Rosedale1's profile



135 Messages

Friday, August 7th, 2020 9:00 AM


Brand New HD Box Keeps Rebooting

Tech swapped out SD box for HD 2 hours ago. Tech left and new box started rebooting. Spoke to Customer service who had me unplug the new box. Worked fine for about 5 minutes and started rebooting again. The TV never comes back on. Just in a constant reboot.

Gold Problem Solver


5.9K Messages

5 years ago

@Rosedale1 wrote:
Tech swapped out SD box for HD 2 hours ago. Tech left and new box started rebooting. Spoke to Customer service who had me unplug the new box. Worked fine for about 5 minutes and started rebooting again. The TV never comes back on. Just in a constant reboot.

How is the box connected to the TV?

You should be using a HDMI connection. Not the coaxial cable.

Also check the coaxial connection to the cable-box. Make sure end connections on the cable have not loosened. The box may be resetting because it is not getting a good signal coming to the box. The box takes about 15 minutes to fully load code. You might need to turn on the box again after the 15 minutes. My Cisco RNG150N works that way.

Official Employee


839 Messages

5 years ago

If anything I suggest you pop by a retail store and get the equipment swapped.

New Poster


6 Messages

4 years ago

COMCAST Customer Ron

This rebooting problem has been happened to us for a month. It always happens at exactly 48 minutes past the hour, but the hour is random. Weird. New modem (2 of them), 5 technicians have gone all over the system, wires replaced, main and auxiliary cable boxes replaced - and still it happens! No one seems to understand the problem. 

New Poster


6 Messages

4 years ago

COMCAST Customer Ron

This rebooting problem has been happened to us for a month. It always happens at exactly 48 minutes past the hour, but the hour is random. Weird. New modem (2 of them), 5 technicians have gone all over the system, wires replaced, main and auxiliary cable boxes replaced - and still it happens! No one seems to understand the problem. 



109K Messages

4 years ago


Please create a new topic of your own here on this board detailing your issue. Thanks. 8 month old dead thread now being closed.

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