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Friday, April 24th, 2020 12:00 PM


On-Demand Error CL-17

Been receiving Error CL-17 whenever I try to access on demand.  Have unplugged the box several times, used the online ability to send a refresh signal to no avail.  Haven't been able to get a rep on the phone.  Tried scheduling a callback twice, but was never called.  Hints?  Suggestions?  Never had trouble accessing on demand before and haven't changed our service plan.



36 Messages

4 years ago

Same here--error code began last night when I tried to access On Demand.  I use On Demand daily and this is the first time it's happened.


Interior wiring is not the problem, as all access equipment placed last summer in my utility room by a Comcast tech shows a steady green light--he said if the light stayed green, my interior connections were good.  Repeat unplug/plugging in, repeat signals sent, checking/tightening already tight connections, a call to customer service, etc. did nothing.  This error code shows up on all three of my tvs. 


I'm guessing on this, but other forum posts about this error code point to a problem exterior to the home that Comcast has to fix. 


My call to customer service this morning led to a ticket being created but no assurances a tech would address this any time soon.  I wish I had an answer but wanted to at least chime in on this problem.  And I agree with previous posters that if On Demand remains inaccessible, a credit is due for a significant reduction in services.



36 Messages

4 years ago

Update: I got an appointment for a tech to come out.  Just before he stopped by, he called to ask what the problem was and after I explained the error codes of CL14/CL17 on all my TVs when accessing On Demand via cable, he said my legacy boxes needed to be swapped out for an X1 box, that Comcast had stopped access to On Demand from legacy (old) boxes.  I said I'd gotten no notice of this, the error codes didn't suggest that, and to double check.  He said he'd call around to other techs/Comcast before stopping at my house.  


He came by about 15 minutes later and asked to check one of the TVs connected to my cable box.  And voila the On Demand was working--I'd checked it not 30 minutes before and still got error codes.  His explanation: between his call with me and his arrival, he'd called someone else at Comcast.  Apparently, there was a problem in the last few days with some update or other making the connection to legacy boxes and other customers had complained.    


The timing was a little odd, as I don't know how my On Demand connection suddenly began working shortly before or right when the tech arrived.  I didn't see him checking or working on the outside connection.  I'm not sure if getting the glitch resolved requires a phone call and tech appointment, but, nonetheless, the issue was on Comcast's end and is resolved for me.  



15 Messages

I was told same about my cable boxes. I have one box with this error code. Other boxes are fine

They don't need any upgrade to more expensive boxes to fix this problem apparently.

We were without on demand over a year. One night there was a four hour outage.

When service came back...all of a sudden on demand came back with it. Shocked to be able to utilize it again. box won't work... again!!



215 Messages

4 years ago

@mabel09 wrote:

Update: I got an appointment for a tech to come out.  Just before he stopped by, he called to ask what the problem was and after I explained the error codes of CL14/CL17 on all my TVs when accessing On Demand via cable, he said my legacy boxes needed to be swapped out for an X1 box, that Comcast had stopped access to On Demand from legacy (old) boxes.  I said I'd gotten no notice of this, the error codes didn't suggest that, and to double check.  He said he'd call around to other techs/Comcast before stopping at my house.  


He came by about 15 minutes later and asked to check one of the TVs connected to my cable box.  And voila the On Demand was working--I'd checked it not 30 minutes before and still got error codes.  His explanation: between his call with me and his arrival, he'd called someone else at Comcast.  Apparently, there was a problem in the last few days with some update or other making the connection to legacy boxes and other customers had complained.    


The timing was a little odd, as I don't know how my On Demand connection suddenly began working shortly before or right when the tech arrived.  I didn't see him checking or working on the outside connection.  I'm not sure if getting the glitch resolved requires a phone call and tech appointment, but, nonetheless, the issue was on Comcast's end and is resolved for me.  

Hopefully it does NOT require a phone call as that's the main reason I come to these forums as I DE-SPISE dealing with phone based CS. Either way we do not have a newer type of TV hooked up to the line right now so an "X1" box that's likely HDMI only would be a massive waste for us. So hopefully they can send out the signal or whatever is required to get our "old" box working again. While they're doing that they darn well better remove the $5 a month "DVR" charge from our bill for a DVR box we don't even have.



36 Messages

4 years ago

Agree with all you said.  


I hesitated calling customer service, as my experiences with the call center are difficult at best.  But I hadn't seen a firm answer here on the forum despite repeated complaints.  The problem was resolved but not without a good bit of debate by me with the call center and then with the tech, when he called just before his arrival, both saying I needed an X1 box to resolve the error codes.


Since the X1 box became available, I've heard too many times that I needed an X1 box to resolve a problem when, inevitably, the resolution involved something else entirely.


I also have SD tvs, so I hang onto my legacy boxes.  One of my SD-only boxes tanked about 18 months ago, and I was given an upgrade HD/SD combo box.  I could only use the SD part of the box, and it kept showing pop up messages to change the SD channel I was watching to the HD version--with no way to deactivate the pop up.  Trying to get an SD-only box again was one of the worst experiences I've ever had with any company, much less one that I routinely pay a lot of cash to each month.  As a result, when the "You need an X1 box instead of those legacy boxes" solution is trotted out, I have a few things to say about it.  


Overall, the solution to my error codes of CL17/CL14 and lack of On Demand access rested with someone at Comcast admitting the problem was on their end and fixing it.  In my 19 years of experience with Comcast, that is virtually never as straightforward as it should be.





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14 Messages

4 years ago

I first posted about this week's ago ("On Demand Running Amok") because I've been dealing with this same issue on both boxes since as far back as at least early February. Thought it was just my usual bad luck since no one replied. Now, reading yours and other similar posts, I can see I'm not alone. This is so frustrating. Has anyone found resolution yet?



36 Messages

4 years ago

Hi Jakeysmom94:

Error codes CL14/17 showed up for me on April 27.  The tech who resolved it for me on April 29 said that some ?update? or other was pushed through the system and didn't connect to some cable boxes--in my case, multiple legacy boxes.  He found this out by texting other techs to see if they had encountered the same problem, which they had.  The fix required something be done on Comcast's end, presumably on a case by case basis.  Between the tech's pre-appointment call with me and his arrival 15 minutes later, the problem was resolved.  The fix did not require that the tech come into the house; it was completely external.  Getting to this solution took multiple phone calls and a debate between me and my tech before he found the fix by reaching out to other techs. 





452 Messages

4 years ago

I'm trying to watch a few shows on demand but am not able to. When I try to watch it brings up an error about there being a problem and to try again. I did a system refresh thinking it would help but it seems to not have. Why am I not able to watch shows on demand?

Frequent Visitor


14 Messages

4 years ago

Hi, Mabel09,
In addition to the constant CL-17 issue, my On Demand problem on both non-X1 boxes has hit a new, even more frustrating problem that must have started overnight... Now I can't EVER get into the "TV Shows" category! Never-- not at all! When the 2-column screen comes up and I choose "TV Shows", instead of getting the usual 2-column with choices "By Network" or "A - C", etc. I get a single, not columnar, listing with the choices. (Above this list appears a "0 min" and a "$"). When I try to opt for By Network or an alpha choice, nothing happens. And I do mean NOTHING!! Tried unplugging, tried an online reset, no change. Have you encountered this? I did check for service issues in my area, of course, zip.



36 Messages

4 years ago

Hi Jakeysmom94:

Interesting that you should mention this--just this morning, I encountered the same thing.  I couldn't access any TV shows via On Demand--when I chose "TV Shows" on the main page, I got a weird page with single list of choices, headed with "By Network," and nothing happened when I chose any of the options.  It resolved on its own within a few hours.  


I also had my CL14/17 error code come up again briefly the day after the tech resolved it last week.  Several times during the day, and only for a few minutes each time, I got the CL14/17 error code.  It resolved on its own but I don't know if I've seen the last of this.


I'm noticing a few more recent forum posts asking about these error codes, too, with little to no response from Comcast here--certainly no definitive response as to what's going on.  I hope your access to On Demand TV Shows clears up as mine did.  None of this, though, is very encouraging.



215 Messages

4 years ago

@mabel09 wrote:

Hi Jakeysmom94:

Interesting that you should mention this--just this morning, I encountered the same thing.  I couldn't access any TV shows via On Demand--when I chose "TV Shows" on the main page, I got a weird page with single list of choices, headed with "By Network," and nothing happened when I chose any of the options.  It resolved on its own within a few hours.  


I also had my CL14/17 error code come up again briefly the day after the tech resolved it last week.  Several times during the day, and only for a few minutes each time, I got the CL14/17 error code.  It resolved on its own but I don't know if I've seen the last of this.


I'm noticing a few more recent forum posts asking about these error codes, too, with little to no response from Comcast here--certainly no definitive response as to what's going on.  I hope your access to On Demand TV Shows clears up as mine did.  None of this, though, is very encouraging.

The conspiracy theorist in me is saying this is them trying to push those of us with 'legacy' boxes to "upgrade" to the X1 variety. If the big issue here is that the right update didn't get pushed out to the older type of boxes or the WRONG update got pushed out to them and it requires a rollback, then DO IT ALREADY instead of sitting idly by or doing it on a case by case basis. 


The thing is there are other ways to view the content from the On Demand offerings, like via a PC and surfing to Xfinity's website. But even with a 60 Mbps (supposed to be "up to 200 Mbps, used to get 150+ at one point) download speed and a 4-6 Mbps upload speed I'm encountering a lot of stuttering and other issues. Though that's probably from extraneous programs installed on my PC that I really don't need to have on here.


Another option is if you have a "smart" TV you can download the Xfinity app and watch it that way I believe. I have a smart TV downstairs but apparently it's too 'old' (2017 or so Samsung) to be able to get the app on it. 


A final option is to go to the channel's own website as sometimes they have a spot where you can put in your cable login information (username and password for Xfinity) and watch the content directly from those sites.


I've tried options 1 and 3 already and both had unsatisfactory results. Actually with the second option you're able to eliminate the monthly box rental fee from Comcast altogether as you can use a 'smart' TV to stream your programming through their app.  It's why I'm kind of annoyed my TV is deemed "too old" to get it.



1 Message

4 years ago

I have the same CL-17 issue on both DVR's.  They swapped out both DVR's (I lost my beloved saved shows) and now the problem is worse.  I can only see the TV Guide for the next 3 hours - which means I cannot record anything more than 3 hours away.  I can only set up series recording on some shows but not on others.  They've re-wired from the pole to the house, underneath the house, etc.  They don't know what to do and meanwhile I can barely use my tv.  I am so fed up - did anyone get this resolved while knowing WHAT they did to resolve it?  Please help... if you can.  Thx.

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2K Messages


Hi there! We would be happy to look into this and assist you. Can you initiate a chat and start with your full name and address? To start a chat, please click the chat icon in the top right of the page and search for Xfinity Support. See you there!

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1 Message

3 years ago

I noticed a couple of weeks ago that On Demand no longer offered TV Channels as an option -- only Premium.  As I frequently would search channels such as Turner Classic Movies, I tried the Xfinity Assistant.  I asked what had happened.  Of course no person answers that, but it was suggested that I unplug the box and restart.  I did, and now I get the CL-17 error message -- no access to On Demand at all.  So I'm worse off than I was.  

Official Employee


800 Messages

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that, @! I realize it must be frustrating. The CL -17 error means that there's no connectivity between our On Demand system and your cable box. We would like to look into this further for you; please click on the little chat message bubble icon in the upper right and send a private chat to "Xfinity Support" with your name and the service address to start. 

I no longer work for Comcast.

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6 Messages

3 years ago

And here I am almost a year later and the problem still exists.  Latest suggestion by Comcast phone support was the "I'm sending a refresh signal.  Wait an hour and if it doesn't work, we'll contact you."  Worthless advice.

Problem Solver


892 Messages

I am sorry to hear this @kmlew! This is not the experience we want you to have, especially since it's been occurring up until now. As mentioned, the CL -17 error means that there's no connectivity between our On Demand system and your cable box.


We would like to look into this further for you. Please send us a private message by clicking the chat icon located in the top right corner on your forums page when signed in. Once there, you can search for "Xfinity Support" to compose your direct message. Thank you. 

I no longer work for Comcast.



14 Messages

3 years ago

I’m new to the CL-17 horror story. No on demand on any of the three boxes in the house. One is a super old Motorola box, the other two are Cisco RNG150N boxes. Chatted xfinity on Sunday and they actually admitted it was a “server issue” on their end and that they were working on it. Two days later… still no on demand… going on several weeks now without. This is bordering on false and deceptive business practices. 

Official Employee


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Hello @user_156b3f thank you so much for reaching out to us through here. I am sorry to hear about the issues with your equipment and we would love to see how we can help. To get started please select the "peer to peer chat" icon (upper right corner of this page), click the "new message" icon, type/select "Xfinity Support", and then type/send your name with your address.

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