

2 Messages

Sunday, November 6th, 2022 3:16 AM


Interrupting Live Programming for Local Commercials

Over the last several days while watching ESPN, local commercials have cut into live programming. Watching a football game and suddenly a couple of commercials play. Come back and missed several plays. Why is this happening? Aren’t there designated times for local commercials during live events?



2 Messages

2 years ago

This happened to me too. I called Xfinity about it and they said they'd call me back about it but didn't.

Official Employee


933 Messages

2 years ago

Hello @SmashingNewt and thank you for reaching out. I know how frustrating this can be getting interrupted with commercials during these live broadcasts. Do they seem pretty random when it's happening? Are you watching this on the TV box or streaming from the app?  



2 Messages

@XfinityMikeB​  Thanks for responding. I was watching on my TV via the box. It seemed to be at a set time - roughly 15 min and 45 min after the hour. And they were always local commercials - political ads, local businesses, etc. 

New Problem Solver


452 Messages

Oh, wow! I would be just as frustrated as you if my games were cut short due to commercials @SmashingNewt. That is certainly odd that it would do this during a live game. Was this on ESPN, ESPN2, or another ESPN network? Have you noticed it with any other events or was it only that specific game? 


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