rufus97's profile



114 Messages

Monday, February 6th, 2023 7:12 PM


on-demand now charging for new seasons or episodes

There are a couple of shows we've been watching On-Demand for several years, and they were always free.  For one of them, the new  2023 season had two episodes for free, but the third episode is "pay".  The previous seasons are all still free.  For the other, the two episodes of the new 2023  season are both "pay", but all the previous seasons are still free.  Does this make sense?  Tried accessing the shows by channel, alphabet, and search.  All say "pay".  Money grab?

Accepted Solution

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

2 years ago

Hello @rufus97 Thanks for sharing the trouble you are seeing with some on demand content showing as a pay episode. In many cases you will find that past seasons are free on demand and newer seasons or episodes may have to be paid for. Free on demand content is contingent on the rules sent by the networks. Typically, if that network is also offering the program on their streaming app or service it will be free through their site for a while before it becomes a free option for us. It could also be an issue with where the content is being pulled from. When you access the program does it have a select for Watch Options? You can see an example of the menu here under #9. If you have watch options, do you see the program available from another provider / network for free? 



114 Messages

@XfinityPaula​ We don't have X1

I disagree that on-demand often charges for new seasons, while the older seasons are free.

I checked one of the shows I had  mentioned, and they finally updated it  on-demand "by network" with the four new episodes.  However, yesterday, the fourth one was missing and now is only in "search" for pay.  I know the fourth episode was "free" a few days ago because I watched it, and now it's gone.  The second show is still all "pay", and only showing up in "search".  However. episode 2 in "search" is free.  Makes no sense, right?  Also, sometimes when I go into "saved search" and click a show, I get an error message.  Glad we're paying a huge amount of money for such poor service ):  Quite pathetic to say the least.



114 Messages

This still has not been corrected for one show.  It has only episode 4 as "free with subscription".  Since Comcast doesn't seem to be concerned that we can watch what we're paying for, please provide me with the contact information for TLC, and I'll try to get it corrected.  I tried to find the contact info on-line, but very confusing,

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

There are times when some content can be free or can be on viewed by renting those are all determined by the network. 


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114 Messages

That is true in some cases.  As I mentioned earlier, one show finally put their new episodes in On-Demand By Network free with subscription, but it's still missing one episode.

The other show still has all its episodes in "Search", but all are "buy".  However, they finally put episode 4 in By Network, but still missing episodes 1-3.  So is this what the Network has determined?  Makes no sense.

New Poster


2 Messages

Im convinced that Comcast follows the shows you watch, and then charges extra to watch it on demand. I find it funny that the shows we follow are the ones that they place a $ next to on demand. I'd love to compare with another customer to see if we're getting charged on the same shows. I just tried to watch a show that aired last night, and now all the episodes cost, even though they were free last week! It's ridiculous. If you find a solution id love to know what it is. We pay as much for our cable as we'd pay for a new car, and im sick of all these extra $1.99/2.99 charges to watch a show that is included in your subscription. About to take my $350/month payment somewhere else. It's shameful to do that to someone who has been a loyal customer for 25yrs!



2 Messages

2 years ago

I believe it money hungry and can’t get GOOD help on line or Chat!!! 



114 Messages

2 years ago

We used to enjoy having On-Demand instead of having a DVR.  Not so much anymore,  Too many problems, and little help from Comcast (sorry).  Usually get the same answer:  Networks can do what they want.  Well, yes, in some cases,  But, no, in others.  The #1 step in problem solving is to define the problem.  If a Network does not put a show On-Demand at all, ok, that's their decision.  If we would like to see it On-Demand, then, yes, perhaps we should reach out to the Network.  If the Network puts the show On-Demand and has all previous season "free with subscription", then it would make sense that that the new season should be the same.  For example, one show we've been watching had, and still has, previous 7 seasons "free", but season 8 "buy",  Then they seemed to update by having new episodes 4-6 "free", but episodes 1-3 still "buy".  Does it make sense that the Network can do what they want this way?  No.  And this certainly is not a case where the customer should contact the Network.  Another show we've been watching finally put the current episodes of their new season On-Demand , but are missing some episodes.  Also some shows are missing Seasons.  For example, they have Seasons 1 and 3, but no 2.   Or, keeping all previous seasons, but not adding new season.   Also for us to watch Yellowstone we had to find it by "search" instead of "by network".  Paramount should lower its cost since all their new shows are streaming only.  Same with FX.  And HBO does not put its new shows "by network".  Have to find them "by search".  When we tried getting new HBO shows "by alphabet", they were "buy", but "search" had them free.  Huh?  So, defining these problems is not always that the Networks can do what they want, it's that , in many cases, they're being sloppy or greedy.  We have a legacy box, not X1.  We've been customers for a very long time.  We're tired or our monthly cost increasing to the point of being way more than we want or should have to spend.   And we're tired of having to work to find some of the few shows we even watch, or not being able to watch them because of missing episodes or the Network trying to charge for some.



114 Messages


Hello, Comcast! 

None of this has been fixed.  Still can't watch  three episodes of that show unless we pay for something we have a subscription for.  Our outrageous monthly bill is due tomorrow.  We cringe every time we pay it.  Also, our email hasn't worked correctly in over a year.  And, now we get spam/scam emails supposedly from Xfinity.  Happened two months in a row right after we paid our bill through "My Account".  They refer to a problem with our account.  Quite fed up.

Official Employee


2.7K Messages

Hi, @rufus97. Thanks for the update about the shows and then for letting us know about the emails that you are seeing. I am not seeing this as a known issue. We are glad to look further into this and find out if troubleshooting fixes the problem, if it is the way the Network(s) intend, or if we need to enter a ticket. Have you tried a system refresh to see if the shows come through free after doing that? It will update the entitlements for your service and can sometimes fix an issue such as this. What other troubleshooting steps have you tried?


For the emails, you would want to let our Customer Security Assurance department know about those. The link shows how to report spam and phishing emails. Then this is the alerts page where you can see known spam or phishing emails and phone calls we are seeing. 

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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1 Message

This response brought to mind a conversation I had last night with family. ALL my local family members seem to have Xfinity, so I wanted to see if they had noticed this: lately, I have trouble with my internet which affects my ability to watch tv streaming channels. If I'm able to reach a live support person, I get the same resonse as online troubleshooting. Restarting the internet takes care of 99% ( or another high %) of the problems. Well why is that? Why are we the ones inconvenienced for 10-20 mins waiting on a restart & most of the time it does work? That tells me that Xfinity knows what the problem likely is, but instead of fixing it themselves, so we get uninterrupted service, Xfinity would rather we do it ourselves. And if its happening often, why are we paying for that kind of unreliable service? I wouldn't mind so much if I were paying less, even tho its unexcusable to begin with. But here's the worse part, At the same time we are paying too much for internet that doesn't seem to be serviced by anyone but ourselves, Xfinity or Comcast, (or both) are making $ off of our accounts. We are the Hotspots. And I now see Xfinity offering a service for $20 a month allowing the customer to access all the Hotspots. I forget the details but that much is correct. So I'm paying for the internet service, AND the equipment rental to access the service, but Xfinity is selling access to my service & collecting $ for it. Charging people to access the service that I pay for, & I get none of that back in any way. None of you do, on the personal or business internet you pay for. That sounds shady! And I know where this is heading, considering everyone is often able to sign onto the internet in stores or office buildings. That would be a source of more $ they could charge for, instead of the business allowing customers to access it. Something will probably come about to stop that as well! 

But... there is a fix for now! We ALL can turn that option off, the option to be used as a hotspot. You may have ro search for it but its in your "my account" selections. Pitiful how greedy corporations can be, and they along with your republican party changing state laws to keep us under their thumbs, with no other options when they all do this sort of thing. I paid for wireless internet, & call meke stupid, but why are all the tvs wired when installed? Its like always being on Default when you paid for another choice. Am I right?



63 Messages

2 years ago

Shows I watched this morning are now Free  with Subscription!!  Including Free Movies.  Channels like TCM. TLC. ID,  History.

Do I have to pay extra for something I already pay for?



3 Messages

@cmw112​ Same thing just happened to me. Every Tuesday morning I watch the Food Network OnDemand, because I work Mondays 2nd shift, so I can't watch the Spring Baking Championship show. Now, I see I have to rent it on top of my $200 mthly xfinity bill! Well, I didn't and can't. If I can't watch the Food Network OnDemand I mind as well drop down to a basic package :(



1 Message

Comcast does nothing for their customers, we pay for cable TV “120 channels” please stop counting the HD versus non HD, so basically 30 channels if hat.  Yes we also pay for on Demand, but he season finale is not available other than when it airs.  When I have called Comcast, they can t help with anything or not do they care to, except to tell you how lucky I am to only be paying 244.00 a month because I am grandfathered in (there are no pay stations here it’s one step above basic) but they said most people are charged 300 for this.  If you can’t tell how much I hate Comcast, let me just spell that out for you.  We don’t have other options where we are.  They just [Edited: "Language"], they really do not deserve to be money they get.


Problem Solver


519 Messages

@davelisa we do care for all our customers and I am sorry for the recent experience you've had with our support teams. I look forward to turning this experience around together. 

Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address?

 Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

 To send a "Direct Message" to Xfinity Support:

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 The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Xfinity Support" there


 - As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list


 - An "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line

 Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

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 See for an example.

I no longer work for Comcast.



3 Messages

Xfinity, I called yesterday and just now again. My xfinity remote OnDemand button won't work, when I tap it, "Quick Menu" pops up. I have nooooo OnDemand. And just this second xfinity called my phone to check if it is now working, I told them no, they said, great, then hung up????

Problem Solver


785 Messages

@user_ee72fd Thank you for reaching out and bringing this to our attention. I can understand the frustration. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.


To send a "Direct Message" ("Private") message:

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• Click the "Direct Message" icon

• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line

• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

• Press Enter to send it


I no longer work for Comcast.



2 Messages

2 years ago

Xfinity/ Comcast has officially become the worst company I have ever dealt with. Blaming the networks is just one of many excuses the use to justify price gouging. I hate the fact that it takes so much time and effort to get a human being on the line and then to top it off it's hard to understand a person who talks fast with a thick accent(I will say that c/s is always friendly). Getting rid of the competition and then price gouging knowing that most customers don't have a choice is just shameful. 

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