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16 Messages
Cablecard pop up every few hours - see image
This is an image that comes up every few hours from our Tivo Cable card.
We already have cable service, it's work fine, why does this still come up. Then we have to hit refresh on the remote.
We've talked to four people at xfinity and no one understands, all we get is your cable is works, Oh Good!!!
I say why do we keep getting this message and then silence, your cable is work? That's good.
We've talked to two "so-called" cable card experts, but they were confused an anyone else.
Is there a fix to stop this from popping up? I've had to show up as many as 3 times in one hour.
Official Employee
1.6K Messages
1 year ago
Hey @toby2347,
Thank you for visiting our official Xfinity Community Forums support page. That messaging usually only populates when an issue is taking place. Does the cable service work without issue when you receive the pop-up?
109K Messages
1 year ago
The concern is not "Channels And Programming" related. Topic moved here to the proper help section for assistance.