11 Messages
Xfinity is Dishonest and Misleads their Customers
As Xfinity loves to remind me, I've been a valued Xfinity Customer for over14 years. Well.. I certainly don't feel valued -- I feel mislead, lied to, and am totally fed up with this dishonest company. Earlier this month, I checked my bank account statement to see that my monthly internet fee had increased from $70 per month to $110. I received no emails, notices, or calls about my apparent "promotion" ending which resulted in a $40/month billing increase. Fed up with Xfinity's price increases, I finally pulled the trigger and switched internet providers to Google Flex. What should be a simple and straightforward cancellation process has become an aggravating and frustrating battle between this disreputable company. Outlined below are just some examples of what I have delt with since attempting to cancel:
1. I called Xfinity to inquire about the bill increase and was told "they can offer me a promotion for $100 per month." (lie no. 1)
2. That same day I call Google Flex and am informed they can offer me services for $70 per month. I call Xfinity to relay this information and am suddenly informed they can "offer me the same promotion" but that Google Flex has slower MPB speed, so to offer that promotion, Xfinity says they will need to lower my internet speed. While on phone, I look up Google Flex internet speed and find that they actual offer internet speeds faster than I currently had (lie no. 2) I call Xfinity out on the misrepresentation, and tell Xfinity I am proceeding forward with cancelation.
3. I am advised by Xfinity staff that they will refund me $110 (through credits to my account) for the inconvenience, being a valued customer and because they would like me to come back one day (lie no. 3). Following the call, I receive an email stating I am only being "credited" $30.00.
4. I call Xfinity back a few days later and inquire about the refund. I am assured that I will be credited enough credits to account for the $110 charged (lie no. 4). I receive an email after the call stating my account was credited $40. What happened to the remaining $40.00 refund?! Exhausted, I give up trying to pursue reimbursement and was going to let this all slide until...
5. I receive a request to return equipment - for a modem and a flex streaming device. The modem was easily returnable, however, I have never used a streaming device and have no knowledge of its existence, so I call Xfinity to say "Hey, I don't know what this Flex thing is, and I've never used it. Was I being billed for streaming that I never once used?" I am told by staff they will remove the device from return items (lie no. 5) since I never received the device. I ask for written confirmation, they say they can't provide but it is removed and nothing to worry about (lie no. 6). I bring up refund again, and am questioned and probed repeatedly, like I made it all up that I was assured full refund. I disconnect with this agent in hopes of speaking with someone more reasonable.
6. I call again. I ask about receiving my full refund, this is where things went very south. Xfinity now claimed that "it was impossible to give me a full refund and they never would have ever offered that"; that "it's impossible to refund you the full amount." After exhaustive and entirely pointless back and forth conversation with a customer service agent, I am also informed that the streaming device was not removed and an "open and ongoing investigation was pending" and the rep stated "if we find that UPS delivered the device you will be charged $100 for the device.
While it may be reassuring to hear you're a valued xfinity customer, we are here to help... please don't fall for that nonsense... you're a "valued" customer until the second you end the service - then you're mercilessly punished.
Official Employee
1K Messages
10 months ago
Hi there! We never want this to be your experience and assure you that we are not in the buisness of purposely misleading and apologize this has been your experience. I would love to take a closer look at the promised credits and device return issues. To get started, please use the chat icon in the upper right to enter Direct Messaging and send us a message with your full name and full address.
Here are the detailed steps to direct message us:
• Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "direct messaging" icon (upper right corner of this page)
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send your message
Please let me know if you have any questions or run into any problems.
Official Employee
1K Messages
10 months ago
3 Messages
10 months ago
It is clear from these forums that xFinity is engaging in a massive coordinated fraud against their customers. It's disappointing considering that they've already been fined for this and they are now targeting some of their most loyal and tenured customers.
My story - I was told on Thursday May 2nd, 2024 by a supervisor named Rishab that xFinity overcharged me $730 over the course of years. Rishab first said that I would only get $60 returned to me but when I said I would be forced to sue Xfinity for the rest of my money, Rishab (after a long wait on hold) came back on the line and said that I would get a full refund starting with a $500 credit that I would receive on Friday May 3rd. Rishad opened a new ticket specifically for the credit:
First Ticket Number - [Edited"Personal Information"]
2nd "Credit" Ticket # - [Edited"Personal Information"]
Now Xfinity is again saying that they will only pay my $60 per their internal policy. I will be contacting an attorney and requesting all of my communication and bills regarding my account so I can recover my $700. I will be notifying the attorney that a class action lawsuit against xFinity (again) should be filed since it seems clear by all of these threads on this site that xFinity is likely defrauding thousands of customers (again). [Edited: "Solicitation"] My guess is that xFinity will close this message thread to stop others from telling similar stories. If that happens I will start a new thread - just do a search for "overbilling".
1 Message
7 months ago
I have had the exact same horrible deceitful experiences. Three months in a row. They are the worst internet company on the planet!
2 Messages
6 months ago
I was promised 2000mbs and unlimited data, plus Xumo streaming package with Peacock, MAX, NetFlix, and AppleTV+. The xfinity representative gave me exact numbers for upcoming charges: Sept $153.83, Oct $152.83, and Nov $152.83. They sent the Xumo streaming box quickly, and I thought that I was good. Then I had to spend over 4 hours because MAX didn't work. I dealt with 5 or more agents in India, then escalated to the Philappines 3 times. After all the aggravation, MAX came online. Then xfinity sent me an "Updated Service Order" for $172.57. Oh, and also, my internet speed has been between 850 and 994 mbs, far below the promised speed. After all of this torture, given how the company is not honoring their agreements, building a firewall between customers and customer service, after 24 years and 3 months as a customer, I am done being treated this way. I am going to head over to their store, and if they don't sort it out quickly, I am going to terminate all services. Worst experience that I have ever had as a consumer. They have no shame.
5 Messages
5 months ago
Xfinity has also sold me similar lies and they hide specific terms of promotions so that they can get you into a contract and then cancel the promotion later on a technicality on something as little as transferring a number vs. getting issued a new number with their mobile service. This costs the customer hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of dollars that they are forced to pay that they never actually agreed to paying.
[Edited: "Solicitation"]. I was a loyal customer for years but now I am taking my business elsewhere.
2 Messages
5 months ago
I too was mislead, then straight lied to, this is wrong, I had many many issues that I ended up fixing 70% myself, but the trying to get help started 2 hours min up to 4hours and only 2 times no solutions I been long term many years and the same smoke up the end routine, all I wanted is this fixed and find out whats wrong with billing. finally I thought making progress, they offered, new phone at absolutely no cost, no hook up fee, I only need to pay for the phone line, I barely use my cell ph so why do I need another? after all the insisting and how they fixed my billing , I should still be paying less for the total services now so no big deal? after repeated info finally I gave in so my service fixed. I have continued bad service, and the representatives inform me that I have no such thing this so call gift . this kind of buisness I experienced before was comcast, I just found out that xfinity and comcast are the same. so I will hope to hear from a upper rep to look at this because they can identify the person that misleading customers and get resolutions to all the miss haps, if there is none then I wish all well, but I will leave and go to competition . Look , if you at xfinity can be honest with customers , we often ok if a mishap or few dollars is the issue, but if we can not trust you as our carrier then it leaves a blank truth and a awakening to all. I beleive that a company usually straight up, sometimes an employee or ? can cause such challenge. thx [Edit: Personal Information]
1 Message
4 months ago
Yep exactly what there doing to me
1 Message
3 months ago
Xfinity's customer service agents have lied to me every time I speak to them on the phone. I wish I could get back the HOURS of my life I have wasted trying to resolve issues and hold Xfinity accountable for their predatory and deceitful practices. Unfortunately, the only people you can get on the phone are people who have no idea what's going on and lie to you to get you off the phone.
33 Messages
3 months ago
Dear friend you are not just feeling you are being mislead by Xfinity. You are being. All they know how to do is lie, cheat, exploit and manipulate.
They think laws and regulations don’t apply to them, they gaslight customers, they are running a total scam with their Now Pass that does not operate as advertised and support does not exist because it is a scam.
The only reason they have customers for so many years is they hold multiple monopolies and the FCC is too stupid to do anything about it.
2 Messages
2 months ago
Xfinity staff in the Philippines aren’t able to take care of customers - I feel sorry for them.
you get no satisfaction with billing errors from them