1 Message
XB8 Wi-Fi 6E Gateway
Has anyone else been having trouble trying to order the XB8 gateway I’ve contacted customer support about 5 times now and still haven’t gotten one yet. The first time they forgot to send it second time they sent the XB7 third time they said there was a problem with shipping but they never try to contact or reach me through email or phone/text and are happy to increase my monthly bill for the new gateway without sending it to me.
6 Messages
3 years ago
Same issue here. I have been sent the XB7 4 times now, and every time I am promised they will send the XB8. If they don't have it available then why promote the heck out of it?
So frustrating.
Problem Solver
857 Messages
3 years ago
I ordered one yesterday supposedly being shipped from New Jersey. I will post when it arrives in 3 days
3 Messages
3 years ago
Same here. I ordered one a couple of weeks ago and I received the XB7. The reason is that in their system the warehouse sees both the XB7 and XB8 as the XFi advanced gateway (top tier) so no matter how many times the agent puts the order in, the warehouse just ships whatever is on the shelf as the top tier. I was also told that my local Xfinity location would have the new model in stock today but they do not.
Official Employee
2.4K Messages
3 years ago
Hi there. Our stock on the XB8 has been limited. so if you have received the XB7 instead, this is the resut of that shortage. We do not have an estimated date when we will have a restock, but you can continue to check in for updates. Both the XB7 and XB8 are equipped to handle the same speeds.
Problem Solver
857 Messages
3 years ago
After reading this thread I called Xfinity and they told me I qualified to get the XB8. (Side note I tried to conform with them my bill would remain the same except for the $25 monthly rental fee for the XB8 rather than the $14 dollars I pay for the XB6 I have. They said that the rental for the XB8 would stay at $14. I asked this twice and twice they told me $14 which isn't what I have read on the Xfinity website. So I am curious what is the right answer.) In any event, what arrived on Saturday was the XB7 not the XB8. (shipped from NJ to Boston). So realizing that I was in the same circumstance as everyone else here I hooked up the XB7, which was quite easy to install with the app, and so far so good.
I only have two complaints. One, how do I get an XB8 when they are available? From what I read here I have to visit my local store every week until they arrive. There is no master list of people like us who were sent the wrong modem and will get the right modem automatically when they are available. AND second, I paid $15 shipping which I think should be refunded. Both because this isn't the product I was told I would receive (If they didn't have it in stock they should have just said so) and because I would have picked up a XB7 by going to my local store, which I walk by 3 days a week, without paying a shipping charge. The only reason I agreed to the shipping charge is because my local store told me the only way to get the XB8 was to order it online.
Problem Solver
857 Messages
3 years ago
I notice that on my last comment on this thread under my name it says the word PRIVATE. This is not on my other posts on this thread or other threads. Can someone tell me why this is labeled PRIVATE? Who did that? And what does it mean?
New Poster
3 Messages
3 years ago
Same here. I called and was sent two XB7 gateways which I already have. I have repeatedly stopped in the Xfinity stores in Cherry Hill and Deptford NJ and not only does neither store have the new XB8 gateway, they have no idea when they will be getting them. Meanwhile, I continue to see Comcast commercials advertising this new gateway. Worse rollout EVER of a new product I’ve ever seen. Hey Comcast, if you can’t satisfy customer demand for a product, then say so and stop promoting something that virtually no customer can get.