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9 Messages
TV service through Cable Card on TiVo has stopped working
Since yesterday all channels display a black screen with the message: "This channel is not authorized. Contact your cable provider for more information V58)". My service is through cable card in my TiVo. I have reset the TiVo multiple times with no luck in restoring my TV service. How can I get support?
Official Employee
1.8K Messages
6 months ago
@Magicspell Thank you for posting on our community forum! I want to stick with you until we make sure all your Xfinity channels are working. Are you able to verify if the TiVo Diagnostics shows the cable card is paired and authorized?
108.3K Messages
6 months ago
@Magicspell @XfinityEmilyB @XfinityWilliam
Please circle back here and post any possible solutions for the issue here in these open public forums so that all readers here may benefit from the exchange / info. This is in keeping with the spirit for which these public help forums were originally intended. Thank you.
13 Messages
2 months ago
I would also like to get help with the same issue. However, I don't see a way to Direct Message as described in a post. I do not have a Direct Message icon after creating a Forum login. [“Direct Message” icon in the top-right corner of the screen, next to the bell icon, click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon, then type or select "Xfinity Support". ]
5 Messages
2 months ago
I also have the same issue (cable card stopped working - was paired - now says it is unpaired - no channels authorized - support not helpful) looking to send a direct message for assistance.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
2 months ago
If the card is a Scientific-Atlanta/Cisco/Technicolor PowerKEY card, it may have died due to a date-related internal flaw.
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5 Messages
2 months ago
It is a PowerKey card. That is an interesting article. I guess that Xfinity didn't come up with a fix in the last 2 years. Is there any way to tell if that is what happened? I did look for times in the cable card menus and there was one called current time which had the correct time - but I don't know if the important security-related time would be displayed.
That is disappointing if that is the cause (especially as Xfinity stopped distributing CableCards the month before a bunch were going to stop working.) Thanks for the info.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
2 months ago
I've been looking for that info ever since I became aware of the date flaw, but have not been able to find it. I can tell you that I have a Tivo Edge using a Technicolor Multi-Stream PowerKEY Model PKM908 card (printed dated 04/01/20) and that it's still working.
The only thing I've noticed that's different lately is on the 2nd "CableCARD CA Screen" an item called "SubExpireTime" that, for years, contained the date and time that the card would lose its authorization, now just says "N/A". Is this a change Comcast make to deal with the time flaw? That's my guess, but I have no inside info (and good luck finding anyone in the company who actually understands CableCards), so it's only a guess. FWIW the card's firmware (from the "CableCARD Diag Screen") "OS Ver" is "PKEY2.0.1_F.p.1101, Build Time: Nov 2 2022".
I'm going to continue to try to find specifics on which cards might fail and what, if anything, Comcast is doing about it, but I'm not hopeful.
It is more than a little curious that they decided to exit the CableCard business just as the date flaw was kicking in. Always lovable, our Comcast!
ETA: Just noticed "SubExpireTime" on the PKM908's 2nd "CableCARD CA Screen" once again contains a date and time.
If only Comcast/Xfinity would come up with information about what is happening with its CableCards!
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5 Messages
2 months ago
Just checked - on my 2nd CA screen - my SubExpireTime has a date of March 2129. So that might be a key indicator.
Thanks for the info. At least I have an idea about what happened.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
2 months ago
Weird, and not a good sign, for sure. Just curious: what is the card's model number? It's printed on the card (mine shows "PowerKEY Model PKM908"), and the "CableCARD Diag" screen shows shows "0908" under "H/W Model".
It's worth checking the Tivo's signal stats before declaring a CableCard problem. See Under "Signal Quality" ignore the "Maximum SNR" spec, there's no such thing.
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2 Messages
2 months ago
I also had one of my two Tivos with a cablecard go to the V58 channel not authorized issue. I've had this from time to time as well, but this time it seems to be constant. It is a Scientific Atlanta Powerkey PKM800, but not sure if it's impacted by the time issue referenced.
5 Messages
2 months ago
Model Number PKM800 / 3-23-2007 / HW 1.2 / "F". Looks like my card is an oldie. "CableCARD Diag" shows 0800.Ver: 0012 under H/W Model
My OS Ver is "PKEY 1.5.3_F.p.1201 / Build Date Mar 12, 2014. (I know my card has tried to update before - but didn't see a message indicating success or failure - so I don't know if that is the latest version for my model number or whether something else happened).
My signal lock and signal quality look okay. Signal Quality is 42-43 DB. So, as long as the Maximum SNR is not a thing, it looks like my signal quality is okay.
It seems more and more likely that my card is affected by the date flaw. While I still hold out (fleeting) hope - it seems my Comcast relationship might have reached its end.
Thanks again for all the info.
3 Messages
2 months ago
Got a callback this AM from Advanced Support. Apparently a number of cards were not taking regular firmware updates and they were pushed out manually over Thanksgiving. Engineering continues to work on why a large number failed.
13 Messages
2 months ago
I just read this in my bill dated 9/22/24 - "Equipment Update: Starting on October 24, 2024, Xfinity will no longer provide new CableCARDs to new or existing customers. If you require new
TV equipment, please call 1-800-XFINITY to speak with an agent who can assist." Essentially my TiVo is now non-functioning. I got out of the habit of reading the comments in my bills.....I wish I hadn't. I also read that the FCC no longer requires Cable companies to support of course they won't and that put an end to Comcast/Xfinity supporting CableCards. If anyone finds a miracle, I'm all ears.
9 Messages
2 months ago
I had started a thread about V58 errors. This is the death of your tivo. You have to contact your cable company's cable card division and have them try and reauthorize your cards. I have Xfinity/Comcast and this has been going on for over a week with us. It went on for a month back in June. Comcast says they're not supporting cable cards anymore, since the FCC stopped mandating that cable companies support them in Oct this year.