Sunday, July 7th, 2024 12:22 PM


My Wix email blast to Comcast addresses resulted in huge number of soft bounces this week. Why?

This week, my business email blast sent from WIX resulted in 900 soft bounces to comcast addresses only. What is going on?

Official Employee


1.7K Messages

8 months ago

Hello user_yedg1r


Thank you for reaching out. We have a great spam filter on the Xfinity email system. Promotional emails or emails that are being routed in mass, can be picked up and viewed as spam. I included a great link here below for reference on how the Xfinity email system works with spam messages, and other customization tricks to provide to your recipients. 



3 Messages


I am asking as a business person SENDING emails to a subscribed database. I want to know why my e-newsletter - that I have been sending for years to a subscribed database - was all of a sudden bounced to 900 comcast email addresses. These are people who have been receiving and opening the newsletter weekly until july 3 when they began to bounce. SOmething must have change with xfinitiy's spam filter that is making this happen. I want to know how to fix that so they DO NOT bounce!

Official Employee


1.7K Messages

user_yedg1r I understand you are the sender. You are sending what is known as a "mass marketed email". These style emails are traditionally picked up by spam or junk filters on popular email systems. As we are the ISP providing the email system that you are inquiring about, I can only tell you that we have a great spam/junk filter, and it is designed to stop these style emails you are sending. I provided you a great link you will want to read over. The link covers everything about our email system, but, you would want to pay attention to the section labeled "Email safe list" this is the feature you will need to inform the recipients about. This feature allows the user to designate certain promotional email addresses like yours, as a safe email they would want to receive from. 




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Gold Problem Solver


26.3K Messages

8 months ago

@XfinityThomasB wrote: "... the section labeled "Email safe list" this is the feature you will need to inform the recipients about ..."

That's a terrible suggestion! When a customer turns on the "Safe List" it means they will ONLY get email from addresses in the list. From connect.xfinity.com Advanced Settings:

When Email Safe List is enabled, only email sent from addresses on the Safe List will be received. All other emails will be filtered out and not delivered.

The suggestion in https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/email/how-to-prevent-email-from-going-to-the-spam-folder/602dafffc5375f08cd1ec7b9 is a much better one, but neither of these will help if Comcast is not accepting mail for delivery.

We need a Responsible Adult, someone who actually understands email systems, to reply to the poster in this thread.

@user_yedg1r: https://spa.xfinity.com/postmaster may help you.

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109.1K Messages

8 months ago

The concern is not "accessibility / disability" help related.................................. Topic moved here to the proper help section for assistance. 

3 Messages

in another thread I read that the sudden issue of hundreds of soft bounces to comcast domain recipients is happening to another nonprofit.  We are continuing to have the very same problem. Our settings are all in compliance, and Comcast is the only domain in which over 800 are soft bouncing.  The majority are the same people, but a few added each time.  It begin on July 3rd, then July 7th and today just now.  We need to get this rectified. What can we do?  Important!!!!

Official Employee


897 Messages

8 months ago

@user_yedg1r If you'd like to share the domain you're using to send, we can take a look. Feel free to send a DM if you'd prefer not to share publicly. 

1 Message

@XfinityAlex​ I am going through the same thing. We have 1,700 bounces when normally we average about 200. Most are coming from Comcast. Can we raise this issue with tech support that deals with your spam filters? These are all opted-in and highly engaged people on our list who want to hear from us. 



22 Messages

Maybe see my post:


My blocks started happening about two weeks ago.  I have 12 Comcast members on one email group.  Their are "soft bounces" in the sense that my sending server (which has worked fine with Comcast since at least March) is getting a "421 Server Temporarily Unavailable" message, causing it to retry.  But it always gets this error, for the last two weeks.


1) Comcast is blocking a lot more IP addresses for incoming mail than they used to, for reasons they do not explain, or

2) these IP addresses used to be on temporary block lists / graylists, but they are not being released from this graylisting for some reason, or

3) your problem is different, and the mail is being blocked after being accepted, presumably from a more finely-tuned spam filter.

But I don't expect we'll ever hear a real answer -- they can act with total impunity in the name of "protecting their customers", even if it's because they no longer deliver mail that the customers actually want.

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

user_826q0v thank you for reaching out today, have you already reached out to our Customer Security Assurance team regarding this email issue?

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