2 Messages
Why is your website so slow?
The xfinity site has always been bad but is getting worst and worst. I cant even make a simple payment. The website is super slow. I click to make a payment and the window just stay blank.
I never have any issues with otehr sites but always, always have an issue with xfinity site. You really need to fix this. The service is terrible. Then you call to make a payment but you only get as computer talking saying to go to the website to make a payment. Is really the worst customer service I have expierence from a company.
Official Employee
3.9K Messages
1 year ago
Hello @user_mt0z70! Thanks for taking the time to reach out on our Forums about the difficulties you've experienced with our website, services, and trying to reach us for support. This is never the experience we strive for our customers to receive, and we definitely want to make things right. My team is here to help, and we would love to address all of your concerns. I promise my team is here to support you with your service needs.
Just for troubleshooting purposes, are you also experiencing issues making payments through the Xfinity app which can be downloaded for free on your mobile device?
3 Messages
1 year ago
It's consistently been one of the slowest websites I deal with - the pages take forever to load, and often when viewing the Billing page many sections will often be missing from the page. Reloads take upwards of a minute each time, too. Doesn't matter what computer I'm on or which internet connection I'm using.
2 Messages
1 year ago
I just waited about three minutes for the billing page to load and am still waiting for the previous bill to show up.
1 Message
1 year ago
Its comparable to dial up speeds
1 Message
1 year ago
I want to comment on how bad the xfinity website is. It is far worse than dialup. It is essentially non functional. It's a roll of the dice whether navigating the xfinity website will load a blank page, force me to enter my login credentials again, or go to an error page. This needs to be forwarded to the web management team. It is not a problem with anything on any consumer's end. It is 100% a problem with the website.
1 Message
1 year ago
Agreeing with previous comments. This site ranks near the bottom as an interactive portal for conducting regular business. Everything marches along at glacial scales, if at all. It has been this way for more than a year. Activities, such as bill pay or service revision are near impossible.
Regarding the recent announcement of the Xfinity security breach to their back end systems, If you have received such notification you will need to change your password.
Be forewarned after a password change, if you are experiencing issues in re-logging in to the service or simply unexpected behavior, you will need to flush your (particular) browser cache and then restart the browser session.
This will very likely solve any authentication issues, it will not however solve the painful pace in which Xfinity wishes to conduct its online business.
1 Message
1 year ago
Same issue...have been on the Xfinity website for an hour to just go through a few pages. The Xfinity website is so amazingly slow. No other website I am working acts like this. They are lightning fast. The Xfinity website is so slow!
1 Message
1 year ago
I agree with what everyone else has said here. There are no other websites that load as slow as Xfinity. I also received a "cannot load page" message and I had to click on the "reload" button several times just to get the "cannot load page" message again. For a company that sells internet service, the Xfinity website is a terrible example of its abilities.
31.1K Messages
1 year ago
Please clear your cache and cookies and also try a different browser.
When posting on issues like this it is helpful for you to post the browser that you are using.
1 Message
1 year ago
Agreed with the above. I'm here to kill time while my account page loads. I'm going on two hours taking the steps to unlink an account from my login. NO JOKE.
1 Message
1 year ago
Do me a favor. Log on to your own website. Because after reading through all this it is VERY clear that you are trying to obfuscate blame onto the consumers. Despite a clear context of "it is simply your website".
Rather than give us some backhanded remark about why it's actually our fault, our browser, or our internet (it's not, it's terrible on every browser, and every device, and my internet is running at 900/40).
Just log on to your own website. For 5 minutes. See with your own eyes how absolutely terrible it actually is.
Because I'm on minute 20 of trying to load a single page right now.
It loads horrifically slow on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, on PC, on Mobile.
Don't ask me what I'm using because it's THE WEBSITE.
So go log on to it real quick and come back to me, then try to tell us why it's something we're doing.
3 Messages
1 year ago
Trying to update my payment method due card fraud and the site doesn't work.
Painfully slow. Broken.
Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "http://payments.xfinity.com/methods" on this server.
Reference #18.278d2117.1705563135.20279c9
14 Messages
1 year ago
Same here. I tried to make "quick" 🤣 payment before leaving for work today. I should know better by this point. It took 4 minutes just to load the billing page and then an access denied error when I tried to actually pay. Doesn't matter what browser or computer or mobile device I use, the website always reminds me of how horrible the dial up internet days were.
2 Messages
1 year ago
Agreed. Every time I try to access the site it takes 2 minutes or more to load the login screen, then it takes another 2 minutes to load past the login screen. By the time it lets me interact with anything on the screen it is already logging me out, presumably by perceived inactivity. It takes 20 minutes or more to reach a rep on the phone because their automated service is bloated with unnecessary garbage. I am convinced I will never be able to see what my bill is actually. Let alone pay it. Xfinity has been shooting itself in the foot with how horrible this website is. I've tried primarily on chromium-based browsers and they are slow, but other browser quite literally say the website is unreachable. I've no idea how they can claim to have good services available for the customer when the customer can't even access said services!
1 Message
1 year ago
it's been the worst user experience since i can remember. not a good example considering being internet service provider.