12 Messages
Live TV Delayed with Xfinity cable box
Watching live TV, particularly sports, is delayed by at least 45 seconds to a minute. Results in getting scoring updates prior to watching it happen on the TV. I’ve tried resetting the cable box and other trouble shooting and it does not change anything. Claims to be live however it is not. I’ve seen this issue raised with multiple other customers as well. Can anyone please tell me how they are going to address this issue and when expected resolution will occur? It happens on multiple channels when watching “live” sports. Extremely frustrating.
1 Message
1 year ago
Same, cable box in bedroom is slow and sometimes just stops working. It has a cable to the main box, not sure how to fix something like this
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
1 year ago
Thank you for reaching out to us @Mcole822! Just to confirm, is the score showing on the broadcast not synced up/gaster than the events in the game, or are you seeing the scoring updates on a different device?
12 Messages
1 year ago
It’s happening again while watching NFL broadcast now, and communicating with other Xfinity customers who are experiencing same issue. The feed when watching stream through a phone is ahead of the cable box. Also, anyone I speak to with Fios cable is watching live (ahead of the xfinity feed). This is a larger issue impacting multiple customers it’s not an issue with just my cable box.
2 Messages
1 year ago
You people are either blatant liars or are totally inept. My tv fees for live events is 40 seconds slower than my friends who have att feed. I am going to cancel my xifinty and let me youtube followers ( 10k ) as wells as all my facebook group followers know as well. This is a continuing problem with live sporting events being slower than competitors. Everyone else who is watching the games on regular antenna tv or throught their own cable providers does not have this issue. ONLY with XFINITY
10 Messages
5 months ago
Watching live TV, particularly sports, is delayed by at least 45 seconds to a minute. Results in getting scoring updates prior to watching it happen on the TV. Watching on the app is faster than watching on tv. I’ve tried resetting the cable box and other trouble shooting and it does not change anything.