Xfinity Support's profile

Official Employee


88 Messages

Thursday, February 25th, 2021 8:00 AM


Welcome to the new Xfinity Forum

We are excited to announce that in March 2021, after more than a year of diligent work, the Xfinity Forum updated platforms. The Xfinity Forum was always intended to be a place where our customers can participate in a thriving peer-to-peer community and, if needed, receive assistance from employees. This update will help us to better realize those goals.


We have worked hard to ensure that most forum functionality remains mostly unchanged. You will still be able to author posts, reply, and send/receive private messages. For a full list of feature updates, see here. We would like to call out that the major platform changes include:


  • Authoring a post – The look of the page when authoring a new post or reply has changed but you will still be able to have the same features and functionality as before. The major change to note is that you will be able to choose what forum Category/Service and topic where you would like your post to live in the forum.

*Please remember that your “macro”/”canned messages” will still be set up and managed from your forum profile settings.








  • Replying to a thread – You will still be able to reply to any open post, however instead of being redirected to an “author a post” page, you will be able to reply to a post in-line the thread itself. This change should make replying much easier for anyone wanting to participate here.








  • Identifying a Solved thread – You will notice that when you see threads in list format a thread that has a marked Solution, it will look a little different








  • User profile page – When viewing your own or another user’s profile page, you will notice few differences but all the information there will remain the same. The major change is you will find it much easier to message another user and follow users you are most interested in.








  • Private Messaging - In the past each private message was seperate. Now, you will notice your private messages thread together similar to a text message chain. This should make it very easy to see the entire history of private messages between you and another user. Private messages with any user are easy to initate by clicking the "message" icon ComcastJessie_1-1614291072817.png .

*Note*: You will also notice an easy way to deny any private messages or accept if you want to engage directly with that user. 










With the launch of the new platform we welcome your feedback. We would like to use this thread to answer questions about changes that may have been made, as well as, identify, prioritize, and address any bug issues for things that may not be working as expected.


If you choose to help us by reporting “bugs” with the new redesign, we ask that you provide the following information.


Issue Type (Design or Functionality):

Brief Description of Issue:

Hyperlink to Issue Location:

Browser Info (Please Include Version Info):

Screenshot (Optional):


With your help we’ll continue to make the Xfinity Forum a positive and helpful environment for all our customers.


Thank you!

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.
Was your question answered? Please, mark a reply as the Accepted Answer.tick

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

4 years ago

What happened to my stored macros and images? "Text Canned Responses" and "Image Canned Responses" both show "(0)".

My email Forum notifications greet me with "Hi $SCREEN_NAME,". Really?




127 Messages

4 years ago

Is there any indication that a thread has been read. For example, in the old design the thread title would be greyed out if it had been viewed. I don't see that happening with the new design.



10.3K Messages

4 years ago


What am I missing?  Security Board under Internet?  Expert Board? How to send a PM after typing it?

First impression not good and I feel for BruceW as I do not believe our frequent (non-expert) users were never appraised of the possibility the Macros and Images might be gone.  BTW first time I heard of the images might be lost! 

Official Employee


88 Messages

4 years ago


I apologize we were not made aware that all macros and images would be removed from the profile page. We are currently working with our forum vendor to re-add back the images and any missed macros. We will be sure to update this post if there is any changes in the future.

We are also working with our platform vendor to update the notification emails so those display the correct usernames. Once we have that update we will share that here too, 

Thanks for the feedback. 


You will notice that any post you have not read yet has a blue title. Once you have read the post the title will then display as gray. This should be an improvement to what we had previously in place and should make it much easier to find any topics you have not already reviewed. 


The loss of images was news to me as well. I am still working with our platform vendor to get those images re-associated with each profile. They are still in the forum, just no longer associate with an individual's profile. 

The Security Board was requested to be removed from the community by our Brand Team since we no longer support Norton or any type of 3-party Internet Security and any questions related to third-party Internet security will now live in You Home Network, since it is now completely up to a customer to add to their home network. 

The Expert boards are only available to our Experts when they are fully logged in. I have the exact path to get there and will send it to you directly. 

When typing a PM, scroll to the top and input the username of the person you want to send it to 




127 Messages

4 years ago


Thanks for the reply. I swear, it wasn't doing that when I posted the comment! :-) But it seems to be working now as you describe.




393 Messages

4 years ago

Is there a way to turn off the big pictures at the top of every page?

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

4 years ago

How about talking to your email service associates. I just had a "Community Mailer" end up in the Comcast email SPAM filter...

There is no difference between read and unread posts that I can see. Unread used to be bold. I remember this issue back when you first switched to the Khoros software a few years ago.

I agree that WAY too much space is wasted with the giant picture at the top. Even at 1920x180, I have to scroll down just to see the FIRST post.

With the old software, I could 'bookmark' categories and then just see a nice list of them with the number of new posts. Any way to do that now, or do I have to click through EVERY list to see what is new or not, or one generic new list from every category mixed together?


Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

4 years ago

To add more:

Any way to see more than 8-10 posts per page?

The official Comcast employee names are not highlighted differently.

There is no 'mark all as read'.

After using a bit, it does appear that read posts have gray titles, although it doesn't seem consistent.



21 Messages

4 years ago

Issue Type (Design or Functionality): Functionality

Brief Description of Issue: can not PM comcast digital care team members that had been working on issue with me for weeks.  There are only 2 employees I can PM, and the one I PMd has not responded.  I had several members of digital care team checking in for a while, and now it seems I am not able to reply to them.  ComcastRayana said they would check in with me today with their last message, but nothing yet, and I can not type reply.  

Hyperlink to Issue Location: my PM inbox

Browser Info (Please Include Version Info): Version 89.0.4389.82 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Official Employee


88 Messages

4 years ago

@strega7 & @andyross 

Thank you for your feedback. The image at the top of the page is our forum header image. Similar to the header image on the Xfinity Forum before the relaunch yesterday, it cannot be minimized or removed.  


Thank you for your additional feedback about requested functionality. We are currently working with our platform vendor to identify all opportunities for improvement and build a roadmap on how we can implement any feature enhancements. Once we have some additional information as to new features/functionality we will be sure to share it here on this thread. Thanks again for your ideas. 

As for the the ability to identify a read/unread post. As mentioned by me in an early reply to this thread, unread posts can be identified as having a 'Blue' title. Unread posts can be identified as they have 'Gray' titles. Please let us know if this is not working as designed by providing the information below.

Issue Type (Design or Functionality):

Brief Description of Issue:

Hyperlink to Issue Location:

Browser Info (Please Include Version Info):

Screenshot (Optional):


Thank you for your feedback and we apologize for the confusion. Due to the recent change in the Xfinity Forum our Communities Care team can now be reached in our private messaging tool via the shared handle "Xfinity Support". If requested to send a private message to the Communities Care Team you will do so by clicking the private messaging icon in the upper right corner of your screen and choose "Xfinity Support" from the list. Please remember that we ask that you only send private messages to our Communities Care Team when you have specifically asked to do so by the employee. Sending unsolicited/unwanted private messages to the Team or any other forum user does violate our Xfinity Forum Guidelines

Thanks in advance for your understanding. 


Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

4 years ago

@ComcastJessie :

"Hi $SCREEN_NAME," seems to have been fixed, thank you. This comes and goes. Some notifications have my first name, while others still say "Hi $SCREEN_NAME,".

The image at the top of the page is our forum header image ... it cannot be minimized or removed. 

Unacceptable. The image is gigantic and serves no purpose.


... to send a private message to the Communities Care Team you will do so by clicking the private messaging icon in the upper right corner of your screen and choose "Xfinity Support" from the list. 

This description is woefully incomplete. To reach the Care Team I have to:

  1. Click the Private Message icon (it really should have mouseover title text)
  2. Click the New Message icon (which should also have mouseover title text)
  3. That gives me an empty "To:" line. There is no list of names to choose from. I have to type "Xfinity Support" and then FINALLY select it from the list. Why do employee instructions leave out these steps?

I added some "Text Canned Responses" to my profile, but can find no way to reference them in the Forum editor. I can insert images, but not text. And there doesn't seem to be a way to use either kind of "Canned Responses" in private messages. What am I missing?

Besides "Community Mailer" emails sometimes ending up in the Xfinity Connect "Spam" folder for some users, these emails no longer carry the Xfinity Verified logo. Lithium/Khoros emails always had it (see It would be a really good idea to fix this! (XV logo returned 5/19)

The lack of a "Preview" function is a serious drawback. Without it, certain elements of a message cannot be checked for proper appearance and operation until the message is posted.




3.1K Messages

4 years ago

@ComcastJessie  have been looking over the new look and feel of the forums.  My profile has always been set up to notify me of new posts,etc in threads I have been involved in so do I have to click on 'follow' to continue to get these email notifications or to start getting notifications on new threads I get involved in?  I don't recall having a 'follow' button before to get notifications.




Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

4 years ago

This thread itself is not showing as read, even though I opened and closed it multiple times. Whenever I click on it, it opens up at the first post, not the first 'new'.

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

4 years ago

@ComcastJessie :

Earlier I wrote:

"Hi $SCREEN_NAME," seems to have been fixed, thank you.

Spoke too soon. "Hi $SCREEN_NAME," just appeared in my latest Forum notification email.


Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

4 years ago

This thread itself is not showing as read, even though I opened and closed it multiple times. ...

It seems to show up as "read" on the "Announcements" page at , but as "unread" on a Search Results page.

Clicking "New Solutions" / "View More" or "Latest Topics" / "View More" on runs a search, and the posts in the search results look the same whether the posts displayed have been read or not.


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