18 Messages
RNG150N box will not power on.
I recently subscribed to Xfinity TV service and got a RNG150N box. I have verified that the co-ax cable is correct (lots of attic tracing today), and when I plug the co-ax directly into my TV I can see cable TV that way.
I have co-ax from wall to box, and HDMI from box to TV. When I plug power into the box, the front 3 lights cycle, then the power light blinks 12 times then goes out and a red light on the back for optical audio out stays on. The box gives no signal to the tv, and the power button on front of the box doesn't seem to turn it on either. I've also tried holding to power button for 10+ seconds, reconnecting the power cable to the same result every time.
Could the box they sent me be bad or am I missing something? The only instructions that came with the box was a 2 page pamphlet.
Official Employee
2.1K Messages
4 years ago
Hi, @bancridhe! Thank you for choosing XFINITY for your new video subscription. We are honored by your business. We greatly appreciate you for reaching out to us on our Forums page for help with your new X1 set-top box. Let’s get this fixed as quickly as possible as we understand the importance of being able to enjoy our services correctly. To ensure I am working on the correct account, would you mind clicking on my handle “ComcastGabe” and sending me a private message with our first/last name and address?
18 Messages
4 years ago
It's been 3 days since I've had contact with anyone at Comcast on this problem.
Gold Problem Solver
5.9K Messages
4 years ago
Did you return a PM (private message) to ComcastGabe?
123 Messages
4 years ago
Get X1. The box you have is over a decade old.