robbgriffith's profile

Frequent Visitor


15 Messages

Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 11:00 PM


Why are there so many unanswered/incorrectly answered questions marked as solved and archived??

It's incredibly frustrating to have a question, see that 100 other people have already asked it, and open "Answered" thread to find there aren't any answers. It's even more infuriating when I see that someone has incorrectly answered the question and I can't provide a correct answer because the thread is archived. How about we worry less about cleaning up the threads and worry more about getting accurate information on them?

Accepted Solution



24.4K Messages

6 years ago

Archived posts can contain deprecated information. This is the exact reason they are archived. This is also why you get a warning when viewing an archived post.  


The OP of a thread can select a "best answer" or one of the employees or mods can. Often this means OP accepted the reply as the best answer even if it wasn't completely correct or didn't fully solve their problem. Also fairly often the OP selects their own reply as the "best answer." The forums are mostly a peer-to-peer platform,  "best answers" are not heavily moderated since they are generally subjective. 

Retired Employee


5.9K Messages

6 years ago



Thank you for posting your questions here in the Xfinity Forum, I am happy to address your concerns about our archived content and Best Answers. 


As @Nerd mentioned above, archived content has been moved to that area of the community as it has been deemed irrelevant and/or outdated. You will notice that we have done our best to inform users of this on every post in those boards with the followig message: 




Because this content is not longer relevant we have locked these areas of the community and no longer allow users to respond there. 


If you are looking for the best, most accurate information in the Xfinity Forum we recommend you start by checking our Xfinity Knowledge Base. This is our most accurate, up-to-date information from the Xfinity Forum that has been vetted by our Official Employees. We have content there related to all of our products and services. You can view the Knowledge Base from the Home Page of the Xfinity Forum or by going here:


We also recommend completing a simple search for content, you can narrow your search results to only include active (non-archived) boards. For directions on how to complete a forum search and use content filters, see here:


Also, as mentioned by @Nerd Best Answers are chosen by our original posters (the user who started the thread) and our Official Employees. This design allows the user to decide what worked best for them. Now we completely understand that sometimes the marked Best Answer on a thread may not be valuable to every user viewing that post. We recommend that if you are experiencing a similar issue or have questions of your own, please find the board most fitting your topic and post a new question there. This will allow you to share what response/troubleshooting steps worked best for you. If you would like to know more about Best Answers, see below.


Best Answer.JPG


I hope this helped to address your concerns. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any additional questions. 

Gold Problem Solver


2K Messages

6 years ago

@robbgriffith wrote:

How about we worry less about cleaning up the threads and worry more about getting accurate information on them?

BTW, those aren't necessarily diametrically opposed to each other.

Cleaning up the forum of irrelevant, off topic, and other unnecessary posts helps with people finding accurate information. 

Frequent Visitor


15 Messages

6 years ago

Thank you for your prompt response. I can see now why some incorrectly answered questions are archived, but sifting through the ones that are and are not archived, and are or not answered, is an arduous task that I usually give up around page 6 of results. I'm still bothered by the unanswered questions that get archived, the ones that I'm trying to also find an answer to, so they must be relevant still, but they're archived, so no one ever gets to answer them. But, I can't change the way things are done around here, just mostly throwing out my two cents.

Frequent Visitor


15 Messages

6 years ago

I was not aware of the knowledge base. I clicked on "Support", and this forum is where it always takes me. I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip.



45 Messages

5 years ago

@robbgriffith wrote:

It's incredibly frustrating to have a question, see that 100 other people have already asked it, and open "Answered" thread to find there aren't any answers. It's even more infuriating when I see that someone has incorrectly answered the question and I can't provide a correct answer because the thread is archived. How about we worry less about cleaning up the threads and worry more about getting accurate information on them?

And they have proven you point by not repying to you after 1 year!  Hundreds of us are frustrated by being ignored and I am further frustrated at being unable to find answers in the forum or the knowledgebase



Gold Problem Solver


2K Messages

5 years ago

@samesong wrote:

@robbgriffith wrote:

It's incredibly frustrating to have a question, see that 100 other people have already asked it, and open "Answered" thread to find there aren't any answers. It's even more infuriating when I see that someone has incorrectly answered the question and I can't provide a correct answer because the thread is archived. How about we worry less about cleaning up the threads and worry more about getting accurate information on them?

And they have proven you point by not repying to you after 1 year!  Hundreds of us are frustrated by being ignored and I am further frustrated at being unable to find answers in the forum or the knowledgebase



That's absolute nonsense. For one thing, this thread already has been marked Answered by the OP, and furthermore, additional clarification was made on OP's followup questions. 


This thread is now closed. 

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