Friday, March 22nd, 2024 12:31 AM


WiFi Channel Selection

Kind of appalling that I can not manually select the channel for my WiFi network on an xFi router.

"Wi-Fi Mode, Security Mode, Channel Selection, Channel Mode, and Channel Bandwidth are being managed automatically to help optimize your home Wi-Fi network and improve Wi-Fi coverage."

Don't see how this is the case when EVERY network in my neighborhood sits on the exact same channel. xFinity needs to stop treating it's customers like we are complete morons. Local Telco plans to lay Fiber to the Home and I can promise if issues like this don't soon get fixed, I will be switching the second it is available in my area.

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

11 months ago


Hey there jone331 thanks for using our Forums to contact our team regarding your connection concerns. Can you please send us a DM with your full name and service address so we can dig into this? Here's the detailed steps to direct message us: 
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5 Messages

If there is some solution that has been missed over dozens of conversations with your customer support that address the issues of not being able to change my WiFi channels, set my own DNS, and others, by all means please post it here. However it is a completely unacceptable answer to instruct me to purchase a separate WiFi router when I pay for 800Mbps and the ethernet ports on my gateway seem to be hard capped at 100Mbps, and the modem still overrides my DNS selection. I think it will be far more likely that this post will magically disappear like the replies agreeing that this was unacceptable that were somehow shown in my email but low and behold, I open the post to reply and they are no where to be found.

Official Employee


2K Messages

You can change the Wi-Fi channel using in the Admin Tool, jone331. One note: xFi Advanced Gateways (XB6 and higher): Most of these Gateways have been upgraded with software that manages advanced WiFi settings automatically to help optimize your home network and provide the best performance possible. Advanced WiFi settings for Gateways with this software enhancement are not visible and cannot be managed from the Admin Tool or Xfinity xFi. I hope this info helps!




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5 Messages

This is exactly the problem, your company puts these enhancements in the software, then locks me out, trying to say that your software is smarter than I am, when your software is causing the whole issue I am trying to to solve. Yes, the, grandma next door may benefit from having the router managed for her, but that should not make my use of a service I pay over $100 a month for be degraded. I grew up fiddling with every setting known to man on Linksys an TP-Link routers just to squeeze the most usability out of them, I think I know pretty well how to set a channel selection or DNS server. To lock me out of these settings is like sending someone to my house once a month to collect my check and spit on my face.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages


jone331, that's certainly not the case, as previously advised the Gateways have been upgraded with a software that automatically manages the advanced WiFi settings to optimize your home network. Unfortunately, there's no way to enable or unlock that feature. If you're looking to manage those settings, your best bet would be to enable bridge mode and use your own router.


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5 Messages

THAT IS A COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE ANSWER. I currently HAVE a second router, speed on the Ethernet ports is CAPPED at 100Mbps. I PAY to rent your router. I should not also then have to BUY an additional router to do BASIC networking tasks, on top of having my speeds capped at a tenth of what I pay for. There's no way to unlock these feature because you would rather treat me like an imbecile than trust that when I say I watch wifi channel occupations with dedicated hardware, and see that my network is ALWAYS sitting on the same channel as 20 OTHER NETWORKS IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD, then maybe your software optimization is COMPLETELY USESLESS. You sit several state away from the problem and claim that you can solve the problem when YOUR SOLUTION IS THE PROBLEM.

Problem Solver


948 Messages

10 months ago

It’s all how you install/activate the gateway, if you use the ‘app’ your locked out, I use a xb8 and have full access to the admin portal…

New Poster


5 Messages

@Jlavaseur​ I asked the tech who installed it to fix it and he couldnt.



108.3K Messages

10 months ago


O/k so you may be one of the lucky exceptions. You say that you have "full access", but would you mind sharing exactly which features / settings that you can actually adjust / change ? Can you change the DNS settings ?


Problem Solver


948 Messages

10 months ago

Nothing is grayed out, it’s just the standard admin panel, as far as dns I am not sure what is needed



108.3K Messages

10 months ago

Hmmm. Thanks.

Problem Solver


948 Messages

10 months ago

This is explained in these forums going back to the xb6 I believe, not official of course, that’s where I got it from…




108.3K Messages

10 months ago


Can you disable / toggle between IPv4 and  IPv6 ?

Problem Solver


948 Messages

10 months ago

@eg I’ll check on that, at the moment I locked myself out and not Comcast, how ironic  as I forgot my password 

On another note, I read where Comcast hi jacks port 53 dns requests, but with your own dns server and using a alternate port you might be able to get around that, I have never tried it myself, nor do I need too

Official Employee


1.1K Messages


Jlavaseur, do you need any assistance with getting access to your account back? 


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