7 Messages
Paramount plus app not working with an X1 box
Hi there, tons of people including myself have issues with the Paramount Plus app streaming on Xfinity. Yes the actual streaming app, not the channel. We have a compatible box, but there is no way to upgrade the paramount+ app, and no way to delete it and re-download. Like everyone, it buffers too long as it's loading shows and it errors out, sometimes playing the show behind the error box. You have to try like 7 times before maybe it works. I have already tried logging in/out in the app settings, didn't work. I now am forced to use a fire stick to stream instead which is not convenient when we spend what we do for cable. Please provide working steps to get the latest version of the app and what is the latest version (the one we currently have is show 4.17.3 but the livestream app said it's in version 8! This must be old!
Why is there no way to update in the Paramount+ settings.) Also how can we just delete and re-install this app. It's not listed with Showtime, and other channels like that on my Xfinity account page, there is no link to the paramount+ app. Their website has no helpful info either except saying we must have an outdated version.
Accepted Solution
2 Messages
2 years ago
All - I too have been chasing the Paramount+ ghost for some time now - reboots on cable box and modem endlessly, nee cable box - all to no avail. Today i decided to call paramount+ customer service (888-274-5343) and low and behold, the service rep said the issue wrt error code APP-04036 in on their end not xfinity's! He said if you have a newer smart TV download their app on the TV and run it from there and not thru xfinity. Option 2 (what i did) was use or get a roku stick and use it. He did not know when they would have a fix but they are aware and working it. He gave me a case # so i will get updates on the progress on their end AND gave me a free month for the troubles. So, time to stop bashing xfinity and focus your frustrations on paramount! Roku works perfectly except sound does not go thru my home theater amp - i can live with that more than a glitchy stream. Hope that helps some of you - happy new year
1 Message
3 years ago
We are currently experiencing this same problem and its annoying considering we are paying darn near $250 month for service.
Problem Solver
785 Messages
3 years ago
@user_dbd3a9 Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I can understand how this would be frustrating. I am always streaming so I know the importance of having it work properly. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.
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• Press Enter to send it
4 Messages
3 years ago
I tried to open Paramount plus and it told me I needed a new cable box, despite being about 1 year old. They shipped me a new one and it’s been a complete disaster. I have to go through setup every day now.
1 Message
3 years ago
I have paramount plus via Amazon prime and it won't let me stream paramount plus either via the flex box.. so it's not just the app but a deal probably between Xfinity and paramount
2 Messages
3 years ago
I have had issues with Paramount+ even after Xfinity sent a new box that was supposed to work. The box they sent is the XG2v2 (Non-DVR; Pace Model). After having to set the new box up and drive back the old box, still it does not work. You can get into the application, choose your show, but when you try to watch, the loader spins and spin and then says there is an error. The problem is there is no number after the dash where it is supposed to tell you what error it was. The only option is to try again. Well after trying and trying it still has issues. On a very rare occasion usually after dozens of error ridden attempts the show will work, but at the cost of clicking buttons for about 30 minutes. Other times there is nothing. We have tried many different ways of loading the shows, nothing seems to be any more successful than others. I keep thinking that there will be an update for the application. If the xfinity customers are having issues which is a considerable amount of people, they would determine where the bug is and fix it. Well after months and months of waiting, there is still no update or fix. Either Xfinity has no clue what they are doing or Paramount+. Does not seem too hard to pin down what is causing the issue and coming up with a solution.
1 Message
3 years ago
The P+ app worked fine for me until yesterday. App partially loads and then quits with a error APPS 04036. Restarted the xfinity box, still no relief.
1 Message
3 years ago
I'm unable to access the app as well. Same error code as the other posts. It's been this way for at least three weeks. I've tried to access the app almost every day with no success.
1 Message
2 years ago
I have the same issue with P+ and my main X1 box, in the living room....very finicky. I have NO ISSUE when streaming P+ on any of the additional satellite boxes in the family room and bedrooms.
1 Message
2 years ago
I have the exact same problem with Paramount plus. I get error code 3205, 3105, 2103. The app loads but when I try to play a movie or series I either get these error codes or
1 Message
2 years ago
Yep, same issue here as everyone else. Nothing I've done works to rectify it. This has been happening off and on (more on than anything) since I signed back up for Paramount +.
1 Message
2 years ago
Yes same here on Paramount
and it’s only Paramount plus .
All the other streaming apps work fine .
they should get it fixed and stop charging until they do .
1 Message
2 years ago
Same problem. App won’t load
. Restarted the box 3 times
1 Message
2 years ago
i totally agree. i have tried on many occasions to remove the paramount+ app from xfinity account w/o success. i've tried to delete it from my xfinity account online w/o success. need a solution to help this this resolved. it is very nerve wrecking to not be able to watch something i am paying money to use.
4 Messages
2 years ago
I am having similar problems to everyone else with Paramount+. If I try to watch via the app in the Infinity X1 apps menu, it constantly freezes and crashes. Interestingly, the service seems to work just fine if I'm watching on a smart TV which has a direct internet connection and a version of the app loaded into the TV itself, so I can sidestep the cable box entirely. Unfortunately, the TV I actually watch the most is apparently too old, and Paramount+ doesn't have a version of their smart TV app which is compatible with it, so for that one, the Xfinity app is the only game in town. Or would be, if it actually worked. I have subscriptions to several other streaming services, and the others generally work fine regardless of whether I am using a smart TV app or going through the Infinity box. I only have this issue with Paramount+.