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9 Messages

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020 2:00 PM


User manual for XB7 gateway?

I just installed an XB7 gateway.  It works fine, but I can’t find a user manual for it.


A Comcast rep says my XB7 is an ARRIS TG4482A, and the Software page on the gateway web server ( seems to confirm this.  The only XB7 docs I’ve found on the Comcast site are a PDF of the “What’s in the box” card that came with the XB7, and one-page fact sheet (“Under the Hood: Xfinity’s Most Powerful Gateway”) I found linked in another Xfinity forum article.  Neither of the Comcast reps I contacted could point me to any other documentation.  At the suggestion of one of the reps, I visited the ARRIS website (they don’t list that model) and also called ARRIS, who pointed me back to Comcast.  I’ve googled both the ARRIS and Technicolor model numbers listed on the Comcast site for the XB7, but no luck.


Can anyone help?





Accepted Solution



99 Messages

5 years ago

Heres the user manual. https://fccid.io/G954331X/User-Manual/User-Manual-4382073
There is an Arris Model, but I haven't been able to track down a viable users manual. Ill edit my post once I find one for the TG4482A.

Gold Problem Solver


26.3K Messages

5 years ago

@Flitz wrote: ... It works fine, but I can’t find a user manual for it. ...

There isn't one AFAIK. https://www.xfinity.com/search#&q=xFi+3rd+Generation is about the best you can do.

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9 Messages

5 years ago

Thanks, @BruceW !  The article What the Lights on Your xFi Advanced and xFi (3rd Generation) Gateways Mean is a great start.  Some of the others may come in handy as well.

Frequent Visitor


9 Messages

5 years ago

@JulianR1  Thanks!  I had previously found the fccid.io page for the Arris model (no manual), but I wasn’t clever enough to look there for the Technicolor model.  Presumably, the devices work similarly, so this manual should do the trick (at least until the Arris manual becomes available, if ever).



99 Messages

5 years ago

I contacted Arris, and they said they do not support this model as it is no loner in thier support scope. The agent I chatted with said they were told this by thier higher up, who was told this by thier higher up and so on. To put it simply I sent them on an unintentional wild goose chase. 🙂

Stay Safe,

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9 Messages

4 years ago

Thanks for the extra effort, @JulianR1.

Frequent Visitor


9 Messages

4 years ago

This is a follow up to User manual for XB7 gateway? .  For the two models of XB7 gateway I'm aware of, here are the manuals:


Technicolor CGM4331COM 

ARRIS Touchstone TG4482 


Thanks to @JulianR1 and @phillw  for tracking down these manuals!

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