Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 1:31 AM

No longer recieving Email

Since 5-31 I no longer have been able to recieve emails from any of my comcast email accounts to my PC or Apple ipad when connected to the internet via wifi. I did not change anything to make this happen. I have talked to several comcast support people without any resolution. I can however send emails from my PC or ipad. Here is what is happening:

  • I use outlook on my pc and apple mail on my ipad
  • I cannot recieve email to Outlook or Apple mail when connected to the internet via Fidium wifi
  • I can log into my account from a browser and see all my email that way
  • I also can recieve my email to Outlook or Apple mail if I connect to the internet via a cell connection bypassing wifi
  • I am using Fidium as my ISP since last June of 2023
  • All email has been working fine up until 5-31-24
  • There is obviously something going on between Comcast and Fidium as it relates to the incoming mail server
  • I use IMAP.comcast.net as my incoming mail server(also tried mail.comcast.net with same results)
  • I have rebooted everthing multiple times (PC, IPAD, Router) with no change
  • I have deleted mail accounts and readded. Only way the readd would work was if I shut off wifi, connecgted via a cell connection using the hotspot on my ipad
  • When I am connected via wifi this is the error I get:

[Edited: "Personal Information"]

  • I can reenter my password, but this box just keeps popping up

This is pretty much everything. There is a block going on when trying to go through Fidium to connect to the comcast incoming mail server and it needs to be fixed. Can you help!

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2 Messages

26 days ago

I am experiencing the exact same issue and it’s gotten extremely frustrating. As you said, the “workaround” is accessing through the web or utilizing cellular. 

Official Employee


750 Messages

Hello there, @A_glenny! Have you attempted to change your password yet? That may alleviate the issue. Details on how to do so are here : https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/changing-or-resetting-your-password

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1 Message

25 days ago

New policy from comcast 5/22/24 They are dumping all comcast email if you can't authenticate your acct.  My email was 20 yrs old and back then they didn't authenticate accts.  so they don't have the info they need.  I talked to Tier 3 and finally got a straight answer after the run around for a week trying to get my email back.  It's done... nothing can me done.  I will be blasting comcast and xfinity.

1 Message

23 days ago

We have same issues with receiving emails on PC outlook or iphones when using Fidium internet connection. Both outlook and iphone work fine with other services such as Spectrum and Xfinity or iphone email works fine if we turn off fidium wifi and use cell service. We are able to compose and send email on outlook but can't receive. Fidium told us Comcast has started to block Fidium IP address. Waiting for 3rd callback from comcast support. Last call was pretty much told to change to a different email not associated with comcast.net or use other internet provider even though we have a Xfinity full service account at another address. 



8 Messages

I got called yesterday from 2nd level Comcast support. He was neither denying nor acknowledging that Fidium IP's are blacklisted. He was being polite but wasn't allowed to say. The word from him is that he has seen it. Given we and many others are experiencing the same issue, there has to be some truth to it.

Their standard answer is to forward the email that points to their website that shows how to configure your 3rd party email application. They will then ask if you can access your email using the connect.xfinity.com and pretty much suggest that their job is done.

Comcast is shooting themselves in the foot with deception and makes me not want to return. They are wasting everyone's time and should just come out and say they no longer supporting former customers (who have switched to Fidium).

1 Message

23 days ago

I am having the same issue. All was fine yesterday and this morning I can only receive when on mobile data. I have called my internet provider, comcast, verizon and all are scratching their heads. My Gmail accounts work fine.

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user_keflap I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing a similar issue. Are you using our Xfinity website to access your email? Or a third-party email client (Outlook, Apple-mail)? 


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3 Messages

The issue is with third part email apps like Outlook or Apple mail. I have confirmation from Fidium that comcast is blocking their IPs. This is an awful practice that comcast has initiated. If their is ever a chance I or anyone that is using a different ISP and wants to continue using their comcast email would ever come back to comcast then this policy of comcasts pretty much shuts the door on resturning. I could never in good conscience return to comcast as a customer knowing that you engage in these types of competitive dirty tricks. It's shameful.



1 Message

22 hours ago

I'm having the same issues.I have not been able to receive my Comcast.net email for several weeks. I specifically asked and researched if I could keep my Comcast email even after leaving Comcast, and was told I could. Things were going well for a few months. I cannot get through to Comcast to speak with anyone. I left Comcast after 30 years because of their customer service and they became unaffordable.  I need this resolved. 

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