44 Messages
Security Certificate that cannot be verified
I have multiple "comcast" email addresses that I use through Outlook, Microsoft 365. On one email I constantly get this warning, none of my other comcast emails do this. I click yes and it gets my email but I want to get this taken care of so it doesn't come up. What is causing this to sporadically come up on this one email?
I have deleted the email and added it back in, POP3, and this makes no difference.
[Removed image: "Personal Information"]
Accepted Solution
44 Messages
13 days ago
On my own investigation to figure this out I found what was causing this issue in my account. When going from POP3 -> IMAP I had to delete the POP3 account and create an IMAP account. When doing this and it was completed I received this error message as noted above. When I went into the settings to make sure that ports, addresses and so forth were correct I noticed that there was a "." put in at the end of the inbound and outbound maps to server. Once the "." was taken out everything on all accounts was correct.
Official Employee
1.2K Messages
1 month ago
Hello thanks for reaching out, this link has great information. On the concerns you have with your e-mail, if that done work this has information that another user had similar issue and a fix is listed in the forums
Gold Problem Solver
25.9K Messages
1 month ago
"" is a pointer to link shortener Bitly. If you follow (note the + sign) you'll find that the link points to, which is no longer valid.
Many months ago Comcast/Xfinity made the bizarre decision to drop the pages with specific instructions for 3rd party email programs, devices, and apps, and replace them with links to generic instructions on respective third party sites. So now to setup outlook for use with email you have to follow the Outlook link on, which leads to Microsoft's generic page at Not nearly as helpful as the page which was removed.
Edit: plus sign note, fix typos
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