2 Messages
Bally sports [Edited]
As a long time Xfinity customer, I'm angry, appalled and deeply disappointed losing Braves game coverage on a sports channel going through bankruptcy proceedings. Yes I read about it. Remembering back in the day when the Braves were on TBS which is based in Atlanta. I don't see why they can't have the rights to the Braves. Shame on both Xfinity and Bally who can't come to an agreement and tend to point fingers at each other. Customers who will get $8-$10 credit on their monthly bill isn't going to make it better, and Bally should terminate their rights to all sports televised since they're facing bankruptcy. Hopefully in the near future Xfinity customers can pick up the Braves coverage again. 🤞
2 Messages
9 months ago
Agreed!! Not happy at all and an xfinity customer forover 20 years
6 Messages
9 months ago
Comcast is 100% to blame here. Bally and AT&T, Spectrum and a host of smaller providers are still airing Bally channels. Bally has contracts with 11 MLB teams to broadcast games.
the only answer here is to move to another provider or just cancel Comcast out of spite. Greedy corporations.
2 Messages
9 months ago
Possibly Comcast does not realize the extensiveness of "Braves County". I have been a customer for about 25 years but will change providers if this is not resolved expeditiously. It is intolerable that such a huge viewer group is denied access to the Braves....a lack of public responsibility.
2 Messages
9 months ago
Agree that this was a horrible decision by Comcast - I understand decisions need to be made from a business perspective but I am terribly disappointed thiw Comcast has handled this. They knew long before they announced what action they were going to take and should have notified their customers so we could take steps to continue to have Braves coverage- guess they think they are too big to be worried. If not resolved , hope many of us do take the steps to cancel Xfinity cable service
2 Messages
9 months ago
Comcast XFinity dropped the BIG 10 network about 6 years ago, just before the BIG 10 softball championship playoffs, which really made me think about changing to another carrier but just before the college football season started, Comcast reinstated the BIG 10 channel to their line up. This present move by Comcast to drop Bally's might be the final straw. I have tried all morning to talk with a live representative about this issue but Comcast has blocked any conversation and I am able to do is reach their automated system and it reminds me why I have such anger towards Comcast. Comcast has always been tone deaf to its customers concerns and unwilling to take any complaints. I am also furious that I received a credit card from Comcast with $1.00 on it for my inconvenience. There is not any amount of money that Comcast can pay for this disruption to Tiger Ballgames, just when they are winning and our beloved Red Wings.
2 Messages
9 months ago
All I can say is the price of Cable is getting more and more expensive and viewing (other than my Baseball Team) is getting less and less !
2 Messages
9 months ago
20+ years customer of Comcast / Xfinity. I've dealt with the constant price increases without better service. I watch very few channels, but I keep Xfinity because I can get Bally Sports Midwest and watch my Cardinals. Unfortunate that Xfinity felt like they could increase their profits by strong - arming a company going into bankruptcy. Tells me that the bottom line is more important than customers and suppliers. Just remember, the consistent / reliable 20+ year customers pay your bills. Looking for new options.
2 Messages
9 months ago
I will be looking into switching to someone that is carrying the Braves, it is one of my most watched programs
2 Messages
9 months ago
Time to move on from this service. They could of notified us before this happened. Xfinity doesn't care about their customers and it is showing. Also, it's a joke they recommend us to watch the Braves games from FuboTv. Why should I pay $90 extra a month when I should have it on xfinity? Greedy . EPB is where I'm going, better customer service from what I've been told.
New Poster
4 Messages
9 months ago
From a customer of Comcast for 40 years, this is the gratitude they show me. Shame on Comcast & Bally for holding us fans as hostages. Saddam Hussein could not have done it any better. Shame too on Major League Baseball for sitting back and doing nothing to alleviate the situation. This idiot Commissioner has stuck to Braves fans more than once. If this dispute involved the Yankees, Cubs, or Dodgers you can bet MLB would have been in full action to solve the situation. Also a scoop of condemnation is in order for the teams for signing on to such a tenuous situation.
I am 60 years old now and started following the Braves on the radio when I was about 8 years old. I guess it is back to 1970 as I will listen again via radio (or have they taken that away also). Thanks Comcast, Bally and MLB for ruining my summer. May you all get the failure and complaints that you deserve!
Official Employee
1.1K Messages
9 months ago
2 Messages
9 months ago
I pray for the day that my neighborhood finally gets fiber optic service from a provider other than Comcast so I can give them the boot once and for all. Tried streaming services but still have to use Comcast for internet service and the combination of both was just as expensive as cable to get all the channels we want. What a racket!
Not applicable
3 Messages
9 months ago
Not happy at all..and wow a whopping $8 a
month..may have to go elsewhere ..been wanting to switch providers for awhile (tired of the increase in orice wvery few months) this just might be the straw that broke the camels back.
2 Messages
9 months ago
30+ year customer here very upset and angry about Xfinity losing coverage of Braves games! That’s one of the main reasons that I have Xfinity cable TV service at all. This has prompted me to look for alternative providers for all my TV content. VERY FRUSTRATED!!
Regular Visitor
24 Messages
9 months ago
I'm considering dropping Xfinity. This is completely unacceptable. Xfinity could have accepted the same deal Bally offered Spectrum and DirectTV. Xfinity is the one who is bad here.