Saturday, November 9th, 2024 11:26 PM

Cable card

On Nov 3rd, we started getting the V59 error on all of our channels. We use TiVo with a cable card. I suspect Xfinity deactivated the card, as I see messages from others that they had the same issue on the same date. We did get a notification that Xfinity was going to stop giving out cable cards on Oct 24. We have tried calling support, to no avail. Also, our Internet is dropping often throughout the day. Is there any hope of getting our TiVo configuration working again?

Problem Solver


821 Messages

4 months ago

My cable card is still working, although there has been talk of cable companies (not just Xfinity) "getting out of the CableCard business," especially as they do not support IPTV channels. The fact that Xfinity is no longer giving them out supports this.

I had my card deactivated at one point as well, but (somehow) I managed to make my way through the telephone customer support and got it reactivated. However, both of us are going to have to get used to the fact that, sooner rather than later, our TiVos will become expensive doorstops. It wouldn't be the first time for me; in 2010 or so, I switched to AT&T U-Verse, which uses a system that is completely incompatible with TiVo and cable cards.

Update: I am seeing reports that some Spectrum customers are going through similar problems with that company. Also note that, while neither company is giving out new cards, they are still supporting existing ones, so you should be able to get your card re-paired, although it does involve going through Xfinity's phone help system.


5 Messages

I agree that my card should be re-paired, but phone support has been no help. If you have any hints as to how I can make it happen, I would love to hear it. I was hoping that a support rep could help me here.

Problem Solver


821 Messages

@user_0xi5m8​ The only way I know of to get it done is to call phone support and tell them you need the request elevated.

You can also try the help chat at the Xfinity website, to see what they can tell you about getting phone support to handle it, although occasionally you do get locked into a "select from these replies" loop.

Official Employee


1.4K Messages


user_0xi5m8 We would love to help you troubleshoot your cable card. Please send a direct message by clicking the chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, clicking on the pen and paper icon, and then entering “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section. Please include your name and address, and we can get started anytime.


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Need help activating cable card, do not see chat icon here. Where is it?

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We do not have a Chat option here and please note that sending unsolicited private messages to myself or any other user is a direct violation of our forum guidelines. Per those guidelines, continued violations could be subject to a revocation of your Xfinity Forum privileges. We never want to get to that point with any user, so we recommend reviewing those guidelines thoroughly. You must first create a Public post requesting assistance, and once a Comcast verified employee responds and asks for a private message to be sent, you can then proceed with doing so. For support with activating your cable card you can call 1-877-405-2298 and, when the IVR requests the reason for the call, state, "CableCARD repair."

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1 Message

4 months ago

I have a TiVo premiere machine, and there's been no interruption in service, no error message. My eight-year-old TiVo premiere has slowly begun to fail, mostly unexpected reboots and not recording shows I've set up to record because of the reboots. With what's going on with cablecards across cable providers and the reviews I'm reading for Edge, I have decided I need to find a non-TiVo solution.

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user_ar6djf Hello, I am happy to be of assistance. Can you please send us a DM. You can start by clicking the chat icon located in the top right corner of your forums' page when signed in. Once there, you can direct your messages to "Xfinity Support." Please add your full name and service address to help us locate your account. Let me know if you have any questions. 


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Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

4 months ago

... V59 error ...

If the card is a Scientific-Atlanta/Cisco/Technicolor PowerKEY card, it may have died due to a date-related internal flaw.

See https://www.lightreading.com/cable-technology/time-warp-could-cause-millions-of-old-powerkey-set-tops-to-go-on-the-blink.

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2 Messages

3 months ago

I wish someone could sort out the fact from the fiction.  On December 4 I had no more TV signal from my Cable Card Tuner.  I have taken the steps of calling the support line which did a check and said they saw something not right and sent a man out to my house, very promptly I might add, very pleasant guy who installed a new modem but admitted this was not my issue and he could not do anything but check my signal strength which was fine.  He stated they considered my system to be end of life as they were not supporting the cars any more. A visit to the local Xfinity store in Branford, CT brought no help.  :The cards are all fine, but we have shut down the system that manages them " You are out of luck unless you want a box from us free for a year." One which will not record 6 channels at once of course and one I will have to rent after a year.

Here are the stories I have seen or been told: (Some conflict)

--All Cisco PowerKey 600 and 800 series cable cards have a time warp flaw, including my 800, that rendered them useless after November 24.  Only an 908 type will work.

--It does not matter if you get a 908 series card as Comcast shut the system that reads them down in area 06413.

--Xfinity pushed through an update that failed and bricked all the older cards. They were fine before they did that.

--Comcast ruined your outdated card and will not replace it with a good one. Spectrum is doing so for their customer.

--You will have to take your unit to the landfill where it will join thousands of others.

--You cannot even buy a new good card from Comcast. You will not find any online to buy either.

--Comcast wants you to use Internet service only and this is their way to get your to do so.

I am not saying any of the true, but I would like to know what I should believe so I can do the right thing for my family.  I have been with Comcast for 30+ years (previously Storer whom they bought) and am just asking for some fair and open treatment and information.

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hey @user_0niybk, Thank you for visiting our official Xfinity Forums Community support page. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your experience regarding the Xfinity Video service and CableCARD equipment. Starting on October 24, 2024, Xfinity will no longer provide new CableCARDs to new or existing customers.


While we do not have specific information regarding the make/model of the CableCARDs affected, we are offering an Xfinity X1 set-top box for limited accounts that have CableCARDs. While we are unable to assist further with CableCARDs, if you have any questions regarding our Xfinity X1 equipment, please let me know.

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Problem Solver


821 Messages

@user_0niybk​ I am under the impression that no cable companies are going to be supporting new cable cards any more. The only reason they did in the past was, the FCC mandated it - and the mandate has expired. Internet-based TV is the way that everybody will be going. In fact, it may not be too long before coaxial cable per se disappears, and all "cable" TV is streaming over the internet.

You are not the only one worried about this; my TiVo may become an expensive doorstop any minute now. It's bad enough that I can't get some of the higher-end HD channels (e.g. C-SPAN 1, 2, and 3) because they are already IPTV-only, which Cable Cards cannot decode.

2 Messages

3 months ago

By discontinuing cable card service, the cable company forces one to abandon his/her own equipment (brick!) in favor of their's and their revenue stream which get enhanced.  I think it is a matter of time until a sharp "legalista" cites this as an unfair (monopolistic) trade practice, but time will tell.  I am not one, I just want my expensive equipment to work.  If there is any technology to make the cards work, such as replacing them, they will be smarter to do that as I think what may be ahead will not go well for them. What is their plan to handle all the customer owned boxes that will go to the landfills? The stated in their October invoice that they will no longer support them.  I get that.  My Window XP machine is no longer supported either, but no one shut it down and I have the use of it for some software I run.  What they apparently meant was they are turning off the system and thus shutting down customer owned equipment, causing issues and cost for the owners and pushing business their way.

Problem Solver


821 Messages

@user_0niybk​ - if the boxes are customer owned, Comcast almost certainly (a) does not have a plan to handle all of the new paperweights, and (b) is not going to develop one. The technologies just don't mesh. If some third-party company comes up with a way to make a card that fits in those machines and handles IPTV, then they have a license to print money, but don't count on that happening any time soon, if at all.

I don't think it is going to be considered monopolistic as long as third parties have the ability to make boxes that work with the Xfinity IPTV system.



1 Message

16 days ago

The reason I used tivo was because the COMCAST boxes [Edited: "Language"]. Basically, COMCAST is saying to me that they’re not gonna support my tivo devices but they will give me one of their [Edited: "Language"] boxes. G thanks. With all of my services, I’ve been paying COMCAST close to four grand a year…. that stops now. Whatever it costs, wherever I have to go, COMCAST will not be going with me.


Problem Solver


821 Messages

@blinde5happy​ - go where? TiVo won't work with any streaming TV (AppleTV, YouTubeTV, DirecTV Streaming etc.), and don't expect any cable company to give you a working cable card.

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