10 Messages
Unlocked Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Incompatible With Xfinity Network
I just received a new unlocked Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra that I purchased directly from Samsung. Upon trying to switch my Xfinity Mobile Service from my current device to the S24 Ultra, it's saying that my device is incompatible. I've gone round and round with Xfinity support with no solution. I've spoken with Samsung Support, who say that it's unlocked on their end. I took the device to the local Xfinity store and the agent there said there is something in the front of the phone that is "too technologically advanced" to be compatible with Xfinity. Yet, the store is taking pre-orders for the exact same phone! I'm basically happy with Xfinity mobile, and didn't want to change, but this is puzzling and irritating. Can anyone help me with this?
1 Message
1 year ago
Same issue. I went to the local store and they said that it wasn't compatible. Said I should return it so Samsung and get the Verizon version.
27 Messages
1 year ago
Same issue here. I don't see how an unlocked phone would work on Verizon but not Xfinity. My current Note 10+ is unlocked and works just fine on Xfinity. I think the Xfinity agents just don't know what the issue is and are pulling answers out of their [Edited: Languag].
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
1 year ago
Hello, @user_vbuagv . Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, we are a bit limited when it comes to assisting our Xfinity Mobile customers over our Community Forums, and social media. We can help with general questions, and troubleshooting. Since this is a device specific concern, we would have to direct you to the Xfinity Mobile Team.
• SMS Text Message: 888-936-4968
• Phone: 888-936-4968
• Direct Chat
2 Messages
1 year ago
I have the exact same issue. I just received my second unlocked S24 Ultra from Samsung and Xfinity is saying it is not compatible. I can't get any help from either Xfinity Mobile or Samsung!
10 Messages
1 year ago
Update: Dealing with Xfinity Customer Service on this matter was horrible. On one occasion, I was somehow given a different phone number and had to spend another hour getting THAT problem taken care of. On another occasion, my service was suspended. I believe the second incident was done on purpose by an Xfinity Chat agent because he was irritated with me. At any rate, I transferred my service to another carrier and all is well. I believe that was my only option. It was a 3 day ordeal that illustrated to me that Xfinity Mobile Customer Service is possibly the worst on Earth.
1 Message
1 year ago
I have the same issue and they should be held responsible, who would know unlocked devices are not compatible and who would get the IMEI before buying the phone to check if it's compatible!! Xfinity should be held liable to compensate clients for this
New Poster
7 Messages
1 year ago
This is so ridiculous! I am having the same problem. Even mint, spectrum, visible mobile sees my device but xfinity says not compatible.
3 Messages
1 year ago
From the Samsung Tech support team :::
I would like to explain the current situation regarding carrier activation. Samsung has delivered its devices to users before the official delivery date, which was set for Jan 31. However, the carrier team is currently unaware of the new Samsung device, which is why they are unable to activate the carrier service. We kindly ask for patience for few days until carrier team receives the necessary information to activate the services
27 Messages
1 year ago
Anyone get their S24 activated yet?
2 Messages
1 year ago
I have been to the store and on chat with both Xfinity and Samsung. I was finally told at the store that I had to wait until 1/31 to activate it. Still no luck.
24 Messages
1 year ago
Well I tried to get my S24 (unlocked straight from Samsung) activated again this evening. No luck! I am currently using it after swapping my sim from my (unlocked straight from Samsung S22). Most things work, so I know it is compatible (Voicemail doesn't work), but their site keeps saying it is not compatible after I enter the IMEI. I continue to be amazed that Xfinity has no official answer for this. All they need to tell us is if it is compatible or not compatible and if it is compatible when can we activate it. Their business mission statement undoubtedly must include something about keeping their customers in the dark. I will try again tomorrow, and after that I will need to make a decision. I think Xfinity may lose more than they think if they continue to ignore this.
24 Messages
1 year ago
Noticed in another thread that people that bought their S24 phones from Xfinity are updating on the system automatically. Seems the rest of us are being "punished" for buying from Samsung. This type of attitude is why I have never purchased an Apple product. Still do not know if they will accept the S24s that came from Samsung or not. They won't even tell us.
27 Messages
1 year ago
I have both of our phones working for the most part using our old sim cards, but the Xfinity system shows our sims are now paired with Motorola Moto e5's. Also no voicemail and if I try to set that up it bumps us off the Xfinity network and we have to restart the phones to get back on. What a joke this has become. Everybody was patiently waiting until the actual launch date hoping things would correct themselves. But we are now a day past the official launch date, and still a major act of buffoonery on Xfinity's part.
10 Messages
1 year ago
That is so ridiculous. Xfinity Customer Service is a joke.
2 Messages
1 year ago
Put my sim from my galaxy s21+ into my unlocked galaxys24 ultra.. it works but on xfinity website it says I'm connected to a Motorola phone. Tried to update the imei's and it said not compatible