2 Messages
Freeze and jumps
Every channel on every tv/box I have is jumping and or freezing. It just freezes and then comes back. Sometimes is a split second, sometimes its many seconds. It's been going on for two days. I have reset the entire system. I have reset every cable box multiple times. I have unplugged everything. I have no clue what else to try. I have fought the stupid chat bot to my own insanity. I have tried twitter and I'm getting ghosted. I'm so frustrated.
3 Messages
4 months ago
I am having the EXACT same problem, and so is my girlfriend across town! We are in Albuquerque. It started a few days ago. One thing is that I happened to turn on the TV when xfinity was doing a cable card firmware update the other day. I've had this cable card for 10 years (it's in a TiVo) and never seen that before. Our TVs freeze for a second, or for a few seconds, and sometimes 10 seconds. During a 10 second freeze I get a "channel unauthorized" message then things go back to normal. Shorter ones are just pauses. I came here specially searching for others with this exact problem. You are not alone.
1 Message
4 months ago
Same happening in South Denver Metro. I thought maybe I knocked something loose cleaning but I’ve reset connections, hard booted the system and refreshed. Glad to know I’m not alone in this.
5 Messages
4 months ago
Same happening in San Francisco Bay Area. Frustrating.
4 Messages
3 months ago
Detroit, MI area here. I've been having similar issues for the last few days, but primarily with On-Demand content. When I'm watching a show, it frequently pauses, freezes, or drops picture quality. I've already rebooted, checked for any changes to my connections, etc. Given how many people across the country are having this issue, it seems to me that it is the result of a faulty software update.
1 Message
2 months ago
I have the same issue of programs freezing, sometimes for a second, othertimes for longer.
I've tried everything but cant stop the intermittent freezing. We have one maine cable box, and an additional, smaller one, for another room. The main is older, I'd say at least five years old. Can this issue be related to the box? Thats the only thing I don't have control over.
It's gotten to the point that we almost bought a new TV, thinking it might be the problem.
What can I do to stop this?
Frustrated in Maine