114 Messages
on-demand now charging for new seasons or episodes
There are a couple of shows we've been watching On-Demand for several years, and they were always free. For one of them, the new 2023 season had two episodes for free, but the third episode is "pay". The previous seasons are all still free. For the other, the two episodes of the new 2023 season are both "pay", but all the previous seasons are still free. Does this make sense? Tried accessing the shows by channel, alphabet, and search. All say "pay". Money grab?
Accepted Solution
Official Employee
1.4K Messages
2 years ago
Hello @rufus97 Thanks for sharing the trouble you are seeing with some on demand content showing as a pay episode. In many cases you will find that past seasons are free on demand and newer seasons or episodes may have to be paid for. Free on demand content is contingent on the rules sent by the networks. Typically, if that network is also offering the program on their streaming app or service it will be free through their site for a while before it becomes a free option for us. It could also be an issue with where the content is being pulled from. When you access the program does it have a select for Watch Options? You can see an example of the menu here under #9. If you have watch options, do you see the program available from another provider / network for free?
2 Messages
2 years ago
I believe it money hungry and can’t get GOOD help on line or Chat!!!
114 Messages
2 years ago
We used to enjoy having On-Demand instead of having a DVR. Not so much anymore, Too many problems, and little help from Comcast (sorry). Usually get the same answer: Networks can do what they want. Well, yes, in some cases, But, no, in others. The #1 step in problem solving is to define the problem. If a Network does not put a show On-Demand at all, ok, that's their decision. If we would like to see it On-Demand, then, yes, perhaps we should reach out to the Network. If the Network puts the show On-Demand and has all previous season "free with subscription", then it would make sense that that the new season should be the same. For example, one show we've been watching had, and still has, previous 7 seasons "free", but season 8 "buy", Then they seemed to update by having new episodes 4-6 "free", but episodes 1-3 still "buy". Does it make sense that the Network can do what they want this way? No. And this certainly is not a case where the customer should contact the Network. Another show we've been watching finally put the current episodes of their new season On-Demand , but are missing some episodes. Also some shows are missing Seasons. For example, they have Seasons 1 and 3, but no 2. Or, keeping all previous seasons, but not adding new season. Also for us to watch Yellowstone we had to find it by "search" instead of "by network". Paramount should lower its cost since all their new shows are streaming only. Same with FX. And HBO does not put its new shows "by network". Have to find them "by search". When we tried getting new HBO shows "by alphabet", they were "buy", but "search" had them free. Huh? So, defining these problems is not always that the Networks can do what they want, it's that , in many cases, they're being sloppy or greedy. We have a legacy box, not X1. We've been customers for a very long time. We're tired or our monthly cost increasing to the point of being way more than we want or should have to spend. And we're tired of having to work to find some of the few shows we even watch, or not being able to watch them because of missing episodes or the Network trying to charge for some.
63 Messages
2 years ago
Shows I watched this morning are now Free with Subscription!! Including Free Movies. Channels like TCM. TLC. ID, History.
Do I have to pay extra for something I already pay for?
2 Messages
2 years ago
Xfinity/ Comcast has officially become the worst company I have ever dealt with. Blaming the networks is just one of many excuses the use to justify price gouging. I hate the fact that it takes so much time and effort to get a human being on the line and then to top it off it's hard to understand a person who talks fast with a thick accent(I will say that c/s is always friendly). Getting rid of the competition and then price gouging knowing that most customers don't have a choice is just shameful.