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Official Employee


90 Messages

Friday, August 11th, 2017 10:00 AM


ANSWERED: Troubleshooting your XFINITY Internet connection when the US/DS lights are blinking


​ I have no Internet access. ​​I've noticed that the US and DS buttons on the modem are blinking, which they didn't do before. What does this mean?​

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​Answer​​ ​

​***Created by our ​​ Community Experts​​***​

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​The modem's lights are a visual indication of its current status. It is normal for your US/DS (upstream/downstream) lights to flash briefly while establishing a connection. Continuously flashing or blinking US/DS lights indicate that the modem is unable to establish a connection due to poor or no signal.​

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​Typical reasons for this are:​

  • ​There is a service outage.​

  • ​There is a wiring misconfiguration.​

  • ​The modem is defective.​

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​If you are experiencing this condition, first check for a service interruption by:​

  • ​Using the ​​Xfinity mobile app​​.​

  • ​Logging into your​​ ​​Comcast account​​ ​​and clicking the​​ ​​check for service interruptions​​ ​​link.​

  • ​Visiting the​​ ​​Xfinity Status Center​​.​

  • ​Calling 1-800-COMCAST (1-800-266-2278) or 1-800-XFINITY (1-800-934-6489)​

  • ​If you've registered your mobile phone number for ​​Comcast ​​Alerts, you can text ​​OUT​​ to 266278 (COMCST)​

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​Next​​, inspect your wiring.  ​​See the​​ ​​troubleshooting guide​​.​

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​Contact Comcast​​ ​​if the issue persists.​

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