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6 Messages

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 5:00 AM


HD channels incorrect aspect ratio - too large for screen



Cable box is connected via hdmi to new LG tv.  When watching HD channels the ratio is incorrect.  The picture is to large for the tv screen.  I can not find how to correct this.  

Example - watching news in the morning.  You can not see all of the information because it off the screen.  The TV is in 16:9 mode.  I can not find the cable box video settings.


Cable box only says Xfinity - model PR150BNM

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

5 years ago

Use your tv remote to find the proper setting

Gold Problem Solver


612 Messages

4 years ago

We see the same problem the past several days.  Comcast did something to break all HD channels on legacy by cropping pixels on the sides.  News and sports channel chyrons are cutoff on left and right.  E.g. cannot see Masters leaderboard numbers unless switching to SD channel.

There had been long standing issues with SD aspect ratio on legacy Comcast.  My bet is that in attempting to fix that, they messed up HD.

We see the pixels cut-off problem for HD whether using HDMI input to TV or coax cable input to TV.  (Of course HD quality lost on coax.)

Per our eye test, we think the pixels are “accurate” insofar as not squishing.  Faces look the right dimension, in other words.  But the huge difference is that SD is letterboxed, HD is not.  Our TV screen appears to be 9x16 ratio but the channel contents look to be skinnier.  


Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

4 years ago

You're responding to a year old thread. You really should start your own

Gold Problem Solver


612 Messages

4 years ago

I hadn’t noticed that, actually, but the thread title fits.  Why not just go with it?

Is there anything you can do, like notifying Comcast employees?  Or must we phone Comcast for any reasonable chance of fixes on this?



109K Messages

4 years ago


Please create a new topic of your own here on this board detailing your issue(copy and paste your post there). Thanks. Year old dead thread now being closed.


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