Lakeolympia55's profile

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Saturday, August 15th, 2020 8:00 AM


Pixelation problems with my service since July 13, 2020

I am a long time customer of Comcast/Xfinity.


We are having pixelation problems since July 13, 2020.


Multiple Techs came by and we even changed our X1 box and modem twice (Also changed HDMI and Coax cable each time). Te Techs changed our cable outside the box and one of them even found faulty instalaation on one end of the line outside of the box. One tech added booster to our juction box in the addict.


The problem usualy happen in the evening with pixelation (First sound goes and then freeze picture with pixels). Recently (the past week) the problem occurs after 8 pm for all channels and then goes away by 10 pm (even without a cable box restart).


We pay a lot of money for the Xfinity services and need to know what is going on? On customer service told me since mid July there are reported pixelation in our area, but could not get more out of them.


I live in Lake Olympia, Missouri City, TX. Anyone else has this problem? Can Xfinity provide a solution?

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

4 years ago

Is it multiple channels? Just a single channel? Maybe you need another tech out to get it in the hands of the maintenance department

Regular Visitor


2 Messages

4 years ago

Multiple channles (all channels including On demand)


Saturday Sunday problems all day.  Weekdays mostly at night.  (Hours most people watch TV)


Tech came by twice and not able to fix it.


Any other suggestions?

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

4 years ago

I'm having the same issue. It's been going on for over a year. They have done everything that you have described . I'm setting up another appointment with a supervisor who is a step above a tech. My gut feeling is that it's the line from the street to the outside box on my property. I will find out and let you know.

New Poster


2 Messages

4 years ago

I have been having the same issue and it only happens with one channel: TBS

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

4 years ago

Well my issue has been finally resolved. As it turns out the problem was out in the street. I'm not sure what they did but I saw two Xfinity trucks out near the poles. My service is underground so the problem must have been the feed from the pole to the distribution box. Tell them you want a supervisor not the normal techs. I had four techs all who had no clue.

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

4 years ago

Has the pixelation returned or has the issue been resolved for good?  We are having the same issue and have been for 3 momths.  It all started when we upgraded to to new xfi Gateway.  Along with pixealation, we are having dropped internet issues daily.  Over the past few weeks is has been horrible.   We have had techs come out on two different times.  The first time, they replaced something inside the box outside the house.  The second time, they ran a new line to the house.  It worked fine for a week then started back.  We have a third tech coming out today.  I hope they can finally resolve this issue for good.  We are paying way too much money for this poor service.

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

4 years ago

Pixelization is gone but at times there will a slight pause in the broadcast. Some days are worse then others. As I stated earlier the problem was up the street on a pole. I never got an answer on what the problem was.

Problem Solver


788 Messages

4 years ago

Thanks so much for taking the time to reach out to us regarding The pixelation issues and disruptions to the tv programming. I very much appreciate your patience and greatly apologize for the delay in our response. I know how important the services are to your home and we want to do all that we can to assist. Can you please reach out through private message with your first and last name, name on the account if different, and service address? If you’re having trouble locating this information, you can also reference our world-class MyAccount app to view all of your account details by the simple touch of your fingertips! Please follow the process here to learn how to obtain that information: 

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

4 years ago

Per your request, I reached out to you via private message yesterday morning. I am leaving the same comment here that I left you in hopes someone has an answer for me. Since my last post, which was Dec 15. The tech came out and replaced the amplifier that was connected to to outlet. Did a few things outside the house. Everything seemed to work fine from the 15th. Tuesday, until Monday the 21st. It seemed that it always works fine for 3-5 days they reverts back. We called Comcast on Dec 24 and they asked if the tech had replaced our equipment which they had not.  I boxed up all of our top-boxes and the xfi gateway.  I was given all new equipment.  I hooked everything up on the 24, and all seemed to work fine for 3 or 4 days.  Then on Monday the 28th, some pixelation returned as well as dropped internet singal.  This is getting old especially considering how much we are paying.  Has anyone been able to get there issue resolved for good with pixelation and dropped internet signals?





387 Messages

4 years ago

@the1webguy  I had the same problem with drop offs and pixelation.  Had many visits and finally a supervisor came out after a total outage. He replaced the outside line from the outside box to the outlet at the other end of the house.It has been fine for a month. I did get help here and someone called from customer care that sped thing and they were helpful in communication.  

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

4 years ago

Thanks for the info.  The 2nd tech that came out replaced the line from the box across the street to our house and it seemed to work fine for about 5 days then started up again.  Hopefully they will take care of our issue for good.  This has been going on for over 2 months.

New Poster


1 Message

4 years ago

I have the same pixelation problem. I have phone, internet and TV and I can cause the pixelation if I run an internet speed test so for some reason the coax can’t do all 3 at once!! Have talked to the techs and they say they are not related problems. Oh yea? Watch this.....



1 Message

3 years ago

Add my name and account to the growing list of those experiencing pixilation problems with the Comcast/Xfinity TV service. This has been going on since I upgraded to the newer Xfi Gateway modem in Spring of 2020.  It never fails to show up each night, especially on the local channels in the Portland, OR market and during pivotal moments in our favorite shows.  The picture instantly goes from clear to a modern Jackson Pollack painting and the audio becomes garbled along with the video.  Any assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated.  Thank You in advance!

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hi there! We would be happy to assist you. Can you initiate a chat and start with your full name and address? To start a chat, please click the chat icon in the top right of the page! Search for Xfinity Support, if needed. Talk to you there! 

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.
Was your question answered? Please, mark a reply as the Accepted Answer.tick



86 Messages

3 years ago

I've been having this problem as well, off and on for the past few years.  Seems worse when we have heavy rain so I'm guessing something is exposed outside our house somewhere.  I'm sure I won't be able to convince a phone tech that's the problem, so I guess I'll just have to live with it till it finally breaks completely and they send someone out to fix it.

Problem Solver


908 Messages

Hello, @Nightwolf. Thanks for commenting here about the pixelation issue you're experiencing, I can imagine how frustrating this must be. You're in the right place for help. :)


Please send me a private message with your first and last name.


To send a Live Chat, click the Peer to Peer chat icon at the top right of the page and enter Xfinity Support in the "To" section of the chat.

I no longer work for Comcast.



52 Messages


That is exactly what we experienced for months.  finally got a good tech out, and replaced the modem/router (should do this at least yearly anyway) replaced an old splitter - checked the amplifier - probably replaced it I am not sure of that but what he did find was a break & ice in the outside line that runs up the house.  It has a pvc pipe around the line, but should also have silicone over the top and apparently that was gone or no longer sticking so water was going down it - hence every time it rained heavy we got the same problem of the pixelated shows.  Months later - been great. 




2 Messages

3 years ago

I have had the same issue for about a year now.  I have had techs to the house, but it has never been resolved.  I was told at one point that a supervisor would be in touch with me and that they could have someone monitor the signal from the pole, but that has never occurred.  In addition to the pixelating,  I consistently drop my Wifi signal for a few seconds, just long enough to interrupt whatever I am streaming.  This is very frustrating.

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