8 Messages
emails not received by recipients
Some of my emails are not being received by my recipients. After I send the email, I get the message that email was sent, but my recipient never receives it. Why is this and what can be done about it.
I only find out the recipient never received the email because after a few weeks of no response, I call them to ask them if they received it and that's when they tell me they never received it.
Is it something with their email server or some SPAM block they have and need to fix to receive my emails or is this an issue Comcast/Xfinity needs to fix for me on my end? Does Comcast/Xfinity need to remove SPAM blockers from my IP address or update my SPAM filters or what?
It is very frustrating to wait around for a response to my email only to find out the recipient never received it. This has been going on for years with my Xfinity email account, but sometimes it is worse than other times.
Official Employee
1.1K Messages
2 years ago
Hello @ajhgden, thanks for reaching out for help with your emails.
Are you having this issue with multiple people, or is this just happening when sending emails to one specific person? Also, are you emailing this person directly, or is this being sent as a group email and only some people are not receiving it?
If there are attachments in the email, you can also try removing the attachments and just sending them a test email directly to see if they receive it. If not, have the receiver check their spam folders and spam settings to see if that helps.
108.6K Messages
2 years ago
The concern is not "Community Knowledge Base" related. Topic moved here to the proper help section for assistance.
Official Employee
194 Messages
2 years ago
@ajhgden -
I sent you a direct message asking for more details. Please reply privately to the message with the details I asked about, and I'll take a closer look.
8 Messages
2 years ago
These emails not being received by my intended recipients are all from my address. No I am not using a different domain email when sending.
As far as the persons not getting them, they are sometimes on same domain but more often they are on different, random domains.
5 Messages
1 year ago
I am having the same issue with individual emails as ajhgden. People are simply not receiving my emails. This is my work computer, and I've had a for years. But when people don't receive emails from me, it is a BIG problem, because that's my WORK.
31.2K Messages
1 year ago
FWIW, you should never use a residential service for work email. Comcast is an ISP and doesn't necessarily have to provide email service. Google Workspace offers email and more for small businesses at a very low price per month, and it may be worth checking out.
8 Messages
1 year ago
I know that this is an old post, but I am having the same issue, and I was wondering if there was ever any resolution to this. I tried to follow the directions above to send a direct message, but failed at second step as there is no square chat icon next to the bell after I am signed in.
Here are my details:
1 Message
1 year ago
I’m having the same trouble with my emails not being received. I tried putting myself on a group email and I never received it. It was from my account to my Comcast. Net account. It shows up in my Sent folder but not my Inbox.
8 Messages
1 year ago
Hi - @XfinityAlex fixed my issue - at least it looks like he figured out the root cause.
I had a short URL in my signature (I'm a COLDEST water bottle ambassador) that I added around November 13th, and that was causing Xfinity's spam filter to not even let the email go out - so that's why it wasn't in the recipient's spam folder. @XfinityAlex please feel free to comment with more detail or to correct my understanding. Once I removed the URL, boom, I could email to my husband, and then I sent a group email to my son and daughter, and they replied in minutes that they had received them.
It seems like each one of us has experienced a different resolution (or not), but here's another possibility - if you have anything that goes out in your signature or other parts of your email (you can sometimes edit your "from" for example) - this might be what is getting caught in Xfinity's outgoing spam filter.
Frequent Visitor
9 Messages
1 year ago
Same issue for me. I've had numerous emails sent to business clients that NEVER receive them. It's a COMCAST issue.