Sports (ALSO A COMCAST COMPANY!), so all they have to do is port the signal over here to America. BUT NO! Even when it won't cost them a cent in production cost or in personnel for commentary (they could just port the audio feed from the British sportscasters too), they don't. I've even investigated using a VPN to get a British IP for watching purposes (however the problem is trying to get an account with Sky Sports in the UK). NBC Sports 4K (a Comcast company), will cover one or two games a week here in the US using their feed (I've seen it when I had YouTube TV and the difference is tremendous), but Xfinity doesn't even do that. We need a few DEDICATED NATIVE 4K channels like other providers have. If they say the lack of bandwidth is the problem, they can easily drop the 50-60+ or so standard definition channels that have HD counterparts (virtually every TV now can watch at very least HD), and viola, there's the bandwidth for 15+ 4K channels. That's why I'm ticked off at Xfinity and will push for my HOA to drop them if they don't act by the end of 2024.


Problem Solver


359 Messages

Like I said, Xfinity could do better.  You seem to have a passion for EPL and it would be great if Xfinity provided the 4K coverage.  Perhaps you should switch to a service that has it.   But, soccer is not that significant for most US sports fans.  And the lack of 4K production for the major sports is a much bigger deal than Xfinity's failure to carry EPL 4K.



37 Messages

I’m just using EPL soccer as an example of something that’s already available in native 4K to Xfinity, without any increased expenditures by the company. Though it would cost them very little to retransmit on Xfinity, they’re not doing it. Comcast is also a producer of material through NBC and other production companies, like Sky Sports, ergo control what’s being produced too. There’s an old adage that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, which is why private messaging with Xfinity is counterproductive. Other major leagues like the NHL and MLB have some 4K production equipment currently in place, and it would be great if Xfinity would carry that too. I understand that the NFL is probably the most popular sport and Comcast has the power to bring it to the consumer in native 4K format, but has not deemed it worthy of doing so. Until there’s a ground swell of demand, Comcast won’t make the necessary expenditures to bring its system into the 21st-century and that’s why I’m on here. I hope that others will show them that their foot dragging regarding this technology, that is well established with a majority of their customers, not only benefits their customers, but is in the interest of Xfinity to maintain and to expand their custom base. 


Official Employee


1.2K Messages

9 months ago

Hello @user_e3c854, thank you for taking the time to reach out on social media.  I understand your concern with the sports channels, and I'd like the opportunity to check into that for you.


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Problem Solver


359 Messages

@XfinityKrista​ Is there something about the user's inquiry that can be improved by a private conversation.  The rest of us would love to hear anything about expanded Xfinity 4K sports coverage.



37 Messages

@XfinityKrista​ Unless you're willing to transmit this thread to top management at Xfinity, nothing will be done. We've seen the regression of the progress toward UHD TV, especially in the realm of sports broadcasting by American companies, of which Comcast is a significant part of. They should know that if they won't give us the content that we want, then we'll push for other companies to do so and shift our $$$ to paying them for it. NFL, NHL, NBA, etc. should all demand that their games be given the best technology that's commonly available for their product, especially if they want to grow their businesses in the future or lose them to other products that will.

Problem Solver


359 Messages

I suspect they'll be doing the usual "troubleshooting" about how to receive 4K, which is clearly not relevant in this situation.  Then the inquiry will drop off the first page without ever being addressed.  

Problem Solver


359 Messages

And, here we are, with the thread off the first page of posts with nothing from Xfinity on the subject of limited 4K sports content. 

1 Message

9 months ago

What is worse is that there are on screen ads to say that 4K premier league is available on competitor platforms: DirectTV, YouTube & Fubo.  Why would Comcast want us to investigate their competitors rather than provide the content?



37 Messages

@billmich88888​ Peacock isn’t doing squat about broadcasting their sports in native 4K. Last year a vice president announced that they would be carrying Premium League English soccer games in native 4K for the 23/24 season. Opening day rolled around and NADA! Many people inquired about what was going on, all they had to do was retransmit the Comcast (Sky Sports) signal like NBC Sports 4K channel was doing, or even just carry the latter channel on their service as a stopgap. They did neither. Then they reneged on their promise. At that point I dropped Peacock and won’t pay for the service until they do. Hopefully this is followed with NHL, MLB and other leagues (but given their history I’m not hopeful unless we band together and make it more profitable for them to acquiesce rather than to fight it). 


Official Employee


922 Messages

Hello @user_gwn5ap ! We do keep an eye out on the community forums for feedback and appreciate everyone's enthusiasm for 4K Sports! We are always looking to improve service and add more features and content that our valuable customers want. I have no news or updates about this subject, but it is seen and will be passed along to the appropriate folks! Thanks for your input everyone!

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359 Messages

@XfinityFrank Thanks for the update. 



37 Messages

@XfinityFrank​ Has there been any feedback on getting at least 2 or 3 full time native 4K cable channels for Xfinity, (like ported Sky Sports Ultra from the UK, or NBC Sports 4K channel). That way at least we have a couple of channels which will be showing whatever programming that might be available on a scanning of the listings. Also when sporting events were not scheduled perhaps replays of previous weeks games could be watched or even other native 4K shows (sports or other) to give viewers a chance to see why the people should be demanding it given the cost of Xfinity service. There IS native 4K content out there Xfinity just needs to make a modicum of effort to think of the benefit to both customers and company in the long term. Please let us know who is making these decisions and when we might hear and hopefully see that Xfinity gives a half damn about the people who still haven’t abandoned cable but who might be teetering off the edge before they jump to a more responsive media format. 

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Hi there @user_e3c854!  Thanks so much for taking the time to voice your service concerns here on our Community Forum.  We are so glad to help in any way that we can.  While at the moment, our 4K content is limited due to certain networks not broadcasting in 4K, I can assure you that we here are always looking for ways to improve your viewing experience.  

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37 Messages

9 months ago

Well we're five days into the New Year and even after perfunctory responses from 2 Xfinity representatives, still no feedback on where the complaint was sent, what response was received, and what action will be taken. It might behoove Xfinity to be a bit more responsive and really at least LOOK like the problem is being addressed by the company, instead of giving the appearance of finding the electronic equivalent of the "circular file". Problems and services that are being addressed by other companies who seem to be routinely solving or at least addressing them by giving a certain time frame by which the problems will be remedied, seem to be completely ignored by Xfinity. If Xfinity wants to go the way of the dinosaur, then it seems to be guaranteeing its demise. For me Xfinity wasn't a choice, it was the contracted provider of a community of about 500 homes that I moved into, ergo I pay for what's supposed to be a top service tier in my HOA. I've never really been active in an HOA before, but there's always the first time for everything. I know AT&T/DirecTV streaming provides an alternate service in this area with the features many here seem to want (like dedicated 4K Sports channels). Perhaps it's time to investigate what sort of deal I can negotiate for the HOA with them if nothing is going to be done about bringing the X1 system into the 21st Century and synchronizing with the technology that is the prevalent product being sold today. Go into any big box store and 90% of the TVs on display are 4K or greater. Stop sitting on your hands Comcast and get into the game or take your ball and go home.

Official Employee


960 Messages

Hello @user_e3c854. Broadcasting in 4k is limited to the company and networks. This also has to deal with bandwidth, cost and production. With Xfinitys next generation 10g network, we are upgrading our infrastructure to bring out customers the latest and greatest viewing experience. 

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37 Messages

@XfinityWilliam​ Yes and all of the networks I've mentioned have been Comcast owned, so Xfinity would come under that umbrella. As for bandwidth there are many HD channels that have DUPLICATES and many SD channels that could be eliminated due to having HD counterparts that virtually every TV that's operational at this point in time can receive. Yes there are a few channels like NESN that does NHL 4K games in Boston, you'd have to negotiate that one) (Chicago Blackhawks have NBC 4K coverage, ergo Comcast), and the NBA has 4K games out of LA and Chicago (again I believe Chicago is NBC and not sure about LA). As for production all of these 99% of the production is already done by NBC Sports or Sky Sports in the UK for the EPL games on NBC sports 4K, (also Comcast). So expenditures would be minimal and bandwidth is completely solvable with the action of just eliminating a few of the duplicate HD channels (in the 1000-1400 range), to make 2 or 3 UHD channels with plenty left over. Again just by porting ONE DEDICATED CHANNEL of the NBC Sports 4K could placate us into waiting for the 10G service whenever that arrives.

But I'm sure you know this already. If top management is the problem here, kindly just say so and I'll try to solve this with the HOA and the 500 homes that would hopefully approve the measure to get more 4K. Thank you for your response.


Problem Solver


359 Messages

@user_e3c854​ Probably best to proceed with the plan to switch your HOA to Direct TV.  Action generally speaks much louder than threats to act.  Switching won't help you with Xfinity, but it could nudge action that benefits those of us who remain with them.  

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Reaching out to your HOA would be a good idea if this is something that occurs regularly to get things adjusted @user_e3x854.  

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37 Messages

Just thought I'd give Xfinity a chance to "right the ship", and actually deliver what the advertisements say that you offer. Guess that is my next stop. That and inviting competing companies to give their demos during the next meeting.



37 Messages

8 months ago

Guess that my suggestion that perhaps an app to get the NBC Sports 4K channel on Xfinity was taken down. What’s the problem there? Can Xfinity not address something that evidently a significant subset of their customers want and are ready to pay for. By doing this yourself you set the tone for gaining a better reputation for customer service. Before the FCC is inundated with complaints and puts you into a disadvantageous position of having the government mandate what you have to do. Beat them to the punch. 


Official Employee


1.7K Messages

We do appreciate your @user_e3c854. We don't have any updates to provide at this time regarding the plans to expand 4K content for sports or other networks. We'll be sure to reach out to everyone as we get more news on this. 

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37 Messages

8 months ago

Well. It’s been a month and a half and just about the only native 4K broadcast that appears to be scheduled is the Super Bowl (if they don’t do a Fox and try to upconvert a 1080p into a faux 4K picture). There are a ton of SD channels that can be eliminated to make room for 4K since virtually everyone has at least an HD TV and according to IMDB 2/3rds of American households have at least one TV capable of 4K. It’s time for Xfinity to get their act in gear and upgrade to the 21st century. The minimum signal that cable should be passing on to consumers is 1080p at this point and if they want to charge a minimal fee for 4K then that’s up to them. Time to either get in the game or take their ball and go home. 

Problem Solver


359 Messages

Yes, the CBS 4K HDR feed of the Super Bowl is a 1080p upconvert.  This is the first 4K event for CBS, so we'll see how it compares to Fox.  

While there's been no official release from Xfinity yet, the game is showing up as 4K on my XG1v4 boxes.  Last year, Xfinity did its own Dolby Vision output on top of the Fox 4K HDR for Xi6 boxes.  But, no word on whether that will happen again this year with CBS.



37 Messages

8 months ago

It’s amazing that countries that are not supposed to be as advanced as the USA like the UK and many Asian already have dedicated native 4K channels (some like Japan are already testing 8K). Infuriating that Comcast’s subsidiary Sky Sports Ultra in the UK does more native 4K sports in a week than we can see in a season. Would gladly pay Sky Sports UK to stream their feed here, but I’d need a UK address and a UK bank account. Even those providers here like YouTube TV and Fubo have a minuscule schedule compared to Sky Sports Ultra. Why the hell can’t Comcast at least offer that channel here? It’s not like they don’t own it, They DO! 


Official Employee


1.3K Messages


billmich88888, Thank you for your input about 4K. If you do need some assistance in getting another 4K box, please let us know, so that we can help. 


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37 Messages

8 months ago

[Edited: "Language"] I think Xfinity is using bots to respond to these posts. Definitely not on target, helpful, or solving the problem of access to available programming which is in other markets that they have presence in! Looks like we’ll have to go the FCC route to mandate progress since the Xfinity division is dragging its feet. 




80 Messages

Today’s Blackhawks home game is being shot in 4K too bad they don’t see fit to show it that way……get on the ball Xfinity!

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