3 Messages
My Wix email blast to Comcast addresses resulted in huge number of soft bounces this week. Why?
This week, my business email blast sent from WIX resulted in 900 soft bounces to comcast addresses only. What is going on?
3 Messages
This week, my business email blast sent from WIX resulted in 900 soft bounces to comcast addresses only. What is going on?
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
8 months ago
Hello user_yedg1r
Thank you for reaching out. We have a great spam filter on the Xfinity email system. Promotional emails or emails that are being routed in mass, can be picked up and viewed as spam. I included a great link here below for reference on how the Xfinity email system works with spam messages, and other customization tricks to provide to your recipients.
Gold Problem Solver
26.3K Messages
8 months ago
That's a terrible suggestion! When a customer turns on the "Safe List" it means they will ONLY get email from addresses in the list. From connect.xfinity.com Advanced Settings:
The suggestion in https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/email/how-to-prevent-email-from-going-to-the-spam-folder/602dafffc5375f08cd1ec7b9 is a much better one, but neither of these will help if Comcast is not accepting mail for delivery.
We need a Responsible Adult, someone who actually understands email systems, to reply to the poster in this thread.
@user_yedg1r: https://spa.xfinity.com/postmaster may help you.
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109.1K Messages
8 months ago
The concern is not "accessibility / disability" help related.................................. Topic moved here to the proper help section for assistance.
Official Employee
897 Messages
8 months ago
@user_yedg1r If you'd like to share the domain you're using to send, we can take a look. Feel free to send a DM if you'd prefer not to share publicly.