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11 Messages
Can't watch BTN through Fox Sports app
When I try to use the Fox Sports app to watch BTN, it says I am not subscribed, despite the fact that I have a full package of Comcast channels and can watch BTN on my TV. 2 and a half hours on the phone have been completely unhelpful. Is there a known issue?
Now I've been on hold for 30 minutes. Total silence. No music. No, "we will be with you shortly". Wonder if I got hung up on.
Official Employee
1.5K Messages
2 years ago
@grail1223 Thank you for reaching out on the Xfinity Community Forums. Are you still seeing an issue with BTN? Please let us know if you are still seeing an issue we will be happy to help.
6 Messages
2 years ago
Why did Xfinity drop the Big Ten Network On the Fox Sports app? All other cable providers carry it. I may switch providers.
5 Messages
2 years ago
Just replying here to say I'm experiencing the exact same issue. Unfortunately, Xfinity and Fox customer service have both been extremely unhelpful thus far and don't seem to understand the issue.
My cable package includes BTN. I was able to stream BTN from the Fox Sports app and website with no issue up until a month or two ago. I can still stream all the other Fox-owned channels I get. It's only BTN that I'm no longer able to stream.
New Poster
11 Messages
2 years ago
2 hour of troubleshooting and still nothing. Escalated to a supervisor who promise it would work by 1019p and nothing. She did admit this is a Comcast backend problem. Honestly, I don think the know how to fix it.
At least I remembered to ask for a credit. If you don't ask, they don't give it.
Maybe it will work tomorrow the way Hannah promised, but I'm not holding my breath.
New Poster
11 Messages
2 years ago
Guess what? It didn't work. Wonder how many more hours of my time I need to spend to get someone to fix this? Maybe I'll just have to find someone that is not on Comcast that I can borrow an account from.
New Poster
11 Messages
2 years ago
Spent another hour with a supervisor. She told me it's a Fox issue, despite the error saying that the comcast_sso package does not include BTN. I wonder who creates the Comcast_sso package. Clearly Comcast is not sending the correct information. Even my Roku tells me to contact my provider to get the channel added. But Comcast can't figure it out, so they blame Fox.
One would think that for all the money we give to Comcast that they would want to assist the customer and would work with Fox to find the answer.
5 Messages
2 years ago
I tried again too. This time, I was told it's a "known issue" but they couldn't give me a ticket number or any info on when or how it might be resolved. All they said the could do was "notate my account" so I can call back and try to get an update. Meanwhile, we're in the heart of college basketball season and I can't stream any games on BTN outside my home even though I'm paying Comcast for a cable package that includes BTN.
2 Messages
2 years ago
We are having the same issue. We have had the BTN network for years, but are now inexplicably unable to stream it. The streaming app consistently tells us we do not have the subscription, which is completely false. Why are we paying such exorbitant fees for a product we are failing to receive? It has been this way for us for at least a week now.
1 Message
2 years ago
I might have a workaround until this truly gets resolved.
BTN would play only on my iPad and iPhone but neither of my Apple TVs or via the web browser on a desktop. I piggyback/share off my dad's Xfinity account and used to use his username and password to authenticate apps like Fox Sports. A while back I created a parallel Xfinity ID for myself so I wouldn't have to bother him with authentication issues, having that security code (for other apps) sent to his phone instead of mine etc. It's free and easy to do on the Xfinity website. I had the option to stay signed in with his email turned on on most, if not all, of my devices for convenience. Just now, I went to both of my Apple TVs, logged out of Xfinity within the Fox Sports app, and made sure to use a different web browser than the usual one so that the auto login thing was not playing a potential role. (I had the auto login option turned on in Chrome on my phone but not in the Safari app). I figured the system was defaulting to the login credentials that included the issue? I manually typed the URL into the browser instead of the QR code. Not sure if that mattered but figured I'd provide the detail. I logged into the Xfinity account "the long way" in the fresh Safari browser app on my phone using the "side account/Xfinity ID" email and password without issue. The difference is, BTN no longer says it's not in my tv package and the stream actually works now!
I obviously have no idea that what I did was a "fix" or that it will work for you if you try it, but I think until this gets truly resolved, it's worth trying for yourselves. Create a free second Xfinity ID on the Xfinity website with a second email address you have laying around and try to use that as your login as described above. (My Dad's original email login - the problematic one - was a address while the one I used for the side account was just my regular gmail one) Hopefully it works and you can at least temporarily stop pulling your hair out. All of this screams to be an Xfinity issue IMO. Good luck!